The shrub family, Convolvulaceae, holds the particular lineage for the Ipomoea batatas additionally known since Sweet Potato. The ready-to-eat tubers come in the variety of coloured cultivars with the most recognized being the traditional Orange colored. Colours also include whitened, orange, and purple.
The mildly distant relative associated with the traditional potato. Several areas recognise the spud as a Yam yet a true yam is certainly more distinct in look than a Sweet Spud. It has also already been called Sweet Orange Spud in some Countries.
Sugary Potatoes are native in order to Mexico through to Southern usa. Its use within America goes back in order to at least the center of the 15th One hundred year where the American Indians were recorded as expanding them for food.
Columbous brought the Potato back again from the West Indies on his first Trip there. The Spanish had been thought to have exchanged the potatoes with the particular English where King Holly VIII was proven to appreciate them.
The Sweet Spud can be grown Naturally and is available through Certified Organic Growers. This has many health advantages and nutritional qualities. The particular Potatoes are rich in Proteins, Carbohydrates and Dietary dietary fibre. They are low within Fat and high within Calcium. These are a wealthy source of Potassium, Phosphorous, Magnesium and Zinc. They will contain a natural way to obtain sodium. Vitamins A plus C are also superior.
Sweet Potato contains substantial amounts of, Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5), Supplement B6, and Folate (Vitamin B9).
– Being a good extremely useful vegetable, the particular Sweet potato can end up being seen as being a regular addition in many households about the world. Its flexibility causes it to be suitable for the wide range of meals.
– Roasted with the mixture of traditional taters, carrots and onions, the particular sweet orange potato can make an excellent addition along with your favourite piece of beef roasts meat.
– Sweet spud can be utilized as a substitute to traditional potato or even in addition to this. Potato bakes can end up being made from Sweet spud or layers of the particular combination of traditional plus sweet potato.
– Since a vegetable in soups and casseroles sweet spud adds a nutritious for filler injections and extender to enhancing quantity and flavour.
: It can make a good excellent nutritious substitute in order to traditional French fries or even potato chips
– The particular leaves from the shrub can also be utilized, though less common since the tuber.
Along along with its many uses as being a plate vegetable. Sweet orange colored potato can be discovered in many Super fresh fruit powders and Nutritional products. It really is higher in Antioxidant properties plus offers much nutrition whenever accepted as a dietary supplement for diets lacking within quality nutritious fruit and veggies.
Using nature a better way to sustain us!
Hi! Just wanted to ask what the name of the track at the beginning of the
video is, cheers!!
thanx for sharing your experiences, it empowers us people
i wish you a good, fullfilling life!
My heap would be in the area where my dog urinates. Is that considered
wow you said 60 degrees so i looked up Fahrenheit and its 140. That’s
hot!!! didnt think it could get that hot
David, this is not word for word. I took your general statements and
condensed some into sentences that still express what you are saying. I
hope this is good enough for your translations. 🙂
Now I just wanted to show you how a compost area might look like. We have
some leaf mulch here, now i spent much of the morning separating 3
different kinds of materials. There was a big pile ontop of that old
compost pile there, we have a lot of these old branches, leaf mulch. What
I’ve also done is shredded bigger branches and this pile here is green
stuff, plenty of flies with vegetable, it will be mixed with brown stuff.
Smaller branches, older compost pile here, lovely black stuff here with
little branches which is important because too much carbon content in soil
will rob nitrogen from soil. Softer branches are okay, bigger branches are
not okay. Before we talk about how we make the compost heap, we talk about
this heap I made two months ago. I made a video on it. We see black stuff
in it, its half decomposed, twigs need to be broken, there is worms, worms
are great. The compost has cooled down and some nasturtium flowers growing
How to make it: use brown carbon materials bark, mulch, paper, cardboard
leaves twigs, then comes water, fungi and bacteria make use of it. Then
branches are the brown and also allow air pockets to come into compost. Air
is important for fungi to break down the heap, green material we use
vegetable peelings, cow manures, then add soil for worms so worms can have
it to break down compost material. Eventually we go back to browns, water,
then greens, every now and then we use an inoculant, which is fungi found
in the forest. Worm castings or adding sweet compost is very good for and
innoculum. Another thing is, different materials in the garden, weeds, food
scraps, leaves, branches, if you can make sure you have a certain amount of
carbon and nitrogen (25:1) if you have these quantities in the right
amount, the decomposition process will do very well. Easiest way to think
of it is a sandwich, brown on the outside and thin layer of green inside.
Also recommend, with higher compost, make levels of brown and green, add
soil in-between, up to a meter or 2 meters, turn it once a day. It will
heat up a lot and adding water will cool it down. I was using a thermostat
to make sure its not above 60C, but u can leave it there for a day and if
its hot to the touch you should turn it and water it, if its not hot then
its okay. You can use this compost for compost tea if you care for it
enough. Bring in microbes from a wormery or an old compost heap that smells
sweet to ensure bacteria. Throw in fungi to innoculate every now and then.
Quickly here, this is hyphen, (fungi decomposing this compost). Hope that
answered a lot of question in regards to making your own compost, This is
different from a wormery that’s a low, 30cm high heap, we feed it by adding
nitrogen and carbon materials and worms as well. Now if you have any
questions drop a comment on Youtube, Facebook or private message me, thanks
for watching.
thumbs up for the spontaneous nasturtium!
It would be awesome if you could a video possibly on beneficial insect
hotel or how to keep beneficial insects around?
thanks for the video!Gardening is the best medicine for the soul….
Hi there! I am getting as much info on compost for starting my own in my
tiny garden. But what I don’t understand is: Can I start the pile at any
point of the month? And being the pile out in the open, if it rained a lot,
wouldn’t it get too wet? Doesn’t it need coverage? btw wonderful videos!
Thanks, Izzy
Thanks for your comment again David. It really didn’t seem right to me from
the beginning. I started a new garden and compostpile this year. The new
pile wasn’t heating up as I expected it would do, so that’s why I started
some research on the topic. But I’ll definetly stick to the same conclusion
to keep my pile and garden the natural way instead of the MacDonalds-way 🙂
Besides… who wants to spill beer anyway?? :p
Hi was thinking organic food starts with this 🙂
Making compost is fun. Here is a good way to make compost.
Good looking man!! Hard working gardener , thank you for sharing.
great looking heap! that was big!
Pee on it also helps
Always good information in your videos. Thanks again !
subscribed—excellent videos–glad I found yo
Published on Oct 14, 2013
Learn how to make a very good compost from your ordinary garden waste, for
all your gardening needs. This is a compost that is very natural and will
have plenty of life inside of it. This then is of course great for the
garden. You can make a cold or hot compost following this method, each one
is slightly different.
Published on Oct 14, 2013
Learn how to make a very good compost from your ordinary garden waste, for
all your gardening needs. This is a compost that is very natural and will
have plenty of life inside of it. This then is of course great for the
garden. You can make a cold or hot compost following this method, each one
is slightly different.