This is a very good video, I’m just trying to learn because I’m new to
gardening. Could you get the same results from your garden if you just used
the woodchips?
Thank you
Little to broad for me. It is going to kill the good and bad bugs. PM can
be controlled but doing a application of sulfur now and then. BE Takes
care of the caterpillars. Beer traps take care of slugs. All are organic
and target the specific pest you are after and not all insects.
John Malkovich
by soil do you mean clay ?! ..cause I’ve been struggling with my clay soil,
mine is a brownish clay soil even harder than the red clay, I tried mixing
in gravel and sand from the sea, but my onions turned out to have salty
taste, does salt washes deep down with regular watering on the long run ?!
Sirena Delmar
wonder if we can use pure castile liquid soap instead of the one you’re
Marsha B
I live on a hill actually a mountain. So I have no soil on my land its just
wrong. I dig 6 inches and I hit big boulders. That sucks 🙂 it’s good for
my muscles but I have to use raised beds in my yard and buy soil here
Gardening Secrets Revealed
really like this video about bug control… Organic Pest Control – End
Problems with Bugs Forever in Your Garden
Oh my goodness, Young ‘un! Has Spring come to Wales already?! I’m jealous,
we’re still mired in snow and dirty ice. I can’t wait to get out there! I
went on safari yesterday and found 10 praying mantis nests! No need for any
pest control again this year, thank goodness! By the way, have you ever
planted dogwood from seed? Any help with that would be great. 🙂 – Old
Broad in the U.S.
Erin Hamilton
Hey Brandon, we don’t have Azomite in my area. Do you buy yours locally,
and if so where. I will be in the DFW area soon. Thanks!
John McQuillan
Excellent show! Josh seems to have a genuine concern for the environment.
More Josh! Thanks for this :)
I was wondering if you could carry on with the series, how to make money
from gardening
Hey brandon i stay in the dallas area as well where is this place with the
free mulch?
Elisheva Yisrael
boys like bugs pay them to find them LOL
Cory Steinke
suburban homestead
thanks for the tips. I need to start growing more parsley. I always end up
Martin Green go H
The tomato Tomate or Jitomate
commonly known as a tomato plant The tomato is consumed in diverse ways,
including raw, as an ingredient in many dishes, sauces, salads, and drinks.
Brandon Marshall
In general, I don’t like peat moss, but have used it some in the past. It
is too expensive, nutrient deficient, lifeless, antimicrobial, not
sustainable, & has to be shipped across the country for most gardeners.
Peat moss is anti-microbial. Microbes don’t grow well in it. That’s just
the opposite of what we want. Peat moss is good for storing bulbs, tubers,
& other things that you don’t want to rot. Suggestion: research on why NOT
to use it, there are better alternatives like compost or coir.
What about Diatomaceous earth.
Stephen Legaree
Great how to my friend ! You said the seeds were from your garden right ?
Do you get a lot of volunteer parsley in your garden?
Momma Dirt
Great information Brandon. Thank you for mentioning that pine and peat moss
can be problematic. When it comes to evergreen products, most people do not
realize they contain natural paraffin which can make their soil hydrophobic
(not absorb water). Not to mention that they can also effect ph. Evergreen
products should only be used after they are very well composted and
preferably mixed with other types of compost.
The best strategy to deal with pests long term is to attract beneficials.
Plant yarrow, basket of gold, peppermint etc. to attract hoverflies,
parasitoid wasps and ladybugs – they’ll take care of those aphids and other
bugs. Attract birds to your garden and they’ll keep the caterpillars at
bay. Beneficials never eliminate pests completely, but they definitely
control them. Plus all the flowers look nice and attract pollinators!
Hi Huw, please show use growing various Strawberry plants that will fruit
through out the growing season here in the UK. Early, mid and late season
varieties. Something I’d like to try this year, and will follow your
planting and harvesting instructions and videos. It would be so nice to
harvest a fresh crop of strawberries for the whole of the summer and autumn
months. Thank you, Gary
future widow
love the hat.
As you sow, so shall you reap
What’s the best way to inoculate my char?
Angie Cabrera
So true. Love all your videos.
I have been looking for cotton burr compost here in Ga but I am having a
hard time. That stuff looks really good.
California tomatoes !!! That was a good laugh as I sit here smoking my own
Cali tomatoes
Marks Sussex Allotment
Thanks Huw :)
Gun Enthusiast
Lol…great info.
Biochar Bob
Lori Carroll
I just started a raised bed this year. I had no idea of what I was
doing, but I did watch , seems like 2,000 videos. Everything was going
great, but the zucchini and cantaloupe are growing like wild , but no
fruit. I have been spraying with Fish Fertilizer ( everything seems to love
it, and yes it stinks ) , also, spraying flowers with Epsom salt mixture (
Magnesium, and they all seem to love that too.) I tried Neem oil mix spray,
but apparently I’m really allergic to it. I thought it was mosquitos, but
my arms broke out in hive like itchy rashes. I had to take a Benadryl, so I
can’t use that. My daughter noticed what looks like ants in the middle of
the flowers of the cantaloupe. I was so upset , I sprinkled sevin dust on
it. Did I just poison/ ruin my garden ????
F Rivera
Please let us know why you do not use Peat Moss. So many sites tell you to
add it to improve the soil. What are your thoughts on this?
I had to smile when I found out I was doing something right. I have been
using Neem oil and Dr. Bronner’s soap for years. My Grandpa introduced me
to Dr. Bronner’s in the early 70’s. It was his favorite soap because it was
" a natural way to clean everything except sin." Just had to share. :-)
I am having the worst of time trying to grow dill. I usually cover the
seeds with soil and then water. No result so far. Looking at your clip, I’m
wondering if i should just scatter them on the roughed up soil instead.
John, I just finished watching this video and I’m going to say something
personal now that’s not gardening related. You are about my age. In 1995
when you became ill you were in your mid-20s, me too back then, so we are
about the same age now. You can still have children John. You just need to
find a woman young enough who is still in her childbearing years. There is
always foster children and adoption also. There are many children out there
who don’t have homes and need a loving parent. You could actually be a
mentor if you wanted to, like at the Boys and Girls Club or something like
that, and teach a whole new generation about gardening maybe one day a
week. What a difference that would make in the lives of these children. You
don’t have to have your own children right now in order to make a
difference in a child’s life, you know? When you began "crying" in this
video toward the end, I wasn’t sure if at first you were playing around,
because I know you have a nice sense of humor, but it seemed like you were
serious actually, and you know what, your children will be happy and proud
of you. They already are. They are present with you in mind and spirit,
they just haven’t been physically brought into the world yet, but they are
proud of you, we all are John. It’s going to be okay (big smile). You say
you need to relax more about your dating situation the way you are relaxed
in the garden, otherwise you will end up single because you are "waiting
for the right girl" but be a possibility thinker in that area of your life
also. Remember you told us in this video that if we wait to plant a garden
until we know everything about gardening, we will never do it. Well, maybe
you want to take a chance on a woman as well, and if it doesn’t work out
then you just learn from it and do better the next time. Life and love and
relationships are like gardens in that respect. They need to be watered
with love, tended to and cared for like the soil, and warmed with the
sunshine of affection, and those are all gardening traits that you are very
good at doing with your plants, I know those same skills will transfer over
to a woman and relationship, and when you find her, you will have a
beautiful garden of love to share with her, with lots of little plants,
little Johns, flourishing in the family garden as well. I believe in you
John even though I have never met you except for in these videos, and I
know everything will work out for you. Take a chance on love and you may
get your garden of children after all. In the meantime, just love everyone
who crosses your path in life until that time comes when you have your own
family, because in truth, we are all "family" sort of on this earth, and we
all need a little gardening tender love and care in all of our lives. Sorry
if I got too personal in this email. I meant well. Thanks for sharing John
and for everything you do for all of us viewers, and thanks for letting me
share, too. God bless, and hope you have a great day. 🙂 Christine.
Dee Wyte
I gotta find that song!!
Beyond the Oort Cloud
Hawaii must be a perfect place for gardeners; tropical islands where its
rains year round. It’s a travesty not to grow your own foods in such
Brandon Marshall
Really, maybe it’s available here, since a lot of cotton is grown in Texas.
This compost seems to give me the best results in our clay soil, but I have
used many different composts over the years.
nery colon
Hi David We been having problem with the weather also which it’s not good
for the plants. It’s been a while. Glad that you doing good Peppers and
Eric Gajewski
Urban Homesteading.
Urban Homesteading – Using Traditional Wisdom for an Urban Vegetable Garden
I learn so much from your videos! This one was filled with information.
Thank you!
I am very blessed to have an abundance of ladybugs in my area and believe
me, I am grateful.
An all natural pesticide that generations of my family has used is tobacco.
Whether you grow your own and dry it or go to the tobacco store and get it
already bagged doesn’t matter. It works the same.
Soak dried tobacco in water. I use 5 gallon buckets. The longer you soak
it, the stronger the water. Spray it on the plants.
This has no effect on any kind of mold or fungus. It is particularly good
at stopping leaf cutters.
It has no effect on the taste of fruits and vegetables but I do not spray
when the plants are in bloom.
Anthony dunne
Could you do some more exoctic seed planting videos, like Sequiadendron
seeds or maybe Paulownia tomentosa seeds, and show us your progess with
them? they are very cheap to buy online, i think maybe 1 pound for a good
few seeds. i know they are not vegtables and maybe your concentrating on
that aspect, but i think it would be a fun video series to try out.
Thanks John, enjoy all of your videos. Your enthusiasm is contagious and
very inspiring–keep up the good work.
I’m glad that this is banned in the E.U.
People if you watch a video and you dont dislike it .. hit the like
button.. It helps the people who post the video out!
Brandon, that looks like a great blend of amendments. I had never seen
Cotton Bur compost before. That looks like good stuff!
nery colon
Old Farmer's Almanac
Live in the city? Even if your home is in an urban area, you can adapt
traditional wisdom and homesteading values to help you live more
sustainably and provide healthy, natural food on the table. Curious? Check
out these simple techniques! After you watch this video, why not try our
online Almanac Garden Planner for free here:
"Say hello to my little friend" lol! You guys are hilarious… I especially
love the machine gun soundbite.. too funny!
darn I was hoping it was parsnips like the title said
Margie Fuller
Wow, I posted before the touching ending. We’re doing the same thing. It’s
all about learning to garden, so we can teach our son. Thank you for
It’s a monster and it needs to stop…but without the growth in crops we
could not feed the people we do today…it’s a problem
yes Hawaii is insane expensive. I used to be able to get bananas in San
Diego for .79 /lb. Now I’m paying over 1.20/lb for imported and local.
Stephani Jonson
nice video , If anyone else wants to produce you own amazing healthy
organic fruit and veg easily it’s worth trying – Banfan Incredible Organic
Miracle (just google it)? Ive heard some incredible things about it from my
brother in law – perfect!
Heather Paulding
I have been using my herbal spray very sparingly and have been very
vigilant about keep my rose bushes open in the middle. Very minimal
Great information, Brandon. How much do you spend amending all your gardens?
Robert Overturf
As I understand the order of operations, it goes corn/maise to about 6
inches, then beans, then squash a week later.
I would love to have this. You should come visit me in FL and well hahaha.
Don’t you want to know what it’s like to garden in FL lol. I truly enjoy
your channel. Thanks so much. Janice
california tomatoes? hahaha
Zack Brittain
Hey, youre title says ‘Parsnips’ instead of ‘Parsley’. ;)
Margie Fuller
Let’s find a techie gardener to create an app for inputting that data. We
could build the database quickly.
Check out this video on YouTube:
Chris Allen
Hi John, a lot of my compost in my composting barrel is clumping into black
compost potatoes – what’s the best way of turning it into dry soil like
compost? Thanks.
suburban homestead
Interesting recipe. Thanks for sharing!
Brandon Marshall
Amending the Garden Soil
Nice work! Where did you get the slug protection pot?
nery colon
Harlequin Bug on your Collards!
Gardening & More
Nubian Wholistics
This video is very inspirational
Doc Tuttle
Operation Monsanto Stock Pluge! — Watch quickly before YouTube censors
remove this video again.
i started composting thanks to john.
CBS New York
Jay Kimber
You’re awesome John, what a big heart you have.
Heather Paulding
Simple and Organic Rose Garden pest spray DIY! Head for the hills you leggy
varmints! #bugs #pests #Organic #natural #bugspray #garden #gardening
#Organicgardening #roses #rosecare
Nice setup it will be interesting to see how it does. How are your beehives
we have been chasing swarms the last two days!! Thanks for sharing and god
Elizabeth Cvetic
As you start converting your yard, I have found that old sod that is
removed to make way for vegetables can be piled up (upside down) into
berms, to add shape and character to your back yard "farm". In a couple of
years, the sod will break down into rich loamy soil, perfect for growing
strawberries, blueberries, rhubarb, etc, for a beautiful and productive
border. I have a full fledged urban garden near Denver, Colorado, my
project "journal" is at I know so many people
that are trying to be more self sufficient! It is a wonderful thing.
what kind of hawk is that.? looks too big for a hawk here in england
George Stephen
I just wish I could get Rid of Harlequin Bugs, nothing seems to work on
those pests
How come these aren’t in 1080p?
Parsley seed head look just like dill seed heads. I’ve never seen parsley
go to seed. Good job! :)
David Trees
Endive… Mmm what is it like… Rocket? Tumeric looks good mate. Cheers
Mate! David
micheal barber
The Steve Irwin of Gardening!!! thanks john great vid
Rivka Freeman
Say no to #GMO in the supermarket and in your investment portfolio!
Susan Tow
Hi, John, as always enjoy u videos. I start my compost too but my problem
is not enough green. John Do you still grow Chinese artichokes . if u do
could I buy some roots from u so I can grow them, Thanks
i have a video of GREEN JUICE (under my x1260 microscope) on my youtube
video list. there are some Crystals Moving around it. I want someone to let
me know more about these crystals in Green Juice. What are they ?
Great video david, love the idea of the companion planting. I hope it works
well for you. And I also hope you are liking your new place in Switzerland
All about applying homestead principles to urban areas
John Donaway
Most everything you’re growing is low in nutritional value and and just
about worthless to sell. Who grows their own popcorn? And onions, I can get
a 50lb bag for $10. Hot sauce at every meal? That monotonous, why even grow
herbs when you kill their flavor with hot sauce?
I’m just saying.
Pressure spraying with water helps, but the best solution is pressure spray
them with water and a drop of natural dishwashing soap. The soap will wash
away a protective layer on the pests skin/armor and makes them deadly
vulnerable to the elements. A little sunshine and wind will do the rest.
"I’m sorry, but I’m not going to apologize."
Bob C
That was a great video. I have never had luck with parsley. I have always
planted its seeds directly in the ground. It’s time I tried starting it in
pots inside. Wish me luck!
I love your raised beds and how you arranged them. I especially love the
round/tall metal beds – that look like you don’t have to stoop to garden!
LOL! It is mind blowing to think that it is your Winter – but you have
things coming up & starting to grow!! How different than when I was
growing up in West Virginia & here in Virginia. I used to be in corduroys
going to school and the floor furnace usually turned on by the early Fall.
Isn’t it great to not have to buy new plants – & just let nature do her
cycle! I was trying to think why my Dad (was an avid gardener) didn’t do
more of that. He would save some seeds – like from heirloom tomatoes. But
I think he didn’t let most go to seed because of the short season that we
would have really – and limited space. He would clear & tiller the garden
every Fall and put in a cover crop to enrich it – like rye. He didn’t
rotate crops – but that was how he kept the soil from becoming too worn out
from the same plantings Summer after Summer. And I especially liked your
garden helper – there at the end! LOL! But I had heard that at one time
those Cane Toads were really a problem – are they still? Hope not! Thanks
again for another great video! We live in a townhouse now – with a small
yard – but hope to move to the country in Maryland some day if possible –
so I love collecting ideas!!
David Clark
John you truely are a force for good. In this highly commercial world you
freely share your knowlege and experience.
Your videos are insightful, and highly entertaining. You remind me very
much of the late Steve Irwin. Your enthusiasm and sincerity are much
I live in a small apartment in North Dakota and have built a 12-bottle
bottle tower garden for fresh herbs. I also intend to grow microgreens as a
supplemental source of nutrition. I credit you for much of my inspiration.
May God bless you and keep you.
Aquariel Charm
Call Fidelity, Vanguard and State Street and tell them you’ll never buy
stock because we know about Monsanto’s plan to replace nature and not just
seeds. They’ve released Genetically Modified (GM) mosquitoes in 3
countries, GM salmon, pigs, plants, growth hormone injected in the cows–
No wonder Monsanto is the MOST HATED corporation on earth. But what you
don’t know is about the technology to reverse the damage you’ve done AFTER
we get rid of all you rotten, evil, incarnated Schutzstaffels.
State Street: 866-787-2257 (not sure about this #).
Thanks for this video. Crazy prices
I am wondering about the wormers that my horse has to ingest every other
month and how that breaks down or doesn’t for using manure in the compost,
what say you John and fans?
Rob Bob
Nice up date David.. Looks like it’ll be a very productive jungle..
Hope there was no damage to the car :/
Cheers mate & have a great one..
Keeping bees is not for everyone, but there is an easy alternative. Build a
bee hotel for solitary bees. Solitary bees are in big need of everyones
help, because just like honeybees pesticides have reduced their numbers to
pittance. There are tons of species and they can help your garden just as
good as honeybees. Building the hotel is easy, all you need is a drill with
differently sized drill bits and scrapwood. You can easily find it in big
parks or in a forrest, just lying around. I have mine hanging for about a
month now and since 2 days I see constant activity. The bees have laid
their eggs and are busy pollinating my plants. The best thing? I dont need
to do anything else for the bees, they just live there and take care of
Google insect hotel or bee hotel for inspiration and help the bees out! One
example: (but it can
also be a bird-house sized if you lack room or materials).
Here;s my insect hotel:
Caleb kendyl
hey Jeff thanks for the inspiration! Check out my video on growing Zucchini
in a pot! I don’t even have half as much as you but i will get there one
day 🙂 Growing Zucchini in pots or containers
n looking good now Troy!, will bee good eating in the long run!
DMC Grant
Josh seems very nice and I agree and support his views, but I found this
episode too commercial and too long for my taste. Lot’s of great info
Shelita Williams
I’m growing my own organic vegetable garden right on my balcony! I’m sooooo
excited! Go on this journey with me!
Proponics South Africa
Nice video guys
Why does Amir remind me of Jack Nicholson in The Shining when he’s eating
the horse manure lol?…
McDowall Manor
Gotta love a volunteer!
Yrenia Sala
Hi John! Big fan here, down in South Florida. I am a new mother of an 8
month old who is eating my garden magazine as I type 🙂 Just wanted to let
you know how much you’ve inspired me to finally give this a go. I’ve been
wanting to do this since ’06, but I suffer greatly from analysis paralysis
and afraid of failure. But now with this beautiful innocent and happy baby
I have, I have a lot to lose if I didn’t just take the plunge. Thank you so
much for all that you are doing!
GREAT IDEA! I can be done!!!
~South Africa~ xox
COMPOST! It’s not just for breakfast anymore! :)
Oops I accidentally left an extra comma in my sentence , my bad .
Elyse Joseph
David is doing a very nice experiment on the three sisters garden, you must
see the end, too funny 🙂
You can also watch the first episode: Milpa system – Grow The Three Sisters
extended method / Companion planting & experiment WWNGD # 4
grumpy poo
tips for urban gardening…. hmmmmm now let me think…. Having a good
looking young chap like you next door to come and do my garden would be
good…… :D….. seriously though, I love your gardening channel but
being a technophobic granny it would take me longer to get the hang of the
planner than it would to get out and do the veg plot…..
Jeff Heriot
That’s fantastic DB, thanks. I’ll catch ya later, bye:)
Tracy James Tavares
Troy , as long as U r happy , " F " the critics ! . Try some Lyme in your
garden , its cheap enufe . And maybe U want to check the soil P.H. . I
have yet to see any Compost used .
Eric Seltzer
John been a fan for years .. however you have turned commercial … get
back to why you got in to this in the first place … this infomercial is
offensive and not what I signed up for when I subscrribed to your channel.
Aquaponics Survival
Serj Tankian
I gagged so hard when he ate the manure. xD
Sarah Baker
Amazing mark. I dream of creating what you have. We are on a standard house
block with a variety of fruit trees and two of the tank style raised
gardens at the moment. Love the videos and inspiration.
Melissa Highfill
Please tell me where I can find purple tree collards seeds. I live in
Hawaii, so I can’t buy plants from the Mainland, only seeds. Also, if you
could connect me with the katook (we always called it saropa) grower, so I
can grow it again.
Pete Kruze
Thanks for sharing this video Mike. It is a great idea. I shall share this
on my FaceBook account.
John, I just sifted my first batch of compost using the plans from you
sifting video. It worked great. I make my compost using your method with
the compressed pine horse bedding. It also has Azomite in it, and I add the
ash from natural lump charcoal which always has small pieces of charcoal
(biochar like) in it. It was some good looking stuff. I mixed it with some
soil that I dug out, and sifted, from where a stump had been ground down
and the wood chips filling the hole had broken down into some dark rich
hummus. When I got done mixing I had a whole big trash can full of awesome
soil! I immediately thought, "You can’t buy soil this good." Thanks for all
your teachings and inspiration John! My garden is doing great, and you
played a big part in that!
How about the enzymes in the horse manure ? I thought that’s what
most,people use it for .
Elyse Joseph
Nice update David and I loved the end :D
Rosemarie Mello
Are them chickens free range chickens? My dad raised free range chickens
and they had the biggest eggs and laid multiple times…people traveled for
miles to purchase them eggs..
Wow Your Dragon Fruit Looks Great 🙂
My Dad plants Italian beans around his garden,and he get’s alot of them,and
they are good.
Jesse Stay
I’ve had good success this year with a combination of ladybugs, green
lacewings, and parasitic wasps. It will take time, but my hope is the
entire ecosystem equals out.
+PurplePie69 Tripping on weed? If you seriously thought "everyone" was
going to steal your kidneys while "tripping" on marijuana, then I’m sorry
to be the one to tell you this, but either that wasn’t just weed or you
have some form of mental illness, possibly triggered or exaggerated by your
use of drugs.
Super cool, great video Mark (by the way my name is Mark too). Amazing how
those toads just blend in, now that is some serious camouflage.
Hi there am not really good with my english but i will try to explain my
self the best i can..i wanted to start growing my own fruits and veggies
but i live in an apartment and i want to grow them in milk jugs please tell
me what do i need and what soil to get please its my first time i need your
advice thank you.
Doctor Scott Health
Jesus Delgado
Thanks to all of the wonderful people that share how to videos in Youtube,
I am experimenting with aquaponics. Thank you for sharing your videos and
or comments. GROW…. Greens
Ashley Bussiere
I’m starting my first vegetable garden in the spring because of you! So a
big THANK YOU for taking the time to teach us!
Tilted Asylum - Tamara Dozier
Sharing this on Facebook
Fehren Jones
Yep.. hawaii living.. gotta live simple cuz it can be very expensive
I used my horses manure this year in my garden,and everything grew awesome.
This is such an exciting experiment, I am really looking forward to see how
it turns out. Got any other ideas of plants that could work in a
Jeff Heriot
:):):) Isn’t he a ripper:)
Chris Bowman
Hey Troy,
Totally thought I was you at the McDonalds in Rose City this afternoon. Had
to look twice LOL
Blake Kirby
This is a long episode, but if you time to check it out I think the
information is interesting. I love learning about "non-chemical" ways of
gardening. Thanks +Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens
hiw can you guys not fine this funny XD i was dying of laughter the whole
Rob Bob
Nice selection of plants there Mark..
Am always amazed at what pops up where in the patch…
Cheers mate
ED to add, Pesky toad.. You get many in the beds ?
I think the question about soda bottle was about the safety of the plastic.
Is the plastic carcinogenic? Some plastic soda bottles have been banned
for that reason.
There’s no crying in Urban Gardening!!
Paddy Mac
This video should be spread world-wide!!!!
Scott Hayden
I can get compost from my local earth center for $1 a 5 gallon bucket,
which is about .5 cubic feet. I set up my own composter out of a trashcan,
super easy. Also have plans to make up a homemade tumbling one next week.
It is quite easy to make and cheaper than buying compost or a commercial
composter. Recommend everyone try it if they have the space.
Melanie Stark
Instead of using the "s" word! Thanks! Don’t mean to be prude. Just want to
be able to watch these without having to censor. Thanks’
What did you just put it in gear, no emergency brake. Good One.
Jeff Heriot
Yes, for sure, we had a green tree frog turn up one night during a LOT OF
RAIN, I relocated him. I was sorry after watching the u-tube video about
Elvis the Frog. It’s worth watching, it’ll put a smile on your face, you
may already have a smile, in that case it’ll put an even bigger smile on
your face:):) anyway, keep smiling, I’ll catch ya later, bye:)
Brew Man
Have to check out cold frames and grow some onions in the cold weather.Some
videos on YT on making one.Maybe a scarecrow might help keep the hawk
away.Hang some old cds on fishing line to move in the breeze or plastic
owl.If your into mustard pickle chow, another thing to use up your onions
on and can be bottled.Radishes are nice snack or on a salad.You`ll have a
nice crop if the weather is helpful.
Randy Lantz
More Josh.
Janice Rhoden
Oh geez, sorry to be a pain. But could you also include your beliefs or
attitudes toward organic cage free chicken eggs, wholesome butter and
cheese products. I love dairy but I am becoming leary of what to choose.
thanks for any input.
Jake looks a bit like jesse pinkman
I would like to see how you ave hung the pots off the water tank please
Organic Seeds
Yosef Leon
Dude you crack me up lol.. Great vids man!.. Keep em coming!
windy mathers
I’m 37 in tampa fl, I’m a female, with no kids and a small dog. I have
found your videos so interesting and your jokes are cute but corny, 🙂 I
was raised on the indian river lagoon on the east coast of fl and I had a
garden as a child and I’m reliving all the wonderful memories of fresh oj
and grapefriut every morning. I’m begining my new ambition to make a
healthy natrual living in a fast paced, convience food lifestyle. You have
helped me so much and just want to thank you from my heart, namaste
william alston
I enjoy your field trips so thanks for sharing them, they help me be a
better gardener, especially giving me some new ideas and shape the future
of my personal gardens.
Richard Markosian
Leonardite, azomite, bone meal, worm casings, sand and weed-free compost —
these are a few of the organic soil additives I examine in this episode as
I attempt organic gardening. While I’ve been gardening for 18 years, the
organic world is new to me. This year I’m doing both organic and inorganic
gardening and comparing my results. Check out the first four videos.
Sustainable Organic Ultimate Living
All good, you’ll be fighting them away with tomato stakes soon lol 😉
Hatice Kursat
Money greedy, two face, sell-out, low life scum Congress, they all know our
foods are poisoned & they don’t do anything & they don’t give a crap, they
are not my Congress anymore. American Congress also are, people of
Corporate Zionist-Jews. They all are Zionist-Jews. They all work for
ruthless Zionist-corporates. I am suppose to trust Zionist-Jews? Hell no, I
will not trust ruthless-Godless-soulless Congress-Jews! Zionist-Jews have
enslaved our humanity, animals & our earth. Christians need to read their
own Bible, just to see who have enslaved Christians & our humanity. Mr.
Adams, how can we trust the ruthless, soulless, Godless Gog & Magog
Monsanto-Jews, we can’t? We have trusted them & we are poisoned with
Monsanto sickening foods. Damn American Jew Congress know that American
people suffer from health problems & cancer, did they do anything, hell no?
God(Allah) has warned our innocent mankind about ruthless & Godless Gog &
tim rose
HELP!! Can someone tell me the best pesticide replacement to grow organic
food? Im growing in the u.k and bugs have started to eat my veggies and i
don’t no what to do, PEACE!!
Melanie Stark
John… I love your videos. And I even love the occasional pot joke now and
then (hey, I went to college!!). But, I have young children who are just
learning words. Would u mind saying "poop"
Mike Wiscombe
Hope you caught your car.!
Ah, did you notice the absence of insects when you had basil? Also you
might want to puree the strawberries before you freeze them, as freezing
makes a lot of fruits and veggies mushy and soggy, or rubbery.
I would go through the settings and see if there is image stabilization
setting that can be turned on, I know on my Coolpix S6600 point and shot
camera has it and you can see video of that on my channel (Video of the
windmills around by where your folks live I think). One thing to look for
is a product by Rycote called windjammers, they help filter some of the
wind noise picked up by the microphone. I have some I got on Ebay for $12
and will be doing a review of them soon.
IS THERE any ONE product that puts all that stuff in the soil which u
mention at the beginning of this vid? The Rockefella and Bush families got
together back in 1850’s or 60’s creating FERTILIZER which depleted our soil
of ORGANIC SULFUR WHEREBY we don’t get it from our FOOD, which by 1950’s
gooberment forced commercial farmers to put it on their fields, so by
1970’s diseases like diabetes, heart disease, ADD, ADHD, autoimmune
diseases, became prevalent. ORGANIC SULFUR PROJECT, provides 4 of the most
critical amino acids IT’S A FOOD, not a supplement, IT REBUILDS THE CELLS
Janice Rhoden
Also, I always want to know how to make an omelette for dinner. You know
the type that have fried ham or crispy veggies included or some type of
great cheese that melts beautifully. I always want to know how to make an
omelette and fried a new potato for on the side. Can this been done in a
healthy heart smart way?
This one was amazing :D
Gideon Gardens
Nice big toad you got there! I like what you are doing. Since I just got
started again with a garden I only had 3 kale plants come up from the fall
garden and I’m letting them go to seed. I’ll collect some but will leave
most to seed themselves and see what happens. Great info, thanks for
Joseph Cooper
Forget all of the ingredients to the soil – throw in some rabbit manure,
worms, and pine needles and you’re good to go!
Carol Lawler
Excuse me but what country are you in John? I myself am i Australia, and i
am in an area that has the poorest soil ever. For 7 years since i moved
here i have been struggling to improve small patches, and just got my lawn
growing from constant mulching.I have tried everything to get the veg
garden going, and finally got a few measly veggies growing, It hardly rains
here,and the town water is highly Alkaline and mineralised it kills after
2 weeks, so I have to add a bit of precious rain tank water once a week to
defuse the minerals. And on top of that the intense heat in summer and the
intense cold in winter kills everything else that survived the water, I am
going to try to make tower veggies growing a go, and see what happens, at
my age anything easier than what i have would benefit me. any suggestions
for this is appreciated.
Jerilyn Holland
His eyes are not getting smaller. Shut up!
Richard Markosian
Great video.. Your wisdom can be applied to anything done in life..
Jerome Armstrong
Monsanto is a cancer.
Patricia Valdez
That’s how much it was at Big Lots here in TX. I started composting and I
was thrilled it finally worked. I tried in tires but no good. I ended up
doing in open bins and it worked great. I did stir it and I think that was
what did the trick. In tires you can’t reach the bottom to turn over the
compost. Learned this eventually.
Kevin Jones
We have miniature horses and I know what they’re eating and we rarely worm
them, so I know when not to collect manure out of the paddocks. Combined
with the pelletized stall bedding, and green sand, it heats up quickly and
composts down pretty nicely. I may have a source for Azomite next year to
add to it. Sweetest watermelons I’ve ever grown this year were fed with
composted horse manure tea.
Pedro Teixeira
🙂 best of luck for your experiment 🙂 nice touch in the end :)
Jeff Heriot
Thanks, I’m due to plant more basil next spring, I generally grow enough
over a spring & early summer period to make enough pesto to last us 3
years. Last batch is nearly all gone:):) Thanks for the strawberry tip. I’m
only getting the odd one at this stage so I cut them up to freeze for my
next batch of strawberry jam. I’ll be able to do what you said with frozen
ones. I’ll get going, I’ll ttyl, bye:)
Your garden is looking good. I am curious why no root veggies like carrots
or potatoes?
People say grow the expensive stuff buy the cheap stuff… here we can get
potatoes for $1 – $2 for 10# pretty often so growing them really isn’t
worth it except it is fun and organic. Of course carrots are cheap too, so
naturally they grow easy here and I grow them anyway. But strawberries are
expensive and I have no luck growing them. Bell pepper here are expensive,
especially the red ones so I have planted a lot…we’ll see… last year I
over fertilized and got only two peppers. 🙁
You may already know…your pepper plants can over winter if you build them
a cold frame or put them in pots in your solar porch. You may even get some
peppers in winter but you will definately have nice big plants next spring.
I just learned that this year… I always tore out the plants in the fall,
wrong thing to do apparently. I will be trimming them back and keeping them.
Are you going to plant squash or is your area not good for squash? If there
is one guaranty here it is squash… I planted zuccini, yellow crook neck,
pumpkin, and patty pan squash last week and already have good sized starts.
Yay! Only 45 days to harvest for most so if you do some now you might even
get a second planting.
Janice Rhoden
You make the entire process look so easy. The fish looks fabulous. I will
absolutely try this dish.
I like ponies.
Ian Knockton
I didn’t realise you grew so much stuff ??! All those beds as well !! That
frog surprised me !! Ha ha !!
The only thing I’m still wondering about is the compost in this. Is it
going to be emptied out from the bottom? If so, will you have to pick out
the worms and put them back into the center tube? And if you’re not
composting food scraps, what’s the point of having the worms? Will the
compost from the center even do anything for the plants? I’m just
I love posting your videos on my facebook page. Go check it out. My
facebook group is called "everything gardens" and I have about 250 members
and we all learn a ton from your videos!
Valarie Cummickey
I am looking for walking onions fro our school gardon do you have any that
you cpolu donate to us. My address is pi box 152 yucca AZ. 86438
Marcella Smith
I have just bought fantastic ammendments for my new raised bed, rock dust,
earthworm casting, coconut fiber, because of YOU JOHN!!! Thank you!!!! By
spring my raised bed should be perfect for my new and better veggies!! LOVE
Kirk Johnson
I know the message of the video is the most important thing here- I get it
, I agree.
But I would like to know what the music is…
I like it too
Hi John, I’m new at this but i have a question, what’s your thoughts on
Worm casting for compost and how would it compared to other compost on the
I started a worm farm a few months ago and they are doing very well… i
use coconut bricks, for bedding, (for my spoiled worms) but I was wondering
what your thoughts on bedding and the value compared to cost.
Looks awesome! I can’t wait to see more pictures.
Tim Huffman
Hi John — Thanks for mentioning the BOKASHI method of composting. I
actually have a kit on order myself.. Cant wait to see your next video
oh my goodness did your car escape the yard ? :O lol good thing your always
looking about 🙂 your garden is looking good thanks for sharing.
Thanks for this tip, I always forget that until I have to cut back my
Ah Organic strawberries. Must taste like they are on fire. 🙂 Throw a few
in a food processor with a little suger and blend till it turns to a puree,
then mix with home made yogurt or make a homemade swiss roll. 😀 As long as
you don’t mind the eaten leaves its alright I guess, though if you spend
time getting rid of the insects manually, basil might be interesting to
try. Though it might get rid of some of the good guys like ladybirds as
Maybe add parsley and sage to complete the song with rosemary and thyme.
Roxanne Goldstein
Done like a pro!
Yeah, um, didn’t even make it all the way through this one. Lost interest
5 seconds in, never regained it.
Mark Valencia
have you tried aquaponics yet
Love the backdrop of peppers!
Afleet Alex
John! Make a bloopers video!
Most kale lives through summer, but lettuce will go to seed in summer and
so will radish and arugula and mustards, amongst some other things, like
broccoli, but most kales can take the summer time really well as long as
they dont go bone dry (mulching the soil helps)
Mark Cooper
The video that was shutdown by YouTube is now back. Please re-share.
Арти Эс
i do! i do! all the food scraps!
stephanie rekowski
This is so amazing!!! Nice work my friend!!!!
Good cow manure is pure gold and very natural. Wood forests are acidic and
aren’t good environments for vegetables to grow in so the constant
reference to forest ecology isn’t a good one when considering vegetable
growing. Evolution has made some manures "nature’s fertilizer".
lol MY CAR!! lol
Bruce Pender
Wow you mentioned that your neighbor planted in Feb. We are still in full
winter then. We can’t plant until May.
Bruce in Canada
Jeff Heriot
G’day, thank you. it’s not too bad. The bits that are eaten don’t really
effect the eating quality, I think it may have been the sweet potato leaves
you were referring to.I looked at this video today & was amazed at how some
things have grown. All the sweet potatoes, ginger, snake beans & Qld.
arrowroot are gone. I now have heaps of spuds in, quite a few garlic & my
strawberries are really powering on. It’ll be nice to have some organic
strawberries. anyway, thanks again, I’ll ttyl, bye:o)
The baby chickens are HUGE! So cute how they huddle and hang out together
for nap time. Maybe you could pitch a little pup tent or tarp shelter for
them to shelter under out of the rain and view of the hawk.
Do chickens need ointment or anything for their wounds? I wonder if that
head wound is a tallon mark from that darn hawk?? I rescued a little brown
rabbit from the park once that had deep bloody tallon marks on his sides.
I must try this
I want to shoot both of these people in the face. This is the least funny
series of videos I have ever encountered.
*cough* weed *cough*
hahaha Johnny rotten
Nice video mightygrow. So this organic fertilizer really works #fertilizer
I have to admit that I am a “little” biased, but yes, it does work well. I say that even though I am the manufacturer of the product. 🙂
But don’t take my word for it. Check out the website: and read the testimonials.
Good growing.
Good idea. I think I will get started on that when the snow melts next May.
You are my main inspiration for gardening and replacing my family’s lawn
with gardens, John. I’ve learned more about growing in a year from your
videos then I could have otherwise. You’re epic!! I also refer you to
everyone I know who gardens.
Mike Smith
I bet those CEOs never touch GMO foods and if they do they are just
Stephen Legaree
I could not agree more. You will never get a better fruit or veggie then
from your garden and there is no substitute for great home made soil!
bahauddin masum
Great video , If anyone else wants to grow you own fantastic fresh home
produce quick it’s worth trying – Banfan Incredible Organic Miracle (do a
search on google)? Ive heard some interesting things about it from my mate
– great!
Adam Swanson
Love you gamer! Your awesome
Rainbow Gardens
Yes, that is the case with most poop! I have soooo many trees pop up from
bird droppings too! Anyway, if it is composted properly,seeds should not be
a problem. The best stuff for me is animal manure, yes, composted. :)))
Aaron's allotment
I hope you caught the car before it rolled down the hill
good tip
David Trees
Jeff, how do you find those snake beans… Are they a bit stringy?
Everything looks fab. My mums got a Kooky friend too. When we were living
in Park Ridge we saw a Kooky grab a baby brown snake and do him in… They
fun to watch hey. Those red shallots, arrowroot and ginger really take the
command seriously… "Be fruitful and multiply" hey… LoL… I heard that
in Sunday school many years back.
Am you from Dudley m8
Gardens and fruit trees are really turning into major enterprise with a lot
of potential with preexisting greenhouse and chickens. Surely the electric
fence and the hawk guard rope strung across help. Yes a lot of work and
time, but a lot of potential for payback, reap what you sew literally. It
all starts with a plan. Good job. You are now a farmer among the many other
things you do.
kwo dell
This is my first year gardening in Wisc., Madison area. I’m from east of
Chicago where the frost free date is earlier. This year spring is so late.
How are you planning for growing transplants this year? I’m building a
cold frame for cold tolerant things but for tomatoes and peppers etc,
should I start them now or wait a few weeks? I have very limited space for
starting indoors otherwise I would plant some every other week in order to
have plants at a good size when the weather does break. Any suggestions?
Ana Delgado
I´m always looking forward to your videos. I love your healthy dishes…my
kind of cooking! keep them coming :D
Maria Athena
For some reason Amir’s hat and crazed look make me think of Johnny Depp in
"The Secret Window."
So eternal
ahah this guys cool
John are you coming to Los Angeles area soon?
Randy Arena
Great idea… the weight issue could be substantially lessened if shear
braces were used… it is a bit dangerous for the structure unless it was
built for weight on the roof… but since it is brick it is it is something
to maybe brace the corners a bit… at least in Earthquake country like
where we live… but I love the idea of urban gardening… very green!
you can find the perfect girl for you… especially someone awesome like
Miles Elliott
Wow, great idea! Hit ’em where it hurts!
Jerry Gomez
Thats it! I am going to start my compost pile now…. :)
John you should move to oregon and live in the white oak savanna
Gone to the Snow Dogs
I am coming over for dinner! :)
It is against the law in California to remove Kelp from beaches.
Mine are not growing that fast but all have germinated , i have 4 runner
beans per corn in … only thing i still have to get in are the pumpkins ,
i did add compost btw ;-)
Brandon Marshall
Great tip! Also the sun & shaded areas can change some as the season change
Beautiful sweet potatoes and your soil looks so loose and dark. Wow! How
many plants are in mountain of snake beans? I just planted some yesterday.
Lovely garden!
That compost looks much better than the stuff I got last year. I bought it
because it was such good quality the year before and then discovered it was
full of bits of hard plastic, plastic bags, sticks and what looked like
pieces of slate. I think I’ll try a bag from my local store and see what I
Randall Panco
Looks like you will not go hungry this winter Troy. Nice going.
nery colon
I think that I better thin out my tomatoes. lol I probably put them in my
raised bed outside since it doesn’t rain like before. Most of my plants
don’t receive sun but yet it still grow good. I had a tomato that didn’t
receive sun but yet it gave lots of tomatoes. Can this be since I live in a
tropical area the heat still gives some sort of sun rays? Great video. My
karen warren
How about a cous cous or quinoa spicy dish but still clean as poss to give
some variety on veg and fish as I eat that most nights. Thanks Ian. Keep up
the good work. Karen
*what part of this video was the funny part? i must have missed it*
ha ha it’s funny how you would plant dandelions in your state, but in my
state, we pay hundreds of dollars to kill them all.
can you eat dandelion flowers and stems? they have like a milky goo inside,
and i’m leery of it.
cindysoule .
You are a real gentleman. Thank you for sharing.
Wish I knew you were in Hamilton. I live 4 blocks from there and would’ve
bought you a beer or 2 or 3…
I’ve been gardening for 5 years, and we’re converting to raised beds and
drip irrigation just because of what I’ve learned from you. My husband is
actually jealous that I pay so much attention to you!! I bought 65 lb of
Azomite just because of YOU!
wow makes me glad I was able to find three types of amendments for ten
bucks a few weeks ago one bag I got two of 🙂 or it would not have been
over nine bucks.
Martin Green go H
How to grow Coriander green cilantro organic
you know, it’s a good idea to change where you plant things in your yard,
especially if you have a setup like John has where every section is totally
separated, beacsue unless they are evenly depleted you need to figure out
special ratios of compost and rock dust and all that to meet the needs of
each patch of soil. aka pain
CripChicks Crypt
Bobbit 🙂
must have been the same hail we had I am in Ettenheim perhaps not far from
Elyse Joseph
Nice tip Donna!
IFarm Light Company
Tour of my container garden and 5 tips for growing peppers and determinate
tomatoes in containers.
Beautiful back yard you have there, Such a lovely garden. I just love this
video… Jeff do you happen to use castings? Do you have a compost pile? A
worm farm? I’ve watched a ton of vids on the benefits of worm castings and
even the worm juice.. Just curious if you have or use anything like that
??? Another wonderful and entertaining video.. like usual 😀
This Years Compost Mix
Beth DeRoos
Since only grow heirloom vegetables the tomatoes stay in the same place
every year. Come fall I carefully bend the plants over and cover with straw
and some compost. Come spring they send up new growth. Makes for stronger
plants as well.
Was remembering listening to my Grandparents talk about planting a
vegetable garden every spring here in California or Montana and how no
matter the weather they were out and working come 8 am every morning, and
then inside come evening. Rain, sun whatever the weather, they were out
making sure the garden was big and well planted.
Unlike some folks these days they did not have a grocery store to run to
nor the money to be buying store bought food even monthly. I have that same
Great video! I will continue to watch your videos!
Shaj Ch
I don’t drink or consume anything with alcohol in it due to my
religion…What would be a good alternative to the white wine? :P
Ronnie Dockery
Always funny
Sheila Mailett
I live in Illionois and not sure what temp it needs to be before i add my
worms to the compost tube. Right now it is about 50 but next week it will
go to 38/40 any idea?
Hey John, what are your views on BT? (If you already answered it could you
link it in the description)
"Right where you need it… on your roof" haha
Kaleb Malanin
aren’t u cold in a T-shirt?
awesome idea
Onward to Innisfree
For comparison, that bag costs $6 in California (and other places on the
mainland probably).
Jane Smith
Thx also check 99Aquaponics website for revolutionary soil free gardening.
Oh, and we pull trucks up on the beach here when we get a bunch of kelp
washing up…more FREE compost!!!
WayOutWest Blowinblog
WIFE??!! Did you tell this already? (Did you ask us first if you can get
married? Or even ask us to the wedding?!) Congratulations!!
Good tip. You can also thin your trees out!
Michel Laine
Try Coco Coir instead of Peat moss. It’s non-acidic but otherwise have the
same properties.
Jeff, which video of yours is the one you planted your GINGER. I watched
your May 2012 harvest and it blew me away. I would like to watch the
beginning. I love your gardening videos. You are so informative. Smiles,
Walter Bodine
wow i am confused one minute it’s hot the next cold i guess this is a
couple days of video ? i could of swore you just said it was humid and 85
anyway may suggest giving current video so it’s a little easier to follow.
good to see you use a raincoat , i remember when rain use to be a issue for
you and i would think why not get a raincoat.
dave stumpf
good ideas
Anna Newell
Seeing you so relaxed and chilled out makes me want to cook, i usually get
flustered and panic about timing and stuff
The Jake and Amir series is so funny.
Is this item guaranteed? How long should it last? Here in southerner
California any thing plastic deteriorates quickly in the sun.
sha whit
Thanks John, more great info!
Always Learnin'
That is no lie!
What a beautiful heart you are ♥ I wish all men be like you.
Awesome info 8 ) these scum bags trying to play god & mess with our DNA
need to be dealt with before it’s too late.
Alicia Eggleston
I just started my very first compost pile yesterday. For now it’s just a
pile not in a container or anything but i’m trying lol. I was wondering
what can’t go into a compost pile? The reason I ask is because someone
dumped charcoal ash into the pile yesterday. We also found a old log with
funky looking mushrooms growing out of it, not sure if the fungus is good
or not for composting . Thanks in advance for any replies.
hi john can you send me some seeds, i love you videos but were i live they
dont have many seed varieties especially for green veggies.
commercial family farms near my house in MI often spread horse and cow
manures in their fields to reduce the amount of needed chemical
fertilizers. They spread it in the Fall so it has all winter to cool off
and be ready for young plants in the spring.
Hi David, nice to see you all smiling and doing so well, your garden looks
now just as nice as you had in Ireland! If you remember me, I was writing
you the last year was my first experience with soils and gardening. This
year we superseeded any expectations and having already so much of
strawberries, lettuces, kales and some other staff. For the first time we
are really eating (could not allow yourself even a lot of organic foods
from the stores before as it all sprayed and poisont). Thank you so much
for your videos that helped us to make it through!!
Great tip! A lot of people don’t take this into consideration.
Jack Corn
can you grow all types of tomatoes in a 5 gal bucket?
Jeff Heriot
Many thanks Jada, great to hear from you,:o) bye,,,,Mj
drew foy
hi troy,this is a bit off topic of planting the garden but i hope youll
read it . i had just by chance watched a video about grounding electric
fence’s , rocks do not provide a suitable ground and it is my thought that
the weed block you have put down will also be a problem as well . my
thoughts are to remove the rocks , hold the weed block in half then put the
rocks back so the rocks are not as wide so there is a better chance that
smaller animals dont have as much of a chance to be standing on the rocks
and not be grounded there for being able to get though with out getting a
shock , youve put allot of work trying to provide for your self with the
garden and the chickens and dont want it to be all for not , just my
thoughts. wishing you the best drew
The Wisconsin Vegetable Gardener
Lets plan our plot for spring, summer and even fall. Joey and Holly give
some ideas on how to plan your garden. Planning Your Plot – First Garden,
New Gardener
Anna Newell
god I love this channel, I never actually cook any recipes when I watch
them but so far I’ve tried out 3 of yours and wow they are amazing keep up
the good work
joseph tucci
Hey John I been a Big Fan Of yours. I have 7 total raised beds from 4x4x12
to 8x16x12 here in NJ my neighbor behind me also has two raised beds. next
time your here in south jersey stop on by. this you can check out my
facebook pictures under josephtucci from Fontana ca. Happy Gardening Bro
Scrooge McFuck
Jake struggles not to laugh most sketches and just smirks
Haleene Williams
I though that Miracle Grow was all natural, or at least obtained it’s
nutrients that way, but I see now they also sell a "Organic" one. Guess I
will have to go non organic for the three months that it runs itself on.
I’m going to make a 1 foot trench in my raised bed to have a mulch garden,
and the worms will have access to each side then. I’m going to collect red
worms outside of the raised bed to get started by putting a shovel into the
ground and vibrating it. The worms come to you while vibrates. I don’t
get the mind set of the people torchering them electrocuting them, putting
soap on them to get them to come out, Why so vicious?
raheem mohd
johnny wadd
I was thinking about planting some Blue berries until I saw how much work
they are lol. Thanks for the upload Parlusk.
i use your tips for cannabis lol!
dan pozzi
Great vid, thank for your time
Pat Quick
a green roof will also help keep the roof cooler reducing the amount of
energy it takes to cool down stairs
John as an avid viewer of your videos and a gardener for the past couple
years I must say you are truly inspirational and a positive influence on
this planet. I consider you one of my heroes and your advice and
information is exceptional. You’re an awesome guy and your future kids will
be lucky to have a dad like you. 🙂
Short Monsanto! Make this like Max Keiser’s "Buy Silver, Crash JP Morgan"
campaign….You dollars are votes people, are you voting for your death!?
Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens
I often find my home studies differ from scientific studies. For example
the University of Florida says that in lab studies termites can not survive
in mulch and mulch will not infect your house with termites. I see termites
in mulch all the time. I find that plant roots seem to favor the rock dust
and the sweetness of the plants is far more sweeter than not grown in rock
dust. Rock dust is worthless though if you don’t have microbes breaking it
down and making it bio available.
Jose Sola
Glacial rock dust is a bit expensive around here because of shipping.
However there are many kitchen counter manufacturers around here. How do
you feel about using the dust that comes out of the saws after cutting
granite slabs?
Martin Wassermax
David, we wish you much success with your ‘sister experiments’,
your garden neighbors in Rheinau ;-)
Yeah, that’s something some folks do not take into consideration. Good tip,
Tim Sheets
Maybe it’s just the varieties I’ve grown, but, in my experience,
determinites don’t *really* set all their fruit and boom, it’s done. They
do have a bush-like growth habit, but, it seems they have more of a bell
curve of production where you have a few early ones building to a large
flush and then have some stragglers that lasts late into the season.
BTW, Just discovered your channel, and am enjoying it.
Jeff Heriot
G’day Mike, that’s really good to know, good luck with all those things you
take on, it’s really satisfying when you achieve good results, plus you can
learn from any failures. Even the failures are edible, most times:):)
Yeah all right, a Baby Cat appearance. I would think about a sling shot for
the hawk. There are plenty of rocks.
JoeyHolly Baird
Lets plan our plot for spring, summer and even fall. Joey and Holly give
some ideas on how to plan your garden. Planning Your Plot – First Garden,
New Gardener
r onzal
Loved the chef’s touch. Another amazing simple healthy meal!
Josie Lee
I’m so happy that you came to my neck of the woods! I hope you come back so
I can hear you speak and meet you! I’m such a BIG fan.
best last episode right here:
after the episode fade out of a dream sequince to jake standing over amir
in an insane asilum. amir is in a straight jacket drooling and rambling as
jake walks out with a tear in his eye says the doctors feel confidant the
electro shock (what ever the actual procedure is called) will help. jake
shuts the door to amirs padded room and you see in the distance a sign
saying psych ward. its the only way any of these shows could possibly
explain amir its all been delusions in amirs head or revers it and make
jake the patient
Haleene Williams
You know the way you increase the number of worms is to break them in half
(they are male and female in one) they become another worm very quickly.
Worm growers do this…Personally I just can’t do it (in laws once raised
worms, I just like the good old fashion wait and let nature take it’s
J M Miller
Great information, but sound and audio quality made me skip ahead. Any
chance you could redo?
d. fried
I am proud to have met you at Raw Food meet-ups, and FINALLY took the time
to see these u-tubes yours. You are a generous good person to help so many
people. I
Wayne Meador
*Test Sharing My A Video Of Mine*
Been having issues for months with Google blocking the sharing of my own YT
videos… :-/ Let’s hope it works now! 🙂
Your videos always make my day!
Bill Harborne
John, i love your videos and have watched them all. But I cant get to grips
with this rock dust, It is almost unobtainable here in the UK because there
is no demand. My grandfather grew prize vegetables years ago and all he
used was manure maybe lime etc. So why do we all suddenly need rock dust?
John! Noooooo!!! I just finished 5 ginormous compost piles of horse
manure/leaf/saw dust last week for my 1/2 acre plot.
Tom Keir
David,remember achocha,and handbrake, and every thing else is happy days.
ha ha. all the best.
Allen Hobbs
great tip.
Organic Vegetables
Russell Thacker
Hi Gary ,Would you give us examples of your liquid fertilizers and their
Please thanks Russell
Jeff Heriot
Hi Paul, thanks mate, Wilma’s at work, I worked on the honey till late, &
my son’s expecting something to eat, I was tired but I still managed to
muster up something to eat, there was pan-fried fish & sweet spuds,,, snake
beans with shallots, ginger, turmeric with sea salt & eggplant.,nothing
fancy:):) then some of my hot sweet chili sauce to bring it altogether.
I’ll ttyl, bye
Mr Troy Reid, More then a DYfarmer LOL.
I would tittle you "Man of Many things" but, it has been spoken for. LOL.
At my rate Good to see you doing so Well. Plus you could even give some to
needy families. Plus food can be a tithe unto the Lord as Well.
Temboradva Pec
Hey Haste. I have a question for you.. I love your clean cooking, but I
have concerns about how to find a roasting/baking pan that is also clean.
What would you recommend? Something with a nontoxic coating that won’t wear
off too easily, and with a base metal that also isn’t too bad for us.
Sean Cleary
New Jersey IS NOT the Northeast. Folks from the northeast mostly HATE New
Jersey, which is the worst of the Mid-Atlantic States, if not all of the
Jersey short didn’t help. But FYI the Northeast starts at New Yorks
Southern Border.
New England starts at Connecticut and RI’s southern border.
I really hope that was just crushed up oreos or something and not real
fertiliser XD
Fusion Media
Jake Daniels
I love it haha!
Haleene Williams
I’m going to have to sell my house to buy all this just to make dirt. I
would suppose this is fine for the serious grower like you, but I am a
small garden grower who just wants "real organic, and vine ripe fresh
food. What is a basic that I would need, cause their is no way I can
afford or need that many bags of additives. I bought rewal good planting
mix and add Miracle grow, today I bought the premixed Miracle grow soil…
what is your take on that?
Dale Modisette
Published on Sep 17, 2013
Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered with
the links below:
In this episode, John will answer the following questions:
01:34 There are mites in my compost pile, are they ok?
03:15 What are your thoughts on food stamps at the farmers market?
04:42 What about growing food in Northern Arizona?
05:57 Can I bring my pepper plants that are in the ground with me when I
07:07 Should I use a soaker hose or a drip irrigation to water my garden
08:59 What fruits and vegetables would you recommend growing in Hawaii?
11:05 What is the recipe for your dr. bronners and neem oil organic bug
11:50 Is it safe to grow plants or seeds in recycled soda bottles?
12:54 Is there some reason you wouldn’t give me a response to my question?
15:07 When you pick leaves to juice or eat, do you pick the leaf with the
stem and all?
16:15 Can you grow enough fruits and vegetables to fully sustain a family
of 4?
After watching this episode you will learn John’s answers to these
questions and probably alot more about organic gardening as well.
Gardening With Puppies
Great tips, Wayne. I can particularly relate to putting plants out too
soon. I do it all the time…just get overly enthusiastic I guess.
Buckets…yep, can never have enough of them. Hubby’s always wanting to
throw them out and I keep telling him they will come in handy. lol. Only a
gardener would understand.
Nate Taylor
If you didn’t tell the internet that you had pot on your property, nobody
would have ever known. Now you have just potentially jeopardized your
neighbor’s property.
eewh produce traveling 1500 miles on a smoggy highway
Angie LupusLife
wonderful video, happy to share everywhere
Anne Packwood
wow !! a clear reason we should all at least start using and/or growing
organic fruits and veggies !!
Daniel Gilliland
I’ve been using Sea-90 all season, and I’ve noticed that even if I double
or triple the suggested amounts to use, my plants don’t burn. Maybe I
should do a test plant where I abuse the heck out of it to see what it can
take 🙂
How to Videos Organic Gardening & Beekeeping by Work With Nature
Only two weeks later and here is the first update. The first video on this
garden experiment shows how to grow the three sisters or better known as
the milpa system. We have added 3 more, totaling altogether 6 sisters in
this garden experiment. Hope you enjoy it.
william nolan
I use the water gels that you use in hanging baskets to help with retaining
water works great
Insanely impressive, my friend. Really and truly.
made mI been eating our onion stalks Patrik likes them as Well.
Oh if you have issues with sluggs, Given dose if coffee. they will die for
it . Instant works great.Just dab it on them or bury them in it to garantee
there demise.
Kelly Stevens
do you have any good quinoa recipes?? love the channel keep up the good
This is not the northeast. John please help a gardener out who lives in
norther New Hampshire. What am I to do to be successful? What varieties
can I grow? King of the north is listed for peppers but it is always a
failure. Look at the reviews. The northern varieties always do poorly.
I was just thinking, "Please just be crushed up Oreos…" the entire video.
Cynthia Bai
I love this idea. I just am hesitant about the weight of it if I had to
move to another place.
Dale Modisette
Published on Sep 17, 2013
Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered with
the links below:
In this episode, John will answer the following questions:
01:34 There are mites in my compost pile, are they ok?
03:15 What are your thoughts on food stamps at the farmers market?
04:42 What about growing food in Northern Arizona?
05:57 Can I bring my pepper plants that are in the ground with me when I
07:07 Should I use a soaker hose or a drip irrigation to water my garden
08:59 What fruits and vegetables would you recommend growing in Hawaii?
11:05 What is the recipe for your dr. bronners and neem oil organic bug
11:50 Is it safe to grow plants or seeds in recycled soda bottles?
12:54 Is there some reason you wouldn’t give me a response to my question?
15:07 When you pick leaves to juice or eat, do you pick the leaf with the
stem and all?
16:15 Can you grow enough fruits and vegetables to fully sustain a family
of 4?
After watching this episode you will learn John’s answers to these
questions and probably alot more about organic gardening as well.
Southpaw Davey
+Wayne Meador Thumbs up man. Good tips. Dave ;-)
Not very nice to give the NSA/government evidence in public on your
neighbor. Better prepare to get some of the overspray from now on. Not
any real purpose to tell everyone else about this.
Dennis Peacock
The Key Word Here is safety, dont overload the building
Here’s the video that was censored from the Organic Spies account
Great video John!
James Bailey
"..funky balls! – I like that name."
Learn To Grow
Great tip Donna! I have the same issue with trees growing taller each year
on my neighbor’s yard; which is shading our garden.
Great videos! I grow some pepper plants in garden pots and they look kind
of yellowish. I wonder why?
Jeff Heriot
Thanks Jarod, & your welcome mate. Most of what I grow is relatively easy
to grow organically. I’ve learned over the years what to grow & when to
grow & how to avoid most of the pests.cheers,Mj
Hi Troy, I think your chickens are cute kinda funny to watch bird the way
they run. I see your place is really coming together, Did you get the home
up to the city standards so you can stay on the property and not worry
about having to stay somewhere else at night. I just wish you the best
, That is why I asking. Take care and be safe
saveen teddu
this video is so good i like this thank u
Shannon Graham
I just love your channel. You’re such a great teacher Ian.
@Ian Wynne I agree that the yard has too many trees. I mean, don’t get me
wrong… trees are great for natural shade and privacy, but this yard is
pretty dark & shady. I’d definitely try cutting down a good portion of the
trees. Great call.
Why are these so bad?
Sir Nicholai
Dale Modisette
Published on Sep 17, 2013
Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered with
the links below:
In this episode, John will answer the following questions:
01:34 There are mites in my compost pile, are they ok?
03:15 What are your thoughts on food stamps at the farmers market?
04:42 What about growing food in Northern Arizona?
05:57 Can I bring my pepper plants that are in the ground with me when I
07:07 Should I use a soaker hose or a drip irrigation to water my garden
08:59 What fruits and vegetables would you recommend growing in Hawaii?
11:05 What is the recipe for your dr. bronners and neem oil organic bug
11:50 Is it safe to grow plants or seeds in recycled soda bottles?
12:54 Is there some reason you wouldn’t give me a response to my question?
15:07 When you pick leaves to juice or eat, do you pick the leaf with the
stem and all?
16:15 Can you grow enough fruits and vegetables to fully sustain a family
of 4?
After watching this episode you will learn John’s answers to these
questions and probably alot more about organic gardening as well.
Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals
Instead of mixing dirt in buckets, I have long flat containers (about 6"
deep), so I can get a rake in and use it to mix.
We also took one of these containers and drilled holes on the top sides,
strung rope through, made a wood bar for the front and now I can easily
pull my tub full of dirt around even if it is soaked in water…no more
bent over dragging till I die. ;0
KC Heirlooms & Organics
You mind if I use your brussels sprout picture for the website?
Orchid lover
It’s a shame that it’s illegal to grow such a pretty plant. :(
As always love your videos! Love the field trip videos too.
Will you do an experiment doing a test rock dust/ no rock dust?
Rainbow Gardens
Nice to see you experimenting with different things. Keep these
enlightening videos coming! :)
Jeff Heriot
G’day Ann, I had the little buddy sitting on my knee for the second time
this morning taking food from me. He took off as soon as he/she had enough
to eat. Our winters aren’t as cold as Sydney, but still cold enough to use
a fire at night. Sometimes day & night. Depends where the wind’s coming
from. I love that time of year, it doesn’t last long enough. I’ll talk
later, bye:):) Mj
After harvesting, do the coriander plants regrow the leaves indefinitely ?
Or we’ll have to regrow them with new seeds? Thanks…
This looks so delicious and your videos are improving every week! Very
informative and entertaining. Would you consider make a video on some
healthy sandwich ideas?
Good advice concerning the neighbor who uses pesticides. Any reasonable &
neighborly neighbor would most likely agree to that deal. Why not? It’s
free to them and much more healthy.
How To Videos
*That GUY is F*CKED in the HEAD !!! lol :D*
Sheila Mailett
OK I bought one of these and will do my own soil mix – got my worms just
waiting for the weather to warm up – thanks for all you do
Dale Modisette
Published on Sep 17, 2013
Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered with
the links below:
In this episode, John will answer the following questions:
01:34 There are mites in my compost pile, are they ok?
03:15 What are your thoughts on food stamps at the farmers market?
04:42 What about growing food in Northern Arizona?
05:57 Can I bring my pepper plants that are in the ground with me when I
07:07 Should I use a soaker hose or a drip irrigation to water my garden
08:59 What fruits and vegetables would you recommend growing in Hawaii?
11:05 What is the recipe for your dr. bronners and neem oil organic bug
11:50 Is it safe to grow plants or seeds in recycled soda bottles?
12:54 Is there some reason you wouldn’t give me a response to my question?
15:07 When you pick leaves to juice or eat, do you pick the leaf with the
stem and all?
16:15 Can you grow enough fruits and vegetables to fully sustain a family
of 4?
After watching this episode you will learn John’s answers to these
questions and probably alot more about organic gardening as well.
Rainbow Gardens
Gardening is a strange little thing and so unlike anything else I have
learned. Most people have at least 2 seasons (spring and summer) and
there is only a short window of opportunity for "hands on" learning.
Personally, I find most gardening books and plant information boring, I
have to get out there in the garden and "do it". The Square Foot Gardening
book (the only book I refer to) has wonderful charts about what we can
plant before the last frost date and when we can begin the seeds for summer
crops, all of it is timed around the last frost date (which is different
for all of us).
Sometimes I score and sometimes I do not, but it keeps it fun. I just
plant as many things as possible and hope the rabbits don’t eat them, that
I don’t pull it out by accident, the bugs don’t eat it, etc. haha,
sometimes I get to harvest it and enjoy what I have grown. :))
Adam Cooper
cool thanks for the tip. looking to see it all turns out
Anthony video maker
"He said he may burn it!!" Don’t burn it ray you may get high, just whack
it with a weed whacker!!!
Nice John. Don’t forget the cooling benefit of having the containers on the
roof absorbing sun energy.
dave stumpf
Nice Info
Chrissy Yi
When the seasons over could you do a video on how you take down the dead
tomato plants, and what you do with the soil?? Please and thank you :)
Jeff Heriot
WOW, that’s fantastic Michael, sounds like sweet potatoes will do well
there. I don’t plant any more of them till Spring, in a little while most
of my garden will be full of spuds, as I harvest the sweet spuds, I plant
normal spuds. Then the opposite in the spring, part of that being sweet
corn in the sunnier spots. ok, bye, Mj
Michael Baldridge
Wow you are going to have so much veggies. You definitely should not want
for food this winter. you said you may sell some for extra money Have you
been thinking about where you will sell them from and how you will display
them (tables and tent for shading) I think you will make some extra cash if
you can find a nice place to set up and sell the produce. Also you might
need boxed areas to separate produce. Just something to consider as the
garden grows. As for your strawberry patch use pallet wood cut to dif
sizes. 8 to 12 inch or so. hammer in ground to make a border. I have a
video of how it looks if you want to take a look at it.Helps for keeping
the animals from eating them does not stop them but it does help. and also
keeps them confined to that one area so you can get a nice bed of
strawberries before letting them spread. And it is a fast way to make a
take ppurna this purna that…. and its organic common lady
I was considering to unsubscribe because I eat vegan but..I like your way
of cooking so..still here!
Larry Hall altho’, informative is a "Chatty Cathy."
This whole situation makes sense if the plant is Marijuana
Christina Ryan
Totally dig your growing container and your vid is very fun and informing!!
Grow on gardening friend!!
Dale Modisette
Published on Sep 17, 2013
Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered with
the links below:
In this episode, John will answer the following questions:
01:34 There are mites in my compost pile, are they ok?
03:15 What are your thoughts on food stamps at the farmers market?
04:42 What about growing food in Northern Arizona?
05:57 Can I bring my pepper plants that are in the ground with me when I
07:07 Should I use a soaker hose or a drip irrigation to water my garden
08:59 What fruits and vegetables would you recommend growing in Hawaii?
11:05 What is the recipe for your dr. bronners and neem oil organic bug
11:50 Is it safe to grow plants or seeds in recycled soda bottles?
12:54 Is there some reason you wouldn’t give me a response to my question?
15:07 When you pick leaves to juice or eat, do you pick the leaf with the
stem and all?
16:15 Can you grow enough fruits and vegetables to fully sustain a family
of 4?
After watching this episode you will learn John’s answers to these
questions and probably alot more about organic gardening as well.
CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY
Hey Wayne – GREAT tips! I like your humbleness in this video – we’ve all
made those mistakes too, but that’s how you learn and refine! I’m all about
using what I have! I like to make it a game to see how little I can spend
on the garden and still make it look beautiful! Things may not be done
exactly "right" according to some standards – but who cares? I’m the one
who has to live with it!
50 Ducks In A Hot Tub
Angela I’ve had no luck the last 2 years compared to my first try 3 years
ago, but the last 2 seasons I’ve been trying to grow I think from a bad
batch off seeds, I’ve just ordered 2 different strains for next year,
sooner or later I’m going to master this
Ray, you have a beautiful piece of property. Thanks for the tour, it is
always nice seeing other parts of our country.
Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens
I did mention the weight thing several times in this episode. 60 lbs was my
estimate. but even at 40 lbs a pop, thats some serious weight. That was an
old school brick building so it was probably fine in that instance.
Pest Control Sacramento
Yup. These tips will help
Aquaponics Survival
chanel tube
Juice Greens
Dear John, Could you please bring annotation to the video with sources for
Rock Dust? Rock Dust Rocks! 🙂
I am using a lot of containers this year. I am using a lot of 18 gallon
tubs. I got carried away on sweet peppers this year with 15 varieties. I
have around half of these in the dirt and the other half in containers.
Enjoy your videos and find the info very useful.
Jeff Heriot
Thanks Fuj, :):) I had him/her sitting on my knee this morning, taking food
out of my hand. Once he had enough food, he took off :):) Must be a
teenager:) cheers Mj
Smoke form a bon fire?
Mallesh Tigali
Well, it is no miracle…but editing mistake!!!
This looks really great love how "clean" you cook meaning using whole
foods, low fat/carb healthy but delicious food…I’ve written many times
asking for a recipe on a really great tuna salad or egg salad…thanks! –
Lori from Boston
woot woot! go new jersey (my home state)!!! you should come back here again
and make a video with the group i volunteer with; we are called mevo
(mahwah environmental volunteers organization). we have a farm to live
program and we get a lot of land donated to us for various farming
projects. i been working with the honey bees all summer!!!! for real make a
video with us! we love your videos!!!
hmmm… delicious horsepoop
Drew Grow
Looks like they adapted from those mexican strawberry pots
Dale Modisette
Published on Sep 17, 2013
Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered with
the links below:
In this episode, John will answer the following questions:
01:34 There are mites in my compost pile, are they ok?
03:15 What are your thoughts on food stamps at the farmers market?
04:42 What about growing food in Northern Arizona?
05:57 Can I bring my pepper plants that are in the ground with me when I
07:07 Should I use a soaker hose or a drip irrigation to water my garden
08:59 What fruits and vegetables would you recommend growing in Hawaii?
11:05 What is the recipe for your dr. bronners and neem oil organic bug
11:50 Is it safe to grow plants or seeds in recycled soda bottles?
12:54 Is there some reason you wouldn’t give me a response to my question?
15:07 When you pick leaves to juice or eat, do you pick the leaf with the
stem and all?
16:15 Can you grow enough fruits and vegetables to fully sustain a family
of 4?
After watching this episode you will learn John’s answers to these
questions and probably alot more about organic gardening as well.
Neice McHan
I’m a northern gardener… Michigan. Is it too early to start sweet potato
slips in a jar to plant in May/June?
Angela Pierce
WONDERFUL information!!! Thank you! I tried growing Brussel Sprouts last
season and nothing….Now I have a better understanding and will try again
this coming Spring.
Ditch weed is just as illegal as *hemp* and *marijuana* which is all the
same thing. Some is cultivated,some is just trash . Not to worry , Ray is
not the (Johnny Reeferseed) of Iowa.
George Washington
Wow….imagine if 10% of america did this. ..
Thanks for the tips. feel free to checkout some of my gardening vids and
tell me where you think I might be able to improve. Thanks
Luke Dotson
Have you ever grown your produce in just compost and then in compost and
rock dust and then sent or taken the different produce to a lab to get them
tested to see if it makes a significant difference in the nutrient levels
within them? If not, I think that would be a really cool thing to do to get
some rock solid evidence and to make a super interesting episode! Maybe you
could even contact some labs and see if they would be willing to test them
for free for educational purposes 🙂
Great video!
The Productive Garden
Your garden is looking great Jeff. You have so much great tropical stuff
growing there that I cannot grow here. I am very jealous lol
The Do It Yourself World
Planting my garden in the rain on a cold day at the homestead
baljeet ahluwalia
you showed methi seeds in your hand but harvesting coriander!!! amazing
delicious! great idea. love your videos!
Alissa Gardenhire
You’re awesome John!!!
steven ratmansky
this really nice I’m excited about building one of these.
just a tip 10, 3 min vids keep younger viewers longer
Eric White
I really like the part about remember to have fun.
50 Ducks In A Hot Tub
Or just bake them at 350°F for 35-45 minutes, if they’ve been hit with a
couple of frosts then they have a caramel type sweet sauce, the more frost
the sweeter they get
shame on you. now share the wealth. lol great video
I used to grow a rooftop garden on top of my houseboat. I had dwarf fruit
trees, blueberries, strawberries, herbs, and switched between summer and
winter vegetable crops as the seasons changed. It was fun! I’m glad to be
back on dry land though.
Jack Corn
Pest Control Austin
Gotta love consumption friendly food
γη του πυρος
hi to everyone. im new to gardening and i want to ask a question. where can
you buy all these fertilizers ?
Thanks for another good video John. I just watched your video about the
accident you had at your brother’s. Hope your arms are doing better.
Angela Gruis
Great video!
Caroline Baines
Looks good!!!
Dhruv Jagasia
could you please throw some light on building good soil?thanks,renu
billy gonzalez
When I see a brand, all I think of is Chemicals, in this videos they never
say what this growers are made of. Big corporations still think they can
fool us. LOL, most of the time the use of the word Organics is just
AM Avon
How about your favorite salad dressings?
Jay Bee
I am from NJ and I remember you saying you were going to be here. Also I
build gardens and garden boxes PM me for pics of work.
Lucien Alacard
I could care less about sustainability.
we aint running out of peak moss anytime soon
Michael McMillan
When planting perennials and trees in raised beds, how do you keep the soil
level up after each season. Every year the soil sinks down 4-6 inches, and
I don’t want to bury the trunks of the trees. What do you do with the
feijoa trees that are in your raised beds? Do you keep adding more compost
around the trunk of the trees?
Great tips +Wayne Meador !
O yah. Add butter when u saute with the steamed brussels, soy, garlic,
brown sugar. Thanks again for sharing
"Everything mowed I owe." :)
Adam Lawton
Why not garlic, beets, or onions? I grow them all in very shallow beds.
Pest Control Las Vegas
hanks so much. Great advice! I am new at organic gardening. :)
Ive Chang
I wonder if in your drying environment if it wouldn’t be a good idea to lay
out some cardboard? I’ve read that it helps feed and incourage your native
earthworms to aerate the soil. I’d be very interested in your results
positive or negative, past and present. Thanks.
Sadly, most states deem it "illegal" to grow your own foods, especially in
your own front yard.
Great Video Gary. Where do you get those deep saucers?
Michael Gerryts
Jeff…. Amazing like always! Here in South Africa it still hot and my
ginger seems to like it!!! 😀 thanks to you i. Got inspired and made a BIG
veggie garden myself! And it to seems to come along reeeaalll good!!
Carlota Chmielewski
I made a garden plan but not to scale. Then I adjusted the measurements
and although it gave me a larger grid, it didn’t reposition the planting
beds to the new proportions. Is this a capability of the program, or can
you orient me on how to do it? Thanks!
Devi Rajendran
great video thanks for showing us.
AM Avon
Looks divine!
Love this kitchen. Can you introduce us to you dog sometime?
Hello John, Since you were talking about different containers I have a
question. I was wondering if you have ever used Fabric Grow bags? If you
have, mind sharing your thoughts.
Sheila Mailett
Mixing the soil looks too difficult, why can’t it be as easy as they say on
their video. Now I do not think I cna do this. I was excited before but
not using food scrape, all the different soil, etc
What happened to the 2nd generation garden tower they showed 2 yrs ago but
no one is selling them…a much better model that turns and even looks
nicer?? Oh ya the prices were much lower?
What ever you do, don’t transplant them it’s too late now their root system
is huge, you are better off thinning them out at this point, cut them off
don’t pull them out as you’ll screw the one up next to it. One plant
produces a ton of sprouts if done right, I had some once that had over 7lbs
of sprouts on one plant after I cleaned it. Lots of water, lack of water
causes no sprout development or very bitter
Stephen Legaree
Lol that’s too funny you found that. It is a weed in North America 🙂
Adam Lawton
Another great video! I’ve designed out my garden for next season, mainly
using recycling bin that I got for free at the state recycling plant. If I
took a 5 minute or so video walking you through my plan would you give me
feed back? I’ve learned almost everything I know about gardening from your
videos, so it would mean a lot to me. Thanks — Adam
EBusiness Award
Add a message to your video
Pest Control Orlando
I’ve learned how to protect and conserve my garden.
"I like waxing off more than I like waxing on!" John
: )
Candy Rayne
Love my azomite, thanks for everything you do John .
One question I heard that growing basil with tomatoes is good and adds
Phillip Plant
Can you get this on android ??
great video.. thanks for sharing!
Delicious i know had the pleasure of trying it. And wow what a lovely
kitchen !!
Like the mustache..
Julie Murphree
Customize your message
Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens
I water my desert garden more often for less time. (especially important
during the heat of the day). Ensure that each cycle is long enough to get
good penetration if you know what I mean.
In your opinion, do you think this would be good for growing strawberries?
Joe Feser
First 🙂
Rob Bob
My name is RB & I have a bucket addiction :/ 😉
Best way to learn is through your own & others "misguided attempts at
success" Wayne 😉
Cheers sir..
stephen mcgregor
oh sweet jez,im going to have to remove them and maybe plant in
pots,hahahahahhahahaa wot was i thnking
You didn’t get a house inspector before you buy the house? I thought they
inspect every inch of the property.
Harold Wong
I would love to utilize my rooftop but weight is a major concern. What I’d
like to find are plants with a high edible content to dirt ratio. In
another words, one pot of dirt to grow a lot of plants. Lettuce would not
be it but malabar spinach, sugar snap peas, etc. Any other recommendation?
Pest Control of Houston
Thank you. Very educational. I appreciate this upload for my own personal
Jeff Greer
Seems like good info.
It DOES. Check your volume controls.
I have 5 bug zappers.I’m sorry I have to kill all flying insects,even the
bees and ladybugs must be sacrifice to keep the bad flying bugs dead.
Very informational!
iqbal qureshi
IS this a magic garden ? how coriander grow if you seed methi ???
Natasia Ramsay
Another fabulous looking plate of food. the excitement is never ending.
Mike Pham
I love in the island and use this compost. It is the best compost u can buy
on Oahu is the shizzle! John, didn’t know u were in Hawaii, I feel like I
missed an op to meet u. Oh well, next time. Thanks for making dope vids!
Mohanakrishnan Vijayarangam
Was very glad to see him in person and hear him through. What a simple and
a smart man. who is full of gardening knowledge and sharing with everyone
interested. Although I was thinking, was it a dream… no no no. it’s dream
come true. Really happy after taking a picture with him. 🙂 btw he
mentioned in one of his vids about this event guys, which was taken after
he broke his arm while fixing his bro’s garage. Anyway the even held @
Ramsey NJ. And he was heading to NJ food festival…
John Boen
What did it cost to build out that soil, about $1500 bucks?
That being said, I hadn’t considered integrating a compost bin into a grow
bucket. Cool idea.
Yea…. my beans have gotten out of control and I am no where near ready to
put them outside.. the ground is still frozen in some areas…
I think I started them all a little to early but Im not going to lie its
been fun watching them grow and I was excited to get started.
Live and learn
50 Ducks In A Hot Tub
I’ve been cutting back mine about every 8 days, leave 4-5 rows at the top
so the plant can get enough energy from the sun to continue growing, it
takes about 2-3 weeks for the sprouts to start showing, they are a slow
plant about 180 day start to finish, and as you have found out big. They
actually need to be at least 2 feet apart from each other minimum, in rows
4 feet apart, by the end of the season they are about 30" – 36" tall. Frost
makes them sweeter
Cool video Ray, your farm is exploding!!! I’ve been teaching these Colorado
farmers about the Praxxus Method for planting them tomatoes, lol. Take care
Calculate for snow load also!
Atlanta Lawn Care
The range of flowers that attract helpful bugs is a good tip, thanks.
Saul Pineda
good video
John your titles are catchy but your content is too long winded This is on
all of your postings.Please get to the point and cut it off thankss
Lee Ann Steinmetz
When my mom was pregnant with me, she ate dirt (we lived in the country).
Now I know why.
Hi, where are you living? R U from Germany?
The Self Sufficient Life
Good info, thanks. I started making my own container soil this year.
Whipped it up pretty much as you did except I also used worm castings.
Jeff Lucco
Thanks for the great information. I love to garden and always looking for
ways to improve my harvest. How large should you let your seedlings grow
before transplanting?
shilpanwita ghosh
this is called magical gardening…. methi seedlings turn suddenly into
dhanya saplings…. wow… HAHAHA
how much would it actually cost to grow organic food in pots? if you’re
living in a condo or a townhouse? is it cheaper, then buying it at the
Cristina Rodriguez
Looks absolutely delicious , thanks for all the great recipes, I have been
trying to start eating clean and seeing recipes like this really helps stay
on track without getting bored.
David Dierlam
Because you’re in Hawaii, is most of the material palm tree based? That
means you’ve almost got coco coir. We use it around here in S.Texas and it
just beats all other compost material out there. As usual your videos are
John, seriously, we need you in maine too. dont just shoot from the hip!
let us know where you are so we can expand your trip and cover a wider
audience. I have a plant that is tasty, green and hot but i dont know what
it is and even if i planted it…but i have been eating it. If you were
here, i could ask you what it is. thanks a bunch!
I love your vlogs, they are real…you know what I mean, I really don’t
enjoy watching people being all fake. They are always so fun and you show
clearly how much you enjoy being a mom and wife!!! Your haul videos are
awesome too, you always get the best deals!!! I was looking at some of your
old videos where you talked about your facebook page but I can’t find it,
not sure if you took it off or changed it. Good luck, have a beautiful
summer with your little family.
Thumperlane Homestead
Awe nice video!!! I just finished our seed starting greenhouse today.. Just
intime for chilling snow! So excited!!!
Just build your own! Get a 55 gallon Blue drum ( from Emergency
Essentualasor other store or Craigs;ist), if you have a saw or other tools
and some P Vc pipe and tubing easy! Just got be handy!! just like 1 of
those strawberry pots on steroids!!
Wow, that’s a lot of great advice. Thanks Wayne.
stephen mcgregor
can i keep cutting the big leaves back as i aint got the room,i planted
them in a raised planter,i didnt no they would grow so big,only a novice
JT Bear
I knew I loved the look of that land!
Seriously though, loads of people grew hemp as a patriotic ‘duty’ to help
produce fabric during wartimes so I suspect there are many older pieces of
farmland with similar ‘bonus’ crops.
I love how lush and green your land is, keep these videos coming!
mae robee
You’re spoiling us John!
beer for slugs and snails to get drunk on then drown, that’s funny
Connie Damgaard
Tilpas din meddelelse
Seemit Bharti
John, not that I don’t like your videos, but you just over complicate every
thing ! In my world, I just take soil from country side from someone
willing and dump it. That does it. Soil/nature has its way to fix itself.
Nature did not intend messing with it.
hey jon just got a new house and a backyard what can i do to bring the soil
back to life piss ash and azomite? haha
I just came across your YouTube channel and have spent the last few days
viewing EVERY video posted. Quite a "marathon" but I think I’ve caught up!
An abundance of information that I can’t wait to put into practice. Our
growing season is short and extreme … – 40°C to 40°C ( – 40°F to 100°F )
but I think I’m up for the challenge. Thanks for sharing your wealth of
Cheers, from Canada.
Rod Banuelos
great video!! really helpful as im doing peppers in containers. also trying
the reusable grocery bags as i been seeing a lot of videos saying how this
is possible. any opinions or tips u can give on those bags? thanks again
for the great videos!
How to get the most from your garden plans this year…
How to Plan a Vegetable Garden: Design Your Best Garden Layout
Indra Raman
Are you planting fenugreek or coriander seeds?
I tried the "shotgun" approach a few years ago… I planted EVERYTHING that
I could get my hands on. I found that I can grow kale, collards, peas,
okra, corn, tomatoes, and herbs very well in my yard. Luckily I love all
of those! ;)
Ohhh this looks good.
I looked them up and it doesn’t look like it’s free. It does look cheaper
tho so I might go there when I’m ready for some soil.
Dumpster Marcus
If you are ever around Scranton Pennsylvania you are always welcome at my
PunkRockDiva1979 .
she did a wonderful job she going be a smart little girl!
Bruce Pender
My problem is I want to do it all. Greenhouse is on my list. Great job!!!
Empress Shah
I love this! Great for a small space!
Really good tips my friend. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing the tower in
50 Ducks In A Hot Tub
My friend my climate is much farther north than you, I don’t know what your
temperatures are like or is it possible to grow year round where you are? I
suggest stopping in at a local nursery or garden store and ask some
questions from the locals to get an idea and then hit YT again looking for
tricks and ideas once you know the kinds of veggies that will grow the best
in your area.
Thats hemp!! Feed it to your chickens…so rich in vit’s it crazy good for
Drip irrigation is good but sub-irrigation is much better. These planters
could easily be made into sub-irrigated planters (SIPs) offering increased
production and water conservation. There would be no environmentally
unsound runoff or threat of water leaks in the roof. Drain hole containers
are clearly wasteful. Both water and oxygen are essential for vigorous
plant growth. SIPs provide both a water and oxygen reservoir. Drip
irrigated planters do not. Inside Urban Green
Garden Sheds Devon
I found this post very educational! This video presented various ways on
how to control pest which is very useful to all kinds of gardeners. Through
this video, I’ve learned how to protect and conserve my garden. You will
never regret on watching this! One thing for sure is that I will truly
recommend this video!
Danielle Smith
Do you want to build a snow man
While I agree with increasing the nutrition in the food we grow, I can’t
agree with doing it in unsustainable ways. The best produce I have ever
eaten was from my grandfather’s organic garden, where he constantly mulched
with organic matter from his property, and constantly added his organic and
nutrient-rich compost to the soil. Not once in his entire life did he ever
use rock dust, and I have never tasted better produce. Rock dust may add
nutrition, but I don’t think it’s necessary.
David i hope you did not pay that french translator if so you should be
by the way love your video’s as usual keep up the good work
Tony Seyffer
You look like one of the twins from Breaking Bad.
Rasheed Mohammed
Gary, informative video and thanks for the tips. Great stuff 🙂
Please do a video on fertilizing tomato, potato, pepper and other
Looking forward to the next one.
Ali Alkubaisy
Is this software available for Amman, Jordan?
Heather Swift
I woukd love to be in your give away. This is my first year gardening and
you have alot of great advice!
Akikusa Shintaro
Wow. you plant fenugreek and get coriander.
Alden Hall
Great video , If anyone else wants to grow you own delicious fresh fruit
and veg simply it’s worth considering – Banfan Incredible Organic Miracle
(do a google search)? Ive heard some amazing things about it from my m8 –
Haste's Kitchen
Pan seared cod fillet with roasted Mediterranean vegetables is live on
Great video. Thanks for sharing.
Hi John. I always enjoy your videos. I have a question about watering. I
live in Rosamond, CA (high desert). Is it better to water a vegetable
garden more frequent for less amount of time or less frequent for longer
time? I know they always talk about less frequent with longer watering time
for deeper root development but my plants don’t seem as healthy when doing
it that way and bugs attack more.
R Epps
Love it thanks!
Kiersten Mikowski
She is too cute!!
The feeling is echo’d my friend! I actually enjoy fall and winter gardening
more than that of summer gardening since I moved into the greenhouse!
Wow, that’s awesome. I am going to get a few of these tower. Thanks John.
I would call them mistakes I would say experiments that went bad, because
if we called them mistakes around here I would be in trouble I’m always
trying different thing believe it or not most work well some times.
Today was a super blessed day wasn’t it Yahweh Rules!
I live in North Carolina, what types of veggies should I attempt to grow?
Thanks for sharing. Sure it will be legal to grow in Iowa in a few years.
Like it is in Colorado.
Hello, thanks for new video!
Hoda Gibreel Osman
Many tips good to practice, and sure will help. Good video, thanks for
sharing.Killing ants has to be done (sorry), they are getting inside the
house and around anywhere in the kitchen. While my balcony plants when
there is ants – sure aphids as well. Spray for ants..and sure …..
marty hong
Hi, john love your videos, you’re my inspiration to grow my own food.
I’d like to ask whether azomite and montmollinolite is the same stuff or
cause here in thailand I can find montmollinolite , pumice and pumice
added to my garden
David do you have any big plans for this season? Another Giant pumpkin or
Excellent video – well worth watching and following news from Oscar.
Can you clone a determinate tomato, and what would happen if you did …
would it still die back at the same time as its parent plant, or would it
continue to grow like a baby plant of the parent’s type?
Wow, what a helpful tool! We will probably be using that when it is time
for us to get our garden ready. God bless! :)
chance kiki
Can I be in the giveaway
BarbaraL Lowell
You can buy an engraver for really cheap to write the plant tags on metal
strips from the cans you suggest. I notice that I always think I am going
to remember what I did, and two days later I cannot recall so now I record
everything in each bed in my computer with the plant and transplant dates.
My North Central FL greens garden is booming from all the rain we had, plus
the azomite, organic fert and worm castings, thanx to you John, you are the
best, so generous and personable and helpful!
Are you still on Oahu? I’d love to meet up if possible!
Ryan Cook
Rain Gutter Grow System – up on the deck, now that would be BEAUTIFUL !
Emma Applegate
Lots of great plants but a bit too messy.
Laura Hebert
Aww she did a great job. she is too cute.
nery colon
Breath taking. Really beautiful. Great job. The next step on how to make
onion plants
Stephen Legaree
+Wayne Meador I know your pain! I always get going so fast I end up with
huge plants way to early… hence my Sunday Episode ;)
Home Garden and Fashion
50 Ducks In A Hot Tub
We’ll see this fall how they turn out now that I’m doing it right
On The Balcony With Kat
O_o Um… wow! Growing wild out there, who would have thought?
CharlysGardenSchool G
but, remember: boiling water wreaks havoc on bacteria and worms, too, so it
depends on your tolerance and your holistic approach. Not a judgment, just
an expanded view. Happy Gardening! Love my GrowVeg program!!!!!
You don’t have any concerns about the chlorine in the city water killing
off the beneficial bacteria that you worked so hard to place in there?
Just curious… I’m thinking about setting out a 50 gallon drum and filling
it with city water, uncovered, for 24 hours. Then all the chlorine would
evaporate out over night… But I am curious about your take on this.
just say no to gmo
great video very informative ;)
Scrapple TV
Eric Wright
I’m listening with headphones and the birds sounded like they were right
outside my window.
A well planned vegetable garden is a productive vegetable garden. In this
video we go through the 5 key questions that you need to ask when planning
the best layout for your garden for the coming year.
Looks like a good selection. If i didn’t already have the seeds of those
varieties i’d apply. By green stripped squash do you mean green striped
cushaw or green striped hopi?
I like how they did the bricks around it.
You don’t ever seem to stumble on your words (from practice making all
those videos, huh?) that’s very good! Cute muscovy duck! I saw about 6
turkeys in someone’s front yard today while I was running. Hahaha, wow,
that guy has every garden item you can think of (near the end of the
video)! Oooh, that book at 31:40 looks pretty interesting!!! Oh, I have
that book by Rosalind Creasy. It’s good! Gnomes are scary! Don’t those
things come alive at night?! yikes, lol
Dan Fisker
Nice mustage you got there 😀 see 2:00 min
Donovan Pockrandt
Yea I would never use news paper or any paper with ink on it.
Toni Bartling
But how can the fruit ripen if you bag them like that?
Mouna Sop
She is so cute…..
Sunil Nair
Heres a Highlight Reel Plus I Am Growing All Winter Long :)
One word, "Buckets" That is so true, I have only 2 buckets and I used them
for ladders 🙁 ,stools, trash, mixing, and storage. Buckets for gardening
is a must. It is now on my check list for this year.
BeeSafe Organic Lawns
Great brussels sprouts!
its hemp, its indigenous to the whole northern area by you. they grew hemp
for yrs during ww2 an now it grows everywhere out there. i dont believe its
illegal if it grows on its own meaning you didnt plant it. you need to look
into the history an the laws about wild hemp
marcus davenport
He must be rich?
nery colon
I think that it gets real hot and maybe I have to wet them everyday while
the heat is on. We have had as high as 102 degrees. I can’t put hot water
because it’s a canister. I started to kill them by hand. Thanks because I
forgot that ants likes dry areas. thanks for your help really appreciate it
lol, I like waxing off too. Do you use any guano’s in these beds?
Pete Greenway
Great video, sharing.
always good to save seed
Michael Pulcini
Hi Gary,
Another great video. Do you think a 15" container is to large for growing 1
pepper plant?
A well planned vegetable garden is a productive vegetable garden. In this
video we go through the 5 key questions that you need to ask when planning
the best layout for your garden for the coming year.
The Organic Teen
David E
Mallesh Tigali
Ronnie & Minh
Why is it that Tornado’s and Ex-Coctail Waitresses always end up in trailer
Subedei's Garden
I just had a yard of compost and yard of mulch delivered from my local
supplier. Not much more than a mile down the street. It’s the first time
I’ve bought from them, but the product looked (and smelled) good and it was
a reasonable price. Can’t wait to see the results.
The Golden Turnip. One of our early permaculturists died recently. Two days
before I went to the area he developed in Plainfield, VT where I saw some
35 year old chestnut trees. Nicco Rubin of East Hill Farm would be the man
to give you a tour there. In Columbia County NY Hawthorne Valley is a great
biodynamic farm well worth visiting. Well I could go on. Enjoy your tour of
the NE.
Joyce Jjones
He certainly shares info on all of what has been planted with good ideas on
how to maintain what you have grown……he doesn’t however go into how
deep or far apart each plant should be..etc…his suggestions are more
advanced for those very familiar with growing veggies/fruits/beans//etc…
tammy laskey
She is just beautiful !!! So intelligent !!! Good job mom!!
Art Garden
Heres a Highlight Reel Plus I Am Growing All Winter Long :)
Tonys Allotment
great tips Wayne. you could add three zeros after the mistakes u have made
for me i make thousands, well i find thousands of ways that don’t work
anyway, everyday’s a learning day my friend :)
50 Ducks In A Hot Tub
It’s actually not a tip but how it’s actually done, if you Google search
images for Brussels Sprouts you will see photos of fields of them done,
they look like a Palm tree crossed with a Christmas tree
Dam I can’t believe you showed that, the cops will probably pay you a visit
How does he have a girlfriend? Odd.
Ants like dry conditions, so keeping the strawberry bed moist may help, and
blasting with water from a hose can dislodge ants and send them scurrying
off temporarily – this probably won’t get rid of them completely though.
Surrounding the plants with diatomaceous earth may help to deter them. If
you’re feeling particularly sadistic you can pour boiling water down the
ants’ nest to kill them.
jevante baker
hey can u mix those in the ground like in the backyard
need to know asap
jonny rotten
are you familiar with tricarboxylic acids organic acids for aux supplement
to the plants? If so your thoughts please.
How to Videos Organic Gardening & Beekeeping by Work With Nature
sha whit
Great information, thanks.
Good planning can make all the difference to the amount and quality of food
produced by your vegetable garden.
In this video we present 5 questions that are at the heart of good garden
planning and show how to draw up the plans you require. We then demonstrate
how the Garden Planner reduces the need for research and guess-work, so
that in a very short space of time you can create a personalised plan for
your most successful garden ever:
How to Plan a Vegetable Garden: Design Your Best Garden Layout
Thank you for featuring this beautiful Florida vegetable garden. I’m 3
years into experimenting with my own organic garden in West Central FL. I
am always disappointed when some say you can’t grow a good vegetable garden
in Florida so thanks for the proof otherwise!
do you have any info on SST’s? Sprout seed teas.,.
Great video John!
Michael Heywood
So much better to use a yard for growing useful plants instead of a lawn
which is only useful if you have a herd of some good animal to graze on
it. It may take me a few more seasons, but I am going to do it.
Gardening in Norway
Got very interested in that Wild Lettuce you showed. Need to do a search on
the net to find out more about it. Would have been cool to grow it.
Best wishes,
thanks for the tips
Wunderbar !
The Productive Garden
Great tip there. I will have to give that a go with mine. Thanks for
Oh cool ray, you left annoying neighbors and settled in pot land ! It is a
shame to destroy plants but hey, what can you do ?
us chronicle
not only are they driving out family businesses but this causes the price
of food to go up because of the limited amount of food produced. thus
making food more expensive to those who can’t afford it
Skyler Burnam
5:55 Is that the guy that played the main character in Burn Notice?!! Looks
a lot like him.
nery colon
I have a problem with these black ants in my strawberries. It’s been
killing my strawberry plants. I’ve been taking them out by hand it has
helped a little. Is there anything else that I can do? Would appreciate
your opinion. Thanks it’ a great video.
Life Martini
Rainbow Gardens
I am growing a purple potato this year and can’t wait to try it. Thanks
for showing us to hill the taters, mine will be tall enough to hill very
soon. :))
Keep us posted on the John and Bob’s materials, please!? Not ordering this
year (and you’re right on Boogie EWC)!
thank you, have a nice Sunday LG Frank
Gary Pilarchik
Tour of my container garden and 5 tips for growing peppers and determinate
tomatoes in containers.
Carol Peckham
This is a wonderful application. I used the garden planner last year and
look forward to planning my new 2014 garden.
Michael Happy
the more mistakes you make the faster u learn!
Gary White
John has a Hitler stash at 2:40
I use pelleted Chicken Manure to keep rabbits and squirrels away. Works for
Nelson Flores
I like this system called Permaculture, also somebody suggested to make
holes on the pots all over to air the roots of the plants so they don’t
cripples the roots inside the containers and the water jus run out of the
container without moisture the roots because are to dense and no soil.
Brock Hughes
Yes bro Thats awesome! Great video period 🙂 you are for sure rolling Ben!
Awesome tips, and just for those who want to start gardening, cucumbers and
tomatoes give you the biggest yield because you can pick the vegetable as
it ripens and the plant will produce more. Have fun.
SUB ➃ SUB and ADVERTISE YOURSELF on my channel & my videos!
– I also automatically allow ALL video responses on all of my
vids, so you can promote your videos! – Let’s help each other!
Watch my videos, rate them, favorite them, just let me know and I’ll
return the favors! (Sometimes I get busy here, but I always try to help
people who help me!)
50 Ducks In A Hot Tub
Terry, actually you are suppose to let the frost hit them many times, the
more frost hits the sweeter they get. The first year I didn’t do this and
got some sprouts, last year I found out about this process in late Aug or
early Sept so they didn’t develop like they should of. This year I should
get a whole bunch since I’m doing it early, they should be done around mid
to end of Oct, they need the cool weather to grow right. They should really
look like Palm Trees when you’re done in the fall
It’s strange to see something that grows naturally to be considered
illegal. Very strange day indeed!
In the middle ages, in Europe, the serfs were not allowed to hunt, because
all game belonged to someone. They also had to give a percentage of crops
they grew to the landowners, so the only uncontrolled food source they had
was the ocean. Having said that, don’t eat fish from the Pacific.
Dat booty tho………damn
Want to stop your plants being destroyed by pests such as slugs, aphids or
cabbage worm? In this video, we demonstrate natural pest control techniques
which can help you to reduce harmful pests and stop them from damaging your
fruit and vegetables. We explain which methods work best for different
types of pests, as well as how to use natural predators and barriers for
future protection:
Natural Pest Control for Healthy Plants in your Vegetable Garden
Good luck on the blue potatoes. I tried them last year. My coworker gave me
a few. They were small but I didn’t wait until the plant died off so really
that was my fault. They were good though. A bit firmer potato than some
others I’ve had. Really beautiful though! Thanks for the reminder on
hilling up. Time to do that to mine. Nice video. The picture is so clear.
Evermont King
I like waxing off too
Good planning can make all the difference to the amount and quality of food
produced by your vegetable garden.
In this video we present 5 questions that are at the heart of good garden
planning and show how to draw up the plans you require. We then demonstrate
how the Garden Planner reduces the need for research and guess-work, so
that in a very short space of time you can create a personalised plan for
your most successful garden ever:
How to Plan a Vegetable Garden: Design Your Best Garden Layout
A community garden would be a fun idea for a mobile home situation.
Bringing people together to grow things would help people get along better.
Living in such close quarters can be stressful at times. A garden for
everyone would really relieve some of that stress.
I meant my soil is very sandy.
You went to New Jersey since its the garden state.
Use red worms, a bee hive, caterpillars (butterflies) and lady bugs…get
those cross-pollinators in there!!!! More mulch to retain moisture. Get
more land. Be fully off-grid and totally self-sustainable. Get out of the
suburb (too much risk).
Conocimiento Global (Global Knowledge)
Dan Rogers
Hey Wayne, one of my coworkers was telling me about the jiffy peat plugs
growers. You know the plugs that expand in water. You then put your seed
into them. I got a small jiffy green house planter for my patients at work.
It has 10 spots with ten plugs. I got it because it was clean for the
environment I work in. I planted new pumpkin seeds in there 4 germinated
and are growing. The remainder got moldy and did nothing. Do you have any
experience with these peat plugs planters? If so have you had this problem
with them? I’m trying to figure out if it is the jiffy plugs or maybe bad
seeds that I just bought.
Wow very sexy outfit
50 Ducks In A Hot Tub
No actually, once the Cauliflower is ready for the elastic bands I’ll do a
video on it, you need to stop the sun from hitting the head or they grow
and turn black
Oh i would love to see the police come and take them out thatd be so much
fun to watch haha :)
Carrie Beth
Ezekiel 34:2 "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel;
prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Woe to you
shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds
take care of the flock?
Ezekiel 34:3 You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and
slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock.
Ezekiel 34:4 You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound
up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the
lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally.
Michael Holliday
This dude is a shmuck, is ugly, and looks like something dragged in off the
street. This girl could do a lot better. I think I’ll block this channel
just so I won’t get this crap in my suggestions widget again. How utterly
Great how-to! We’ll be planting potatoes this weekend. Can’t wait!
Jim Deel
You Talk To Much About Nothing John.
That is a great garden, thanks for the tour.
Here in australia where I live my sand is alkaline and black sand. The
composting facility up the road is $40 per cubic meter, which is made from
the towns people green waste bin picked up once a month.. It has rubbish,
large sticks and it stinks. It is horrible. Have to make my own.
Is this a re-upload? Seems like this was on already…
Stephanie Cruvant
Six minutes into this & still no real information! Just to listening
patiently, hoping for content.Nope, "trees" etc.
Great vid..thanks for the tips!
should you do this with cauliflowers as well
If you compost those plants wont like the substance inside the plant and
into the soil and into the food you eat? I dont know that might not even be
possible was just wondering :)
Alex Mercer
Why is alex jones a propaganda machine for Republicans?
No tits
Thanks for sharing the tip. I don’t know if purple potatoes grow in my zone
8-9. I normally only grow red and white.
I was only able to hill my potatoes once this year but i did cover them
with some hay. We will see if that makes a difference on yield. I was also
about a month late because i lost my first crop due to soggy ground and
rains in Feb.
To anyone that digs trenches for planting potatoes. If you live in an area
which could receive to much rain, don’t dig your trenches below grade or
you will just have a pool of mud and rotten potato seeds.
I leaned my lesson and now draw up a row and then plant the seeds at or
slightly above grade (usually a 2-3" deep furrow). then i take and cover
the potatoes, as they grow, with the dirt i had from creating the furrow
and also pull dirt up from in between the rows.
Ray H
Sea water is salty and polluted. Kelp is good but I am starting to question
where products are coming from because of Fukushima.
I can’t stand when someone tells me that I cannot plant certain things or
build raised beds.
Wesley Denney
All I can say is that brother you are making me sweet here in my bedroom
from watching you sweat half to death. Lol. I see a trip to Alaska for my
wife and I
Barefeet Gardener
that is way north jersey. Once I get a house and have a huge garden I will
be inviting John to come hang out!
Gardening With Puppies
I love what he has done with his place. It is like an Oasis in the middle
of Suburbia. Better than lawn any day.
suburban sentinel
Great stuff my brother!
June I’am glad your family is over there visiting with you’ll… I hope you
guys have a good visit…
Great channel. I live just east of Toronto and I have tried growing sprouts
twice doing exactly what you are doing. Both times it failed. Not sure if
it was the variety I planted or what but they never developed before the
frost hit.. Anxious to see if it works for you..Take care. Terry
Ben Frazer
Lol, that little pot plants got you nervous? Ya know there’s practically
whole little fields of the damn things Along Wyoming and here in
Colorado…although the ones in Colorado might have a little more help
spreading then most. =3
Chuck Dean
How long could you and your family survive with the food you have on hand
right now?
1 Week, 1 Month, 3 Months or longer?
Now what would you do if you couldn’t buy any food anywhere for any amount
of money?
ZVox Media
5 Bucks says she cheats on him when he’s gone!
Mathew Raynes
Great video! Very helpful! A little too much product placement for me
I really like the colour of those Potatoes, I got to get some of those
soon! "Wow"
Nice informative video, thanks Misilla!
Happy Gardening
Marty ware
Ray H
Peat Moss is acidic.
I dump everything in a pile and mix with a shovel then shovel up and amend
the soil one time with the mixture. A concrete mixer works great and you
can pour what you need into a bucket.
Why aren’t you using woodchips for water retention?
I have never lived in a mobile home; it is very unlikely I ever will. So
why is this such a wonderful and inspiring video for me? John is a real
missionary for real food and organic gardening and his message is a clear
one: come on everybody! No matter where you live you too can do this. Great
video. And to the guy whose garden this is in South Florida I say: hats off
to you. This is an impressive garden.
Jason rhythmmaster Laskey
John! you are always such a inspiration to us! Raw Living For Life!
JoJean Dumont
Hi John, thanks for coming to the East Coast! I’m up here in Central Maine
and this feels pretty close to "home"! 🙂
This was good, Thanks John
Leesville Aquaponics Homestead
good video!!! Also that tower you made you might want to paint everything
cause you will get algae build up fast…
It’s the love dance.
Looks like it could be just industrial hemp. There would have been fields
of of these plants post 50’s grown for its fibre (among other things) for
use in the textile industry. Not really any physcoactive properties to it
so it’s a sham it’s gets lumped together with marijuana. Cool find.
Okay, I understand Alex & his gang are trying to promote the "info war" but
it’s becoming a little too sensationalized now these days. The very real
things he discusses are NOT for entertainment purposes but should be an
attempt to wake people up. I think if this is viewed as a show & ONLY that,
it then causes more complacency then not knowing what’s going on at all.
Love how they post their home address below and then show video of how he’s
not home when he’s out doing his band thing…hmmm. But we live in lala
land so I’m sure nothing will happen. Maybe you guys can make a video of
where you hide your spare house key. Maybe it would be a good idea to get
a P.O. Box instead after you move. Faith in mankind is nice but posting
your physical address is crazy.
Diana Jones
That’s awesome 🙂
I’m growing my Potatoes with my beans too…. it’s my first time growing
potatoes let’s see what happens
Garden Sheds Kent
This demonstration has a great point! This video could really add another
information about organic fertilizer. It is good to know that the value of
microbes could also be very useful too.
Great video, thanks for posting. Feel motivated again now
dale brown
John, your vid shows the limit of OMRI Cert., . While the compost at this
company is in compliance with OMRI standards, thier source product remains
questionable. Any homeowner could have sprayed thier lawn or plants with
2,d4, Diazinon, etc. The same limit applys to any commercialy produced
organic fert- with 85% of the worlds cotton being GMO, what are the odds of
getting organic cottonseed meal? The same applies to blood & bone meal-were
the cattle raised organicly? probably not, so it remains Our responsibility
to grow our food as organicly as possible. Everyone needs to understand the
limitations of any certifcation program.
Jonthue Michel
What!!!!!!!!…. ahhhh… ICE CEAM BANANA!!???? ahhhh yay!!!! you are not
my favorite channel on youtube.
Yes it’s a strange day INDEED!
Todd King
I’ve watched so many economics videos and I’ve learned some stuff but I
still felt pretty confused about economics. I watched “Easy Economics” by
Brian Nelmes, and now I just get it. He made it so simple to understand
and offered a solution that actually made sense to me. Seriously guys
everyone needs to understand the things in that video.
2:33-2:40 What is the name of that song?
Candee Pearson
Great ideas about growing herbs indoors, you can then transplant them
outside in your #Durango Landscaping
Stephen Legaree
Great how to! I should be planting my potatoes in a few days !
Marcella Smith
Do you have lots of worms in your soil John?
Gloria Walker
Great video! Perfect timing too because my mom is thinking about moving
into a mobile home park and I wondered if she can have a garden. We just
need to find one with sunny yard. Thanks John!
My town also provides a limited amount of free mulch / forest product
compost every year. First come, first serve. I think its a wonderful thing!
this vid is both inspiring and sad for me…..:( I live in Montana, limited
on what we can grow…..just had -40 degrees last month…..ugh. I love
gardening tho!!
Look at the food prices, the onerous levels of taxation and regulation put
on farmers and ranchers and the land grabs by the BLM – this is Agenda 21 –
UN regulated starvation of humanity through steady erosion of the food
Jenny has great hamstrings!
thank you for this video and the rest. slowly making my way through all of
Enjoyed the visit with you today…hilling potatoes…I had forgotten all
about hilling them. Haven’t had a garden since we moved to a sub-division
about 7 years ago. I do miss it & will hopefully try to grow some things in
our small shady yard at some point. When I grew up hilling potatoes was one
on my jobs when the time came. Fun to see your children & the chicks! Have
a great weekend.
Richard Eckstein
Free Fertilizer at Freefertilizer,INC it organic just Google
your welcome.
i invest many hundreds of dollars in my garden every year. lol
very cool, i wonder what it would take to convince a town/city to do this
So inspiring!
Trenton Hays
Don’t take this the wrong way, but wow, they made the thumbnail for this
the map they showed. (10:14) (It’s funny because of the videos title)
Dylan Ferguson
Are they married?
Sarah Casavant
Thank you for showing us how to hill. So it is o.k. to cover the bottom
leaves as you hill?
Annie Gaddis
I am saddened by the fact that I live in the farm belt, and the products
you are showing are NOT available to me by the local Farm Co-Op. Even
Walmart here doesn’t carry organic products unless it’s from a company like
Miracle-Gro (which I don’t trust to be truly chemical free). I have to
MAIL-ORDER everything which greatly ups the cost because of the
shipping/handling. sigh.
cayla jones
Love this!
CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY
awesome! Beautiful organic compost – great that they make the mulch
available to residents for free. I love the smell of compost as well!
Thanks for taking us on a tour even tho you were on vaca!
Abyssal Nocturnus
Thanks for the upload man. this was an awesome video
Larrys LeatherWork
Wife and I built two large raised beds and we are going to try to raise
plants from seeds by covering our beds with a plastic dome. Not sure how it
will go but we are excited. We started a worm farm last fall so we are
The fisherman should set up a market, and local people should shop there!
They could have local farmers as well, and crafts, all local stuff
Bring Local back!
Ronan Kavanagh
Thumbnail of the day goes to…
GrowOrganic Peaceful Valley
Amy Sampson
Blue potatoes are my favorite. I often have trouble finding them though, so
I don’t grow them every year. You’re lucky to have them!
Love it! Thanks John, for all the great info and all that you do!
Starting to sound like great results cannot be had without buying
"products"… ugh…
I was really trying to avoid that ~
How many cubic yards in those super totes?
Zhil Vern
Thanks for the video, very inspirational!
Diane Mumm Garden Videos
I am just excited to see our temps warm up.. really cold this winter.. as
far as growing I want to move my garden area and start a new one.. I hope
it happens..:) enjoy our nice weather..
If you can get out of America do it NOW! Before you will be no longer
allowed to fly.
Sarah Freer
I love that Travis had only been in Jessie’s company few hours and started
to talk like him ‘yo’ ‘for real’ aha cutie 😛 p.s i hope their friend wasnt
drunk driving :’)
Thank-you for that..Awesome video as always!
Remember, not all potatoes will respond to hilling methods, due to how the
tubers develop. Only specific varieties, namely the indeterminates.
Everyone should just mulch with straw, deciduous tree leaves, or wood chips
instead of buying humus and carbon. Mulching with these things is very
effective in encouraging fungi and long term humus and carbon in the soil.
I also recommend using gaia green rock dust, ive seen prices as low as $18
for 50lbs. Compost is cheap if buy the normal stuff, you dont gotta buy the
expensive one. Tilling and turning of soil is damaging to the entire soil
food web.
Californa Farm Bureau Federation
I ended up harvesting my compost early, sifting it thru a 3/4 inch grate so
its not as fine as I wanted… But I did it all and planted my Chard,
Broccoli, carrots, Cilantro, snow Peas and Watermelon… Wish me luck !
you growing a mustache???
Melody Bonet
i wish i knew about the give away along time ago :(
Heliodrome English
Awesome garden!
Vaalserberg Garden
I’m planning a greater variety of Sweet peppers this year.
Harvest Chives And Parsley
Christopher Wong of Young Urban Farmers teaches how to harvest chives and
parsley. These are 2 very popular herbs grown in gardens. Use Chris’ tips
to make sure you get the most of your garden herbs.
For more planting and gardening tutorials from Christopher Wong visit the
Home section of
#garden #herbs #harvest
Cher's American Brat
I would NEVER let them touch my kids. i dont understand and will never
understand these parents that put their kids thru this.
meriton berisha
was ed drink driving??
Debra Goring
Love this, thanks! :O)
The Productive Garden
I used plastic bins to grow my potatoes. I place a bit of soil and compost
in the bottom and plant the potatoes in there and then pile in more soil
and compost as the potatoes grows up until the bin is full.
mae robee
I guess he hasn’t gotten his aloe pups in the mail yet.
I would absolutely love to have a composting facility near me.
Michael Smith
I need seeds aswell I’m planning a large garden this year for me and the
Daniel Gilliland
I like how John remains humble and shows his guests respect by not talking
over them and listening attentively. It’s a little thing, but it shows
Thumperlane Homestead
Sitting by the window tapping….. wishing for warmer weather….. so I can
go out to play!! warmer warmer warmer….. (kind of like the Mervyn’s lady
with open open open) :-)
Awaken D
David knight you and sakari Jackson do an amazing job keeping info wars
alive .. Keep u the great work !
Matter of fact if I continue to hear alex jones immature ignorant comments
I will be canceling my prison planet memberships the people know exactly
what’s I’m talking about gn I’m so annoyed By alex jones the people Are
starting to see right through him ..
That was NOT a tiny spider!
And hopefully, Jessie’s friend(the driver) was just acting foolish, because
if he was drunk that’s bad.
Indoor Hydroponix
Ha! I am growing the blue potatoes as well! They are pretty cool little
Tim Huffman
Exactly John! Learn as you grow.. That is what I have been doing since last
May when I started watching your videos … I’m near Fort Myers Florida, so
I love these videos !!! Thanks again for uploading
yes I’m on Kauai and finally made it to the compost place. Was able to get
1 1/2 trashcans filled for 10 bucks. I also got a leaf blower/mulcher and
have been putting the mulched leaves on plants.
Ro M
I wish I could have gone to the Heirloom Expo! I live far away. Maybe next
year. I need to find a place to garden this year. No place yet. But I got
to have my garden :)
Quite a bit in that small of a space. He’s got some excellent creative
gardening skills.
sebastian wilkins
Beautiful plant, we discovered it by accident last year in a mixed wild
flower seed pack. I now have a special place in my gardens each year for
this because of how much the bees loved it last year. Currently we have
around 40 plants growing almost ready for summer.
Gary Pilarchik
Im going to grow 20+ varieties of cherry type or smaller tomatoes. That
includes the new fad indigo tomatoes. We will see how black they truly are.
Every year it is exciting to clear the beds and sort of paint/sculpt the
garden with plantings. I just like watching it grow.
Go Dave !
Jose A Hernandez
DAMN! Wanna bang Jenny someday. Hand to say it. lol
Orchid lover
Great video Misilla, can’t wait till the purple potatoes grow, good luck
and happy growing! :)
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope you enjoyed your visit to Hawaii.
Come back again soon!
Hey John, between getting a new job and such I haven’t been digging into my
e-mail until recently. I’ll get my envelopes out as quickly as I can.
Thanks for all the amazing videos.
Dale Modisette
Published on Dec 3, 2013
John goes on a field trip to visit sDr. Bob Randall’ Permaculture Food
Forest in Suburban Houston, Texas. In this .28 acre lot bob grows over 150
varieties of fruit trees, a raised bed vegetable garden and more. In this
episode you will learn how he is growing many different types of plants
using permaculture principles. During this episode John will give a tour of
the property and share many of the different types of plants growing at
this suburban food forest. John will also interview Dr. Randall and ask him
some questions about permaculture and some new ways to get you to think
about your organic home garden. After watching this episode you will be
sure to learn some new ways and techniques that you can use to have a more
successful garden in the future.
Thank you for posting this video. Our house is on the NorCal coast, 300
feet from the ocean. Phacelia looks like it will be a great addition to our
informal garden.
Just looked at the forecast for next week… one night has a low of minus
1F and the next a low of minus 8F so that makes me feel like spring is
forever away 🙁 Aside from the unusual temps, I would like to try growing
corn again (will use BT this time) and have another go at outdoor celery. I
definitely want to try low tunnels for the cabbage.
More exaggerating
Aaron Monroe
Nice the chicks are getting so big, I got mine and they are great, 🙂 Sorry
I have not posted any vids about them, I’ve barely had any time to watch
videos let alone make any, LOL My potatoes are not growing at all, I think
there is something wrong with the whole lot of them but I found some
volunteers from last year, Great video, :)
Nora Soliven
Good job!
debbie bradek
when gardener on the phone said "you cant grow that here in Florida!" i
would have simply and nicely said " then why do they sell the seeds for it
here in Florida?" lol
How about some video of the grinder … those things are cool. I wish
someone would make a small version of that for home use so I could grind up
my own compost.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I got my seeds today! I am so excited I can not wait to grow them. I was
wishing I grew them this last year but never bought them… Next year
because of you I will have them. Thanks again :D
Those fruit trees are planted way too close together. He may have some
success, but not as much as if he planted them further apart so they don’t
shade each other.
Thanks but we prefer you showing some free tips first. It important to most
of us how your growing.
Southpaw Davey
I think my grow room as its new and winter and what I can start for the
But it would be nice to have worms too I am working on it.
Dave ;-)
Papa Lima
It’s simple! Stop flying! What so hard to understand.
Best prank ever: Put Travis and Jeana in a room with bugs and lock them
Beautiful video
Linda Brunner
Lovely and inspiring.
Mix vinegar and salt and spray those bees to get rid of them.
A nice tour of a garden maintained by a guy with a great attitude. For
plant ID tags I use modelers enamel paint on a rock.
whats the stuff under ur nose lol?
lili white
hi john, enjoy all your vids, thanks, look forward to my vegetable seeds
from you,can’t wait
Laura White
I’m a young adult (23) studying horticulture where I live in New Zealand,
and I’m learning heaps from this channel. Organic gardening for the win! I
hope one day to do companion planting like this on a commercial scale.
blessing david
Well, I’m dreaming of tomatoes. Ray is sending me some of his Beefsteak
seeds. He’s sending a few other plants, but off the top of my head, I
can’t remember what they are. As far as worms, the compost is where I go
to get mine for fishing.
kayla tackett
Why does every person on youtube just put bugs back outside? I would have
just smashed it with a shoe lol
Zach Siltanen
How much stuff are you supposed to put over the potato plants?
Tanesha Graham
Love the story and the fight you two gave!!!! Bless you!!!
john doe
meant take breaks
John Fischer
just watching 10 sec but i love that shirt!
Yeah!! just an fyi, Shanghai boy choi grows really well right now in South
Florida. I’ve recently (through John’s influence, of course) gotten all my
seeds at Baker’s Creek, they really are doing us a service in maintaining
I really like your videos, keep growing.
I’m excited for spring because I’ve decided to install new raised beds and
to completely redesign my front and back yard. It’s going to be a challenge
but I’m ready for a change. Happy New Year Kim and Camera Guy!!!!! All the
best to two of my absolutely favorite youtubers!!!!
michael byrd
This world is going to be so much peaceful when you cave people go extinct.
Ashley Nowicki
Drunk tavis is drunk….
Learn To Grow
Hi friends! Here’s a short video on what to do next after planting
potatoes. Have a great day!
Janaki Nallapareddy
Very inspiring!
Like the table!.going to be a nice warm weekend.enjoy the weather Troy.
Stephen Legaree
John it is absolutely great that you share the successes in hard to grow
locations! That is one of my goals is to show on the opposite end of the
spectrum that you can grow quite well and a wide variety of fruits and
Barbara Evins
Yes! i’m a Winner, Envelopes in the Mail. Thanks John.
Jason Haeger
Musa "blue Java" (aka Ice Cream Banana) is hardy to 26F, I’ve read. I’ve
got a couple of babies(ice cream banan plants) in a north Dallas suburb, so
I do hope that 10F is accurate.
Nicole D
I will be moving from a nice size yard with eastern exposure in the
suburbs, to an 8 ft balcony with southern exposure in the city. I’m so
excited even though I’m losing space. I want to see how my new garden will
flourish in full sun. I can’t wait. -Nicole in Fl
Wait, how many days behind are we? I’m confused.
Learn To Grow
Hi friends! Here’s a short video on what to do next after planting
potatoes. Have a great day!
Victoria Nguyen
good job
Why not mow half of the chicken run and let the other half grow to see what
the birds prefer?
LT Cartwright
Yea!!! I won! LOL
Sorry about your injury, hope you get better REALLY soon!
Happy New Year Kim! I am excited about the sweet peppers that I am planting
this year. I have two varieties already started for six weeks and I just
planted seeds for four more varieties two days ago. I am going to raise
these in the house. I will plant some later again in March that I plant in
soil and containers. I am also excited by plant watermelon and some midget
cantaloupe.. All of these are varieties that can grow in short grow season
that I have. Last but not least, I have three varieties of eggplant. I have
been growing lettuce and Swiss chard in the house this winter. I should be
able to start harvesting both next week.
Travis Clark
Jenny has a new outfit for gardening 🙂 While I spend a drunken night in
Learn To Grow
Hi friends! Here’s a short video on what to do next after planting
potatoes. Have a great day!
Hey, Drummond! <3
So cool to hear about something awesome happening in your corner.
Awesome idea, beautifully done!
Now you’ll have to get some screen for your porch to keep the bugs out!
looks great Troy! This year I planted all my vine plants like cucumbers and
melons on a home made trills I made from fence post and rope to keep them
off the ground and it doesn’t take up near the room, I live in town with a
very small yard but my goal this year was to put out as much veggies as I
can in a small space.
Thanks can"t wait for my seeds,HOORAY!
Tomato Geeks
I plan to add 50 raised beds and opening my garden up to those in need.
This way they will have a place to get fresh produce free of charge.
Learn To Grow
Hi friends! Here’s a short video on what to do next after planting
potatoes. Have a great day!
sheryl napier
Just found your video. Bravo for you for standing up for front yard
gardening! Yours is a beautiful garden. Much envy
James West
Carpenter bees bore holes = fungus and rot in your wood….kill them.
Thank you so very much, John, for choosing me to be one of the winners.
Ive put my envelopes and choices in the mail tonight to be picked up
Monday! So very excited to be able to win Baker Creek seeds and Im going
over there to order a few more! WHOO HOOO!
Kate Cash.
I have learnt a lot from everyone. As beginner I am just looking forward to
having a functional garden that I can eat from. I am getting all sorts of
ideas from you guys. I’m not even sure what I want to grow when spring
comes. I have planted some garlic and maybe I will have lots of greens and
sweet corn.
Learn To Grow
Hi friends! Here’s a short video on what to do next after planting
potatoes. Have a great day!
Uwe kurt-albert
Wonderful Garden.
Looking good Troy. now the coop on the highest setting. Really good job…
Whoo Hoo! I got my top 3 picked out. Thank you John!!!!!!! 🙂
Also, will there be a YouTube channel designated to this project?
Rob Bob
Long time until spring hit here 😉 Still sowing watermelon & cucumber seeds
here.. Will be great to see what everyone plants once spring rolls around
up North..
jom james
The last thing the elite want is the regular folk growing their own food,
becoming educated and freeing themselves from the diseased grip of the
industrialized food system.
be aware
Hi Troy…those bees are carpenter bees. We have them here in MD. They make
holes in the wood of your house and they will get right up in your face if
they think you are bothering them. We’ve never been stung by them. They are
more a nusiance, I thimk.
SNAP! I got an email from you today saying I am one of the winners of the
seed give away!! Before the day was done I completed the required tasks.
Now I wait. Just want to say THANK YOU!!!!! Next season I will have a
pretty cool story of how I attained a certain plant that my friends and
family are enjoying the fruit of.
Yes!!! This is it! I love this…it’s catching on. This is what my Youtube
channel is about. I am from the sister Island of The Commonwealth Of
Dominica! I recommend you all make a facebook page also!
I am excited for so much this coming year. Mostly it is going to be making
a grid method instead of a row method at the cottage. I realized how much
space I wasted just making lanes to walk, and I thought. How silly is this!
I am going to be planting in 5 foot X 5 foot blocks with a little 1 foot
walk path in between. Maximum capacity planting! it will be totally
Tita Sokoloff
Wonderful video and terrific story-from start to finish. Thank you!
Isn’t the fence setup so you can mow a lap around the outside of it from
time to time? An easy way to keep everything in check except the trees.
kim siflinger
thanks can’t wait for my seeds
Honey Hole Hive
We have a lot of gophers,moles and ants which make it hard to plant fields
or a garden i have to put some old galvanized tin under my raise beds.
Gardening is a lot of good excise
I *GUARANTEE* that worm castings and worm tea are good for your garden!!!
What am I excited about? I’m excited about having my hoop house ready for
spring planting! Cheryl and I are building a commercial grade hoop house
(polytunnel). We’re nearly finished! Watch the Itsy Farm channel this year
because we will be posting the gory details of the construction, including
ALL the travails of two *old* farts trying to do work that twenty
somethings should be doing! The *Itsy Farm Hoop House Saga* ! Maybe others
can learn from our mistakes. (Maybe they’ll learn to hire a darn contractor
to do it!!)
C. C. Music
Posted new video: Understanding the Organic Garden
Jennifer Harper
Winnie Ryan
How wonderful your garden looks and that the city had some sense! I, too,
have my garden in the front because of better sun exposure. Good luck with
this year’s garden and enjoy the fruits of your labors and your land.
Those are carpenter bees. They burrow holes into your wood. The males
hover around on patrol while the females are in there hole making babies.
Be interesting to see if the oil works. I have to use some wasp and hornet
killer and it still take a few hits to kill them sometimes.
wow john thank you, thank you
Honey Hole Hive
I like the raise beds, think it the only way to go for a small garden,
unless commercial garden and have farm equipment to do fields, beside you
don’t have to bend over as much and can set on the sides.less weeding
Charm City Balcony Garden
I’m with you Kim! I’m very excited about this new season and definitely
cannot wait to get started. I’ve been perusing the seed catalogues and
stores online. I think I might try some new plants on my balcony garden and
thinking about some new tomato varieties for the community garden. Worms
bins are really fun! And it is nice to think about getting free worm
casting! Happy new year to you and your family!
It was about 120 in my living room today with the sun beating on the side
and no air it was also 94% humidity so the sweat did no good, can’t wait
for the 100 plus day’s in the next few week’s. I miss the North East ;-(
Hilary's Eat Well
Evolve Aquaponics
John from is doing a Heirloom seed give away, check
his youtube channel out for great organic gardening techniques! #aquaponics
"all ive seen you do is stick the sticks in the ground"
and your point is?
I’m letting my seeds that dropped last year (heheh, it’s official now) grow
up how they want and fostering the ones who like to grow, hopefully it’s
the greens I love to eat best.
I try not to get too excited, cause if I do I get barned out (you know if
you live in a barn and it’s great, but then live there to long never going
out and get so sick of it? Like that) I just try to maintain a mildly happy
glow about the whole thing, sustainable gardening.
Hopefully in talkin about being excited so much you don’t get a jealous
type along who’ll claim that the whole excited thing was their idea, but
they’re happy they could inspire you, and kinda claim your vid. It’s rare,
but has been known to happen 🙂
I’m playin, but I do love your vids, while trying not to get too excited,
but it’s difficult. I am already thinking of spring, what amount of bs I’ll
spread around (no, not bull, but bunny stuff)
I need to get more into kale is what I need, the kale I planted seemed to
get choked out by other greens. I like putting in the nitro for greens,
then I can add other stuff early spring so it will be ready for the warm
Thanks for the great vid 🙂 didn’t mean for this to get so long
Laura Strack
Oh my goodness, the poppy pods are so pretty. They have a lovely Asian
architecture about them. The dried pods on their stems, would look gorgeous
in a vase tied with a natural or organic ribbon, such as 1/2 inch burlap,
or something similar. Thanks for sharing, Vivian!
Zach P.
you can’t compare tomatoes to peppers. tomatoes certainly have million more
benefits than peppers. besides that you can’t eat peppers all day long.
Your garden is beautiful — you have inspired me to start going in my front
yard. Like you we do not get enough sun. Merci pour le partage.
Cheers Patrick
An idea for the porch would be to take some screening materials and hang it
from the top and temperately anchor to the bottom, once it gets colder
unhook the bottom and roll it up and zip tie to hold it up. This will help
against mosquitoes that are most likely as bad as they are where I am in
Michigan, I have already killed a ton today.
Hoda Gibreel Osman
I am sorry John, please take care as the body can move well and we can work
well if no pain or broken parts of the body.
Organics dark side is Blood meal and Bone Meal fertilizers in my opinion
(Bone meal is a mixture of finely and coarsely ground animal bones and
slaughter-house waste products).So basically your feeding your plants
Factory farmed gmo fed, possibly diseased animals left over blood/ body
parts. Yummy. Not really all the organic one can argue.
Wayne Meador
*AWESOME Video **+CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY**!*
*I’m excited to learn and start growing with hydroponics and aquaponics.*
I’m also excited to grow some of the seeds that I’ve swapped for using the
resources that I outline in this video (How To Get Heirloom Seeds (a couple
of options)).
I don’t know if I’ll be settled into a new place soon enough to have an
all-out garden but as soon as I am, I want to vermipost as well! I hope it
works out for you. Are you making your own worm bins or buying some?
*Great Winter Gardening Video!* :-)
Linda Knox
I also love the looks of seed heads of many flowers/herbs and have saved
seeds from them before. I usually put them in paper envelopes and they seem
to stay well. Thanks for showing your progress and I love the flower
pictures you post.
YAY! you should be called the happy gardener!
I Balogh
Lawns are stupid
Still think you should consider building a pole barn around your motor home
instead of building anothe small home. The motor home has everything you
need already done. Why reinvent the wheel? In a SHTF situation, you would
be further ahead.
Someone clarify for me – Should the envelope be mailed as soon as I sign
up, or later when the directions are sent? I got an email but only a
confirmation that I signed up.
Vero Stormm
Can you use the weekly feed on gardens with soil. My raised beds already
have the soil in it. This is the first time that I heard of this
sawdust/sand method.
Dr Ed
forgot to mention…the comfrey "tea" smells a LOT ! , so put it somewhere
away from the house :D
Stephen Legaree
Kim oddly enough I have a response video for this just waiting on something
in the mail 🙂
Collecting seeds from the late spring garden. Some words as well on the
blog today!
Lynda Jones
I love the expression and enthusiasm you put into your videos : )
Gardening With Puppies
Lawns are stupid
Maximum Yield
connie connie
What did I do wrong????
I put the sweet potato in a little bit of water, its been about 4 days
now… It is starting to get mold on it…. Any suggestions???
find some goats to take down out side fence
vale comer
post a video of making your recipe with the cilantro…and how you sprout
buckwheat?…very interested to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heather Franklin
What do you do about pests? I tried to crow crucifers here in the Houston
area once and they were covered in cabbage loopers. Do you spray something?
会~Hydro Trilogy~会
Sharlet Toliver
This stuff is awesome
Midwest Gradening
I grow 12 different kinds of tomatoes an 18 different kinds of peppers from
sweet to ultra hot an 4 different kinds of water melons….. just saying
that makes me want to start planting out doors but I have to start them in
doors….In till March I always draw out my plans so I know what is going
where in the raised beds an it’s fun for the kids
I like your energy
Gardening With Puppies
They were so fortunate to not have to take down their garden. We have
people in, Orlando, who grew beautiful vegetable gardens in their front
yards, too, but were forced to tear them up and plant a lawn. Terrible.
Why don’t you start a bee hive? It will draw the bees to the hive and away
from your home.
I joined the email list to claim my free seed packet but I don’t think it
worked. It didn’t even ask for my address. Where is the free seed packet?
The results you’ve highlighted are remarkable. I purchased the Mittleider
library and have been going through the course material. Have you tried the
Mittleider gardening method using soil based beds? That’s the route I’m
going this year. Great video!
Brock Hughes
Amen on the wine Kim 🙂 honestly I’ll just be happy when my beer mug quits
freezing to my hand 🙂 I’m trying some peppers I’ve never grown before
(scorpions) and they are supposed to be pretty hot so I’m looking forward
to that and I’m looking forward to what everyone is doing 🙂
Jack Billington
4:20 love it! I just started getting into gardening,and I have about 6-7
pepper plants and only 2 types of tomato,peppers win! sadly though the
tomato plant is starting to produce,waiting impatiently on my peppers
That is so Awesome!!
Michelle Ware
Thank you.
Well, it was 33c when I came in from the outside (4pm). So, it has warmed
up. I have found a house I like so am working on getting that. So
hopefully in a couple months I’ll start making a on grid home to off grid.
It’s perfect and like what my long lost missing wife and I talked about.
Just wanted it on 10 acres and not 6. Be bless in the name of Adonai Troy
and Shabbat Shalom.
I use at least three feet between beds. When plants mature in beds they
will really restrict your movement in isles.
Wendy Allred
My sister helped me build raised beds last winter and this was a fun season
of growing and learning.
The results you’ve highlighted are remarkable. I purchased the Mittleider
library and have been going through the course material. Have you tried the
Mittleider gardening method using soil based beds? That’s the route I’m
going this year. Great video!
Sounds crazy to be excited about worm composting? What do you mean? I
thought that was perfectly normal! :D
I can my own sauce, so tomatoes win. Great video, thanks for sharing.
Work when it’s cooler. Here people get up at 5 or 6 am as it is getting
light, work until noon, or until it is too hot. Then lunch and a siesta,
take a proper sleep. Get up around 6 pm ready to work in the garden again
for a couple of hours or more. I try to keep to this regime, it is good
when it is too hot.
Sorry for the ignorance but I have heard peat based compost is bad because
harvesting it is destroying ancient environmental spaces that take 1000’s
of years to recover. I have been told not to use peat based compost, so as
you are an organic farmer that cares about the environment, why do you use
peat based compost?
I subscribed to the email list but didn’t see a section to claim the free
seeds or enter my physical address.
Sean Greene
You could use this method to support your garden while building a great
soil. I plan to use it in the garden while setting up my aquaponic system.
Good videos, thanks for taking the time.
Gardening With Puppies
I’m looking forward to doing many new things during the new growing season.
I plan to really change things up in 2014. Incorporating my veggies and
fruits into my food jungle has already been both a challenge and a whole
lot of fun. As for the worm composting, I know exactly how you feel, Kim. I
was so excited to get my worms. I see a lot of compost tea in our futures.
Zane wv
Tomatoes taste so much better
Change the way you live, while the choice is yours.
Troy, In the beginning of your video those large bees are carpenter bees or
wood borers. You can tell the difference with the large bees by there butt.
If there butt is yellow it is a bumble bee, if there butt is black it is a
carpenter bee. The carpenter bee bores a whole usually in 2×4’s the exact
size of there body and about 11/2 into the wood. This is the way they nest.
What I usually do is look for the wholes the size of a carpenter bee and
fill them with caulk. You have to stay rather persistent with those because
they are persistent. On another note it appears you are coming along rather
well, Good job !
Where did you get the end brackets
Thanks John, Looking forward to your email with address. Have to laugh…I
had a 2nd window open typing out what all you were offering then checking
out rareseeds 🙂 Also laughed at you liking long skinny eggplant just the
way like your girls LOL!
Marcos Perez
This is a fairly bad representation of organic gardening.
CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY
you could make a defense weapon with all that pepper
Beautiful garden and story, keep up the good fight! We all benefit from
your work and courage.. Thank you!
Cognitive Dissonant
Straight in with a cat shot. Now your learning.
Judi Rae
What do you mean by succession planting?
troy thompson
Love this guys Channel
Hoon TheOriginal
Hmmmmmm. I’ll keep my mouth shut on this one, so as to not cause a war.
fuad said
I have a serrano pepper plant and a anaheim pepper plant and a cherry
I wonder what sad person actually went through the trouble of filing a
complaint about their garden.
Afzal Cassim
Using nature a better way to sustain us!
Luz Padilla
Why the instructions on the water? Why no cold water? I use the hose, but
frankly my peppers are not doing to well.
Mike Bourret
I suggest doing a nutrient analysis on the two broccoli heads and report
which has more nutrients. I suspect the smaller one will be packed with
more nutrition. Most studies on nutrition in vegetables prove that smaller
equals more nutrition and larger equals less nutrition. This sounds counter
intuitive because it is. Scientists found when a plant has to struggle for
nutrition in the soil it actually causes the resulting vegetable to be
smaller and more nutritious.
Kathi W
Cannot wait to try it out!!
Haleene Williams
Man if your not stoned I would be shocked, but yet you probble don’t spend
allot of time being high since there is way too much work to do in your
garden and be stoned too. Not going to happen, unless something in your
life has changed your garden growing…
SEMILAS Ñanderoga
Hi! Just wanted to ask what the name of the track at the beginning of the
video is, cheers!!
Hert teta
So all I need is that compost? Do I need to mow the sand under the compost
This man promotes an unsustainable method of agriculture, his words should
be taken with a grain of salt or ignored all together
smoky type peppers are actualy chipotle and it is a way to prepair peppers
not a cultivar of peppers
Thumperlane Homestead
Love the garden! And how awesome to keep the fight up so all could enjoy
what you have now!!
thanx for sharing your experiences, it empowers us people
i wish you a good, fullfilling life!
Evangelos Beardall
And when your plant dies in one of your 12" squares, cry over it and make
it "the weeping square" haha :P
Material Symbols of Human Dignity and Empowerment
Possible Hydroponic Crop: Organic Vegetables
Important Plant Nutrition for Organic Vegetable Gardens
Stevie Schewski
Dude nice, you got a german T-shirt.
Elyse Joseph
Beautiful front garden and great story!
Angela Santangelo
My heap would be in the area where my dog urinates. Is that considered
Love the video. And thank you for responding to my question regarding the
cheese video!
so this isnt about plant nutrition, its about selling someones crap. Listen
dude – here we have brocolli, cabbage tomatoes a nd etc., gron in compost,
horse shilt compost tea and its blows your SCAMleitner pics away. so enough
of hte crap. Post videos that are educational NOT trying to sell people SHlT
John Sablan
Chew Habanero Pepper and then eat pussy……your chick will burn and
melt………*so do NOT try it!*
Jennifer Lucio
wow you said 60 degrees so i looked up Fahrenheit and its 140. That’s
hot!!! didnt think it could get that hot
I love the end braces for the box. Very nice instructional video.
Check out our Flattened Chicken! These birds are ready for the grill – and
just in time for the Spring weather!
Anunnaki girl
I use a product called Bountea which i find is one of the best fertilizers
around. check out the website. Also you will get that broccoli head at
least six times larger than the one in this video guaranteed. bountea dot
Reasonable Season
Learn To Grow
i can tell he’s high 1:27 into the video, and i haven’t read any comments
David, this is not word for word. I took your general statements and
condensed some into sentences that still express what you are saying. I
hope this is good enough for your translations. 🙂
Now I just wanted to show you how a compost area might look like. We have
some leaf mulch here, now i spent much of the morning separating 3
different kinds of materials. There was a big pile ontop of that old
compost pile there, we have a lot of these old branches, leaf mulch. What
I’ve also done is shredded bigger branches and this pile here is green
stuff, plenty of flies with vegetable, it will be mixed with brown stuff.
Smaller branches, older compost pile here, lovely black stuff here with
little branches which is important because too much carbon content in soil
will rob nitrogen from soil. Softer branches are okay, bigger branches are
not okay. Before we talk about how we make the compost heap, we talk about
this heap I made two months ago. I made a video on it. We see black stuff
in it, its half decomposed, twigs need to be broken, there is worms, worms
are great. The compost has cooled down and some nasturtium flowers growing
How to make it: use brown carbon materials bark, mulch, paper, cardboard
leaves twigs, then comes water, fungi and bacteria make use of it. Then
branches are the brown and also allow air pockets to come into compost. Air
is important for fungi to break down the heap, green material we use
vegetable peelings, cow manures, then add soil for worms so worms can have
it to break down compost material. Eventually we go back to browns, water,
then greens, every now and then we use an inoculant, which is fungi found
in the forest. Worm castings or adding sweet compost is very good for and
innoculum. Another thing is, different materials in the garden, weeds, food
scraps, leaves, branches, if you can make sure you have a certain amount of
carbon and nitrogen (25:1) if you have these quantities in the right
amount, the decomposition process will do very well. Easiest way to think
of it is a sandwich, brown on the outside and thin layer of green inside.
Also recommend, with higher compost, make levels of brown and green, add
soil in-between, up to a meter or 2 meters, turn it once a day. It will
heat up a lot and adding water will cool it down. I was using a thermostat
to make sure its not above 60C, but u can leave it there for a day and if
its hot to the touch you should turn it and water it, if its not hot then
its okay. You can use this compost for compost tea if you care for it
enough. Bring in microbes from a wormery or an old compost heap that smells
sweet to ensure bacteria. Throw in fungi to innoculate every now and then.
Quickly here, this is hyphen, (fungi decomposing this compost). Hope that
answered a lot of question in regards to making your own compost, This is
different from a wormery that’s a low, 30cm high heap, we feed it by adding
nitrogen and carbon materials and worms as well. Now if you have any
questions drop a comment on Youtube, Facebook or private message me, thanks
for watching.
Your’e a pretty cool guy Brandon don’t ever let anyone ever tell you
different! Happy gardening! ;)
It sounds like it’s similar to using azomite (rockdust) along with epsom
salts in very loose soil. I use a few of these nutrients, along with only
manure & compost, and I’m able to get pretty similar results in my gardens.
Learn To Grow
Wonderful tour! Your plants are healthy and beautiful! So convenient to
have the herbs on your deck…Does the galangal ginger need full sun? I
planted regular ginger in pots. Thanks for sharing :)
Yael L. Berman
Lol. "Ají dulce" means "sweet pepper". :)
thumbs up for the spontaneous nasturtium!
Lady Grimstress
did you like the garden fabric barrier? are you doing it again this year?
we don’t if we should use fabric or wet newspaper/leaves/mulch…
Never. This is true in any gardening situation as long as you are giving
the plants all the nutrients they need. The soil is there to support the
plant, provide aeration and drainage, control temperature and hold
nutrients. Any soil will do that. The sawdust and sand mixture is really
good because it is light so roots grow without a struggle and it is
disease, bug and weed free.
Gardening in Norway
I like your container garden, Donna! Looks great. 🙂
All the best,
Pepper freak!
I am also not much of a fan of the sprinklers. I tried using them last
year. Not only do they water unnecessary areas they create a problems with
fungus and wash away pollen. All the waste water is just watering the
weeds. I switched to soaker hoses this year (not a huge fan of them either)
but they seem to water only what is needed.
Can I use 19-19-19 instead of 15-15-15, I found this one state over… My
blue state does not trust me.
As you sow, so shall you reap
How do you handle ants?
Elyse Joseph
Your container garden is rocking Donna! :)
How appropriate that your wearing a VW shirt while talking about 4:20…I
knew you were a hippie!
stacey cunningham
It would be awesome if you could a video possibly on beneficial insect
hotel or how to keep beneficial insects around?
I use straw, wood chips, cardboard, and plastic for weed control. But then
again I have 4 extremly large gardens. I like to use recycled plastic from
the local farms. its black on the bottom and white on top. The white helps
reflect some of the sunlight back onto the bottom of the plants and the
black really kills the weeds and holds in heat. You are so lucky that you
can plant outside, I am almost full up in my greenhouse and it was 15
degrees outside last night. NY sux
Beet greens are still very useful! I like growing beets because they are a
2 for 1 vegetable. Delicious sweet beets and tender nutritious beet greens
all in one space. Adding minerals to the plants not only makes the plants
healthier but also more healthy to eat since those minerals get transfered
into the eater. Again, a win-win!
Linda Penney
Lovely update Donna
D Pagne
hahaha ur a stonner.. lol anyway im from a tropical country n thinkin
about starting a veg or herb garden can u please give me 3-5 easy plants to
start my lil garden with n tips.. thanks :)
thanks for the video!Gardening is the best medicine for the soul….
Justin Gilbert
Oh my goodness, I’m so ridiculous fishing for those hulls… lol
Ram Mukunda
John, found your NZ Spinach video today. Great work, I loved the video! I
live in MA, I wish I could grow it as a perennial like you are able to. I
will order some seeds right now… I will try that smoothie this year. Keep
up the good work!
Gardening With Puppies
That looked like an awesome nursery. Wish we had one like that. Hope the
fabric works for you. I’ve used it before and it works great but I prefer
wood chips because they keep in the moisture and eventually break down and
turn into incredible soil. Looks like you have a nice variety of veggies
planned for this year. I’m looking forward to seeing it grow.
I’m seeking understanding. I guess I’ve missed something along the way
here. How is it sustainable if you do not possess the capabilities to make
or create more of it yourself? (the solution of nutrients, sawdust, sand,
etc.) I just drew my own conclusion from the movie that if Paul, in
earnest, was trying to replicate the Garden of Eden, or even the success of
the woods adjacent to his property, that naturally their would be animals
fertilizing it. Thanks LDSP.
I see that you have terracotta pots but some look like plastic pots. Have
you noticed that one is any better than the other? I have several of those
orange plastic pots and I am putting plants in them for my daughter to grow
on her patio.
Ginny Ward
Very exciting. Peppers grow better here in Texas than tomatoes anyhow. I
will still grow tomatoes but cherry tomatoes way easier and better in
salads for me… Peppers are healthy and add wonderful color even in
containers 🙂 ! Thanks for the video!! Jalapeno peppers are awesome
filled w cream cheese and wrapped in bacon-then grilled…not as healthy
this way but from time to time awesome appetiser! Cheers :)!
lisa ritter
Hi there! I am getting as much info on compost for starting my own in my
tiny garden. But what I don’t understand is: Can I start the pile at any
point of the month? And being the pile out in the open, if it rained a lot,
wouldn’t it get too wet? Doesn’t it need coverage? btw wonderful videos!
Thanks, Izzy
I’ve been raw vegan for 6+ years and I’ve never thought of using all
sunflower greens in a salad like this! Thanks so much for sharing!
Debbie in WA *Ü*
Almost 900 videos!
Brandon Marshall
As I till the garden the tiller naturally makes rows and I sometime then go
back and pull up a little more soil on the rows.
The beets were not covered. If you have seen my other Mittleider videos
you’ll see I don’t have the pvc setup for the cover so I never got them
covered. On the other hand you might notice that my wife’s beets are
covered and have been the whole time. They also get full sun all day while
mine don’t. You are correct it isn’t a fair comparison. My wife had two
very big advantages. Raised beds to warm faster. Another reason to use them
instead of BTE.
Beautiful container garden! Everything looks so healthy.
Our favorite number… LOL
Thanks for your comment again David. It really didn’t seem right to me from
the beginning. I started a new garden and compostpile this year. The new
pile wasn’t heating up as I expected it would do, so that’s why I started
some research on the topic. But I’ll definetly stick to the same conclusion
to keep my pile and garden the natural way instead of the MacDonalds-way 🙂
Besides… who wants to spill beer anyway?? :p
Great Gift Ideas
Laura White
I forgot to mention, for those wanting New Zealand seeds who live overseas,
try checking out King Seeds or for more rarer/heirloom varieties try Koanga
Avis McDaniel
Really Nice! Can you do a video on how to make rows! I have the "Vegetable
Bible" but don’t know how to make the large row hills.
Excellent Video. You and the wife have become an inspiration. I’m sold!!!
This is a very good video, I’m just trying to learn because I’m new to
gardening. Could you get the same results from your garden if you just used
the woodchips?
Thank you
Little to broad for me. It is going to kill the good and bad bugs. PM can
be controlled but doing a application of sulfur now and then. BE Takes
care of the caterpillars. Beer traps take care of slugs. All are organic
and target the specific pest you are after and not all insects.
by soil do you mean clay ?! ..cause I’ve been struggling with my clay soil,
mine is a brownish clay soil even harder than the red clay, I tried mixing
in gravel and sand from the sea, but my onions turned out to have salty
taste, does salt washes deep down with regular watering on the long run ?!
wonder if we can use pure castile liquid soap instead of the one you’re
I live on a hill actually a mountain. So I have no soil on my land its just
wrong. I dig 6 inches and I hit big boulders. That sucks 🙂 it’s good for
my muscles but I have to use raised beds in my yard and buy soil here
really like this video about bug control… Organic Pest Control – End
Problems with Bugs Forever in Your Garden
Oh my goodness, Young ‘un! Has Spring come to Wales already?! I’m jealous,
we’re still mired in snow and dirty ice. I can’t wait to get out there! I
went on safari yesterday and found 10 praying mantis nests! No need for any
pest control again this year, thank goodness! By the way, have you ever
planted dogwood from seed? Any help with that would be great. 🙂 – Old
Broad in the U.S.
Hey Brandon, we don’t have Azomite in my area. Do you buy yours locally,
and if so where. I will be in the DFW area soon. Thanks!
Excellent show! Josh seems to have a genuine concern for the environment.
More Josh! Thanks for this :)
I was wondering if you could carry on with the series, how to make money
from gardening
Hey brandon i stay in the dallas area as well where is this place with the
free mulch?
boys like bugs pay them to find them LOL
thanks for the tips. I need to start growing more parsley. I always end up
The tomato Tomate or Jitomate
commonly known as a tomato plant The tomato is consumed in diverse ways,
including raw, as an ingredient in many dishes, sauces, salads, and drinks.
In general, I don’t like peat moss, but have used it some in the past. It
is too expensive, nutrient deficient, lifeless, antimicrobial, not
sustainable, & has to be shipped across the country for most gardeners.
Peat moss is anti-microbial. Microbes don’t grow well in it. That’s just
the opposite of what we want. Peat moss is good for storing bulbs, tubers,
& other things that you don’t want to rot. Suggestion: research on why NOT
to use it, there are better alternatives like compost or coir.
What about Diatomaceous earth.
Great how to my friend ! You said the seeds were from your garden right ?
Do you get a lot of volunteer parsley in your garden?
Great information Brandon. Thank you for mentioning that pine and peat moss
can be problematic. When it comes to evergreen products, most people do not
realize they contain natural paraffin which can make their soil hydrophobic
(not absorb water). Not to mention that they can also effect ph. Evergreen
products should only be used after they are very well composted and
preferably mixed with other types of compost.
The best strategy to deal with pests long term is to attract beneficials.
Plant yarrow, basket of gold, peppermint etc. to attract hoverflies,
parasitoid wasps and ladybugs – they’ll take care of those aphids and other
bugs. Attract birds to your garden and they’ll keep the caterpillars at
bay. Beneficials never eliminate pests completely, but they definitely
control them. Plus all the flowers look nice and attract pollinators!
Hi Huw, please show use growing various Strawberry plants that will fruit
through out the growing season here in the UK. Early, mid and late season
varieties. Something I’d like to try this year, and will follow your
planting and harvesting instructions and videos. It would be so nice to
harvest a fresh crop of strawberries for the whole of the summer and autumn
months. Thank you, Gary
love the hat.
What’s the best way to inoculate my char?
So true. Love all your videos.
I have been looking for cotton burr compost here in Ga but I am having a
hard time. That stuff looks really good.
California tomatoes !!! That was a good laugh as I sit here smoking my own
Cali tomatoes
Thanks Huw :)
Lol…great info.
I just started a raised bed this year. I had no idea of what I was
doing, but I did watch , seems like 2,000 videos. Everything was going
great, but the zucchini and cantaloupe are growing like wild , but no
fruit. I have been spraying with Fish Fertilizer ( everything seems to love
it, and yes it stinks ) , also, spraying flowers with Epsom salt mixture (
Magnesium, and they all seem to love that too.) I tried Neem oil mix spray,
but apparently I’m really allergic to it. I thought it was mosquitos, but
my arms broke out in hive like itchy rashes. I had to take a Benadryl, so I
can’t use that. My daughter noticed what looks like ants in the middle of
the flowers of the cantaloupe. I was so upset , I sprinkled sevin dust on
it. Did I just poison/ ruin my garden ????
Please let us know why you do not use Peat Moss. So many sites tell you to
add it to improve the soil. What are your thoughts on this?
I had to smile when I found out I was doing something right. I have been
using Neem oil and Dr. Bronner’s soap for years. My Grandpa introduced me
to Dr. Bronner’s in the early 70’s. It was his favorite soap because it was
" a natural way to clean everything except sin." Just had to share. :-)
I am having the worst of time trying to grow dill. I usually cover the
seeds with soil and then water. No result so far. Looking at your clip, I’m
wondering if i should just scatter them on the roughed up soil instead.
John, I just finished watching this video and I’m going to say something
personal now that’s not gardening related. You are about my age. In 1995
when you became ill you were in your mid-20s, me too back then, so we are
about the same age now. You can still have children John. You just need to
find a woman young enough who is still in her childbearing years. There is
always foster children and adoption also. There are many children out there
who don’t have homes and need a loving parent. You could actually be a
mentor if you wanted to, like at the Boys and Girls Club or something like
that, and teach a whole new generation about gardening maybe one day a
week. What a difference that would make in the lives of these children. You
don’t have to have your own children right now in order to make a
difference in a child’s life, you know? When you began "crying" in this
video toward the end, I wasn’t sure if at first you were playing around,
because I know you have a nice sense of humor, but it seemed like you were
serious actually, and you know what, your children will be happy and proud
of you. They already are. They are present with you in mind and spirit,
they just haven’t been physically brought into the world yet, but they are
proud of you, we all are John. It’s going to be okay (big smile). You say
you need to relax more about your dating situation the way you are relaxed
in the garden, otherwise you will end up single because you are "waiting
for the right girl" but be a possibility thinker in that area of your life
also. Remember you told us in this video that if we wait to plant a garden
until we know everything about gardening, we will never do it. Well, maybe
you want to take a chance on a woman as well, and if it doesn’t work out
then you just learn from it and do better the next time. Life and love and
relationships are like gardens in that respect. They need to be watered
with love, tended to and cared for like the soil, and warmed with the
sunshine of affection, and those are all gardening traits that you are very
good at doing with your plants, I know those same skills will transfer over
to a woman and relationship, and when you find her, you will have a
beautiful garden of love to share with her, with lots of little plants,
little Johns, flourishing in the family garden as well. I believe in you
John even though I have never met you except for in these videos, and I
know everything will work out for you. Take a chance on love and you may
get your garden of children after all. In the meantime, just love everyone
who crosses your path in life until that time comes when you have your own
family, because in truth, we are all "family" sort of on this earth, and we
all need a little gardening tender love and care in all of our lives. Sorry
if I got too personal in this email. I meant well. Thanks for sharing John
and for everything you do for all of us viewers, and thanks for letting me
share, too. God bless, and hope you have a great day. 🙂 Christine.
I gotta find that song!!
Hawaii must be a perfect place for gardeners; tropical islands where its
rains year round. It’s a travesty not to grow your own foods in such
Really, maybe it’s available here, since a lot of cotton is grown in Texas.
This compost seems to give me the best results in our clay soil, but I have
used many different composts over the years.
Hi David We been having problem with the weather also which it’s not good
for the plants. It’s been a while. Glad that you doing good Peppers and
Urban Homesteading.
Urban Homesteading – Using Traditional Wisdom for an Urban Vegetable Garden
I learn so much from your videos! This one was filled with information.
Thank you!
I am very blessed to have an abundance of ladybugs in my area and believe
me, I am grateful.
An all natural pesticide that generations of my family has used is tobacco.
Whether you grow your own and dry it or go to the tobacco store and get it
already bagged doesn’t matter. It works the same.
Soak dried tobacco in water. I use 5 gallon buckets. The longer you soak
it, the stronger the water. Spray it on the plants.
This has no effect on any kind of mold or fungus. It is particularly good
at stopping leaf cutters.
It has no effect on the taste of fruits and vegetables but I do not spray
when the plants are in bloom.
Could you do some more exoctic seed planting videos, like Sequiadendron
seeds or maybe Paulownia tomentosa seeds, and show us your progess with
them? they are very cheap to buy online, i think maybe 1 pound for a good
few seeds. i know they are not vegtables and maybe your concentrating on
that aspect, but i think it would be a fun video series to try out.
Thanks John, enjoy all of your videos. Your enthusiasm is contagious and
very inspiring–keep up the good work.
I’m glad that this is banned in the E.U.
People if you watch a video and you dont dislike it .. hit the like
button.. It helps the people who post the video out!
Brandon, that looks like a great blend of amendments. I had never seen
Cotton Bur compost before. That looks like good stuff!
Live in the city? Even if your home is in an urban area, you can adapt
traditional wisdom and homesteading values to help you live more
sustainably and provide healthy, natural food on the table. Curious? Check
out these simple techniques! After you watch this video, why not try our
online Almanac Garden Planner for free here:
"Say hello to my little friend" lol! You guys are hilarious… I especially
love the machine gun soundbite.. too funny!
darn I was hoping it was parsnips like the title said
Wow, I posted before the touching ending. We’re doing the same thing. It’s
all about learning to garden, so we can teach our son. Thank you for
It’s a monster and it needs to stop…but without the growth in crops we
could not feed the people we do today…it’s a problem
yes Hawaii is insane expensive. I used to be able to get bananas in San
Diego for .79 /lb. Now I’m paying over 1.20/lb for imported and local.
nice video , If anyone else wants to produce you own amazing healthy
organic fruit and veg easily it’s worth trying – Banfan Incredible Organic
Miracle (just google it)? Ive heard some incredible things about it from my
brother in law – perfect!
I have been using my herbal spray very sparingly and have been very
vigilant about keep my rose bushes open in the middle. Very minimal
Great information, Brandon. How much do you spend amending all your gardens?
As I understand the order of operations, it goes corn/maise to about 6
inches, then beans, then squash a week later.
I would love to have this. You should come visit me in FL and well hahaha.
Don’t you want to know what it’s like to garden in FL lol. I truly enjoy
your channel. Thanks so much. Janice
california tomatoes? hahaha
Hey, youre title says ‘Parsnips’ instead of ‘Parsley’. ;)
Let’s find a techie gardener to create an app for inputting that data. We
could build the database quickly.
Check out this video on YouTube:
Hi John, a lot of my compost in my composting barrel is clumping into black
compost potatoes – what’s the best way of turning it into dry soil like
compost? Thanks.
Interesting recipe. Thanks for sharing!
Amending the Garden Soil
Nice work! Where did you get the slug protection pot?
Harlequin Bug on your Collards!
This video is very inspirational
Operation Monsanto Stock Pluge! — Watch quickly before YouTube censors
remove this video again.
i started composting thanks to john.
You’re awesome John, what a big heart you have.
Simple and Organic Rose Garden pest spray DIY! Head for the hills you leggy
varmints! #bugs #pests #Organic #natural #bugspray #garden #gardening
#Organicgardening #roses #rosecare
Nice setup it will be interesting to see how it does. How are your beehives
we have been chasing swarms the last two days!! Thanks for sharing and god
As you start converting your yard, I have found that old sod that is
removed to make way for vegetables can be piled up (upside down) into
berms, to add shape and character to your back yard "farm". In a couple of
years, the sod will break down into rich loamy soil, perfect for growing
strawberries, blueberries, rhubarb, etc, for a beautiful and productive
border. I have a full fledged urban garden near Denver, Colorado, my
project "journal" is at I know so many people
that are trying to be more self sufficient! It is a wonderful thing.
what kind of hawk is that.? looks too big for a hawk here in england
I just wish I could get Rid of Harlequin Bugs, nothing seems to work on
those pests
How come these aren’t in 1080p?
Parsley seed head look just like dill seed heads. I’ve never seen parsley
go to seed. Good job! :)
Endive… Mmm what is it like… Rocket? Tumeric looks good mate. Cheers
Mate! David
The Steve Irwin of Gardening!!! thanks john great vid
Say no to #GMO in the supermarket and in your investment portfolio!
Hi, John, as always enjoy u videos. I start my compost too but my problem
is not enough green. John Do you still grow Chinese artichokes . if u do
could I buy some roots from u so I can grow them, Thanks
i have a video of GREEN JUICE (under my x1260 microscope) on my youtube
video list. there are some Crystals Moving around it. I want someone to let
me know more about these crystals in Green Juice. What are they ?
Great video david, love the idea of the companion planting. I hope it works
well for you. And I also hope you are liking your new place in Switzerland
All about applying homestead principles to urban areas
Most everything you’re growing is low in nutritional value and and just
about worthless to sell. Who grows their own popcorn? And onions, I can get
a 50lb bag for $10. Hot sauce at every meal? That monotonous, why even grow
herbs when you kill their flavor with hot sauce?
I’m just saying.
Pressure spraying with water helps, but the best solution is pressure spray
them with water and a drop of natural dishwashing soap. The soap will wash
away a protective layer on the pests skin/armor and makes them deadly
vulnerable to the elements. A little sunshine and wind will do the rest.
"I’m sorry, but I’m not going to apologize."
That was a great video. I have never had luck with parsley. I have always
planted its seeds directly in the ground. It’s time I tried starting it in
pots inside. Wish me luck!
I love your raised beds and how you arranged them. I especially love the
round/tall metal beds – that look like you don’t have to stoop to garden!
LOL! It is mind blowing to think that it is your Winter – but you have
things coming up & starting to grow!! How different than when I was
growing up in West Virginia & here in Virginia. I used to be in corduroys
going to school and the floor furnace usually turned on by the early Fall.
Isn’t it great to not have to buy new plants – & just let nature do her
cycle! I was trying to think why my Dad (was an avid gardener) didn’t do
more of that. He would save some seeds – like from heirloom tomatoes. But
I think he didn’t let most go to seed because of the short season that we
would have really – and limited space. He would clear & tiller the garden
every Fall and put in a cover crop to enrich it – like rye. He didn’t
rotate crops – but that was how he kept the soil from becoming too worn out
from the same plantings Summer after Summer. And I especially liked your
garden helper – there at the end! LOL! But I had heard that at one time
those Cane Toads were really a problem – are they still? Hope not! Thanks
again for another great video! We live in a townhouse now – with a small
yard – but hope to move to the country in Maryland some day if possible –
so I love collecting ideas!!
John you truely are a force for good. In this highly commercial world you
freely share your knowlege and experience.
Your videos are insightful, and highly entertaining. You remind me very
much of the late Steve Irwin. Your enthusiasm and sincerity are much
I live in a small apartment in North Dakota and have built a 12-bottle
bottle tower garden for fresh herbs. I also intend to grow microgreens as a
supplemental source of nutrition. I credit you for much of my inspiration.
May God bless you and keep you.
Call Fidelity, Vanguard and State Street and tell them you’ll never buy
stock because we know about Monsanto’s plan to replace nature and not just
seeds. They’ve released Genetically Modified (GM) mosquitoes in 3
countries, GM salmon, pigs, plants, growth hormone injected in the cows–
No wonder Monsanto is the MOST HATED corporation on earth. But what you
don’t know is about the technology to reverse the damage you’ve done AFTER
we get rid of all you rotten, evil, incarnated Schutzstaffels.
Vanguard: 877-662-7447
State Street: 866-787-2257 (not sure about this #).
Thanks for this video. Crazy prices
I am wondering about the wormers that my horse has to ingest every other
month and how that breaks down or doesn’t for using manure in the compost,
what say you John and fans?
Nice up date David.. Looks like it’ll be a very productive jungle..
Hope there was no damage to the car :/
Cheers mate & have a great one..
Keeping bees is not for everyone, but there is an easy alternative. Build a
bee hotel for solitary bees. Solitary bees are in big need of everyones
help, because just like honeybees pesticides have reduced their numbers to
pittance. There are tons of species and they can help your garden just as
good as honeybees. Building the hotel is easy, all you need is a drill with
differently sized drill bits and scrapwood. You can easily find it in big
parks or in a forrest, just lying around. I have mine hanging for about a
month now and since 2 days I see constant activity. The bees have laid
their eggs and are busy pollinating my plants. The best thing? I dont need
to do anything else for the bees, they just live there and take care of
Google insect hotel or bee hotel for inspiration and help the bees out! One
example: (but it can
also be a bird-house sized if you lack room or materials).
Here;s my insect hotel:
hey Jeff thanks for the inspiration! Check out my video on growing Zucchini
in a pot! I don’t even have half as much as you but i will get there one
day 🙂 Growing Zucchini in pots or containers
n looking good now Troy!, will bee good eating in the long run!
Josh seems very nice and I agree and support his views, but I found this
episode too commercial and too long for my taste. Lot’s of great info
I’m growing my own organic vegetable garden right on my balcony! I’m sooooo
excited! Go on this journey with me!
Nice video guys
Why does Amir remind me of Jack Nicholson in The Shining when he’s eating
the horse manure lol?…
Gotta love a volunteer!
Hi John! Big fan here, down in South Florida. I am a new mother of an 8
month old who is eating my garden magazine as I type 🙂 Just wanted to let
you know how much you’ve inspired me to finally give this a go. I’ve been
wanting to do this since ’06, but I suffer greatly from analysis paralysis
and afraid of failure. But now with this beautiful innocent and happy baby
I have, I have a lot to lose if I didn’t just take the plunge. Thank you so
much for all that you are doing!
GREAT IDEA! I can be done!!!
~South Africa~ xox
COMPOST! It’s not just for breakfast anymore! :)
Oops I accidentally left an extra comma in my sentence , my bad .
David is doing a very nice experiment on the three sisters garden, you must
see the end, too funny 🙂
You can also watch the first episode: Milpa system – Grow The Three Sisters
extended method / Companion planting & experiment WWNGD # 4
tips for urban gardening…. hmmmmm now let me think…. Having a good
looking young chap like you next door to come and do my garden would be
good…… :D….. seriously though, I love your gardening channel but
being a technophobic granny it would take me longer to get the hang of the
planner than it would to get out and do the veg plot…..
That’s fantastic DB, thanks. I’ll catch ya later, bye:)
Troy , as long as U r happy , " F " the critics ! . Try some Lyme in your
garden , its cheap enufe . And maybe U want to check the soil P.H. . I
have yet to see any Compost used .
John been a fan for years .. however you have turned commercial … get
back to why you got in to this in the first place … this infomercial is
offensive and not what I signed up for when I subscrribed to your channel.
I gagged so hard when he ate the manure. xD
Amazing mark. I dream of creating what you have. We are on a standard house
block with a variety of fruit trees and two of the tank style raised
gardens at the moment. Love the videos and inspiration.
Please tell me where I can find purple tree collards seeds. I live in
Hawaii, so I can’t buy plants from the Mainland, only seeds. Also, if you
could connect me with the katook (we always called it saropa) grower, so I
can grow it again.
Thanks for sharing this video Mike. It is a great idea. I shall share this
on my FaceBook account.
John, I just sifted my first batch of compost using the plans from you
sifting video. It worked great. I make my compost using your method with
the compressed pine horse bedding. It also has Azomite in it, and I add the
ash from natural lump charcoal which always has small pieces of charcoal
(biochar like) in it. It was some good looking stuff. I mixed it with some
soil that I dug out, and sifted, from where a stump had been ground down
and the wood chips filling the hole had broken down into some dark rich
hummus. When I got done mixing I had a whole big trash can full of awesome
soil! I immediately thought, "You can’t buy soil this good." Thanks for all
your teachings and inspiration John! My garden is doing great, and you
played a big part in that!
How about the enzymes in the horse manure ? I thought that’s what
most,people use it for .
Nice update David and I loved the end :D
Are them chickens free range chickens? My dad raised free range chickens
and they had the biggest eggs and laid multiple times…people traveled for
miles to purchase them eggs..
Wow Your Dragon Fruit Looks Great 🙂
My Dad plants Italian beans around his garden,and he get’s alot of them,and
they are good.
I’ve had good success this year with a combination of ladybugs, green
lacewings, and parasitic wasps. It will take time, but my hope is the
entire ecosystem equals out.
+PurplePie69 Tripping on weed? If you seriously thought "everyone" was
going to steal your kidneys while "tripping" on marijuana, then I’m sorry
to be the one to tell you this, but either that wasn’t just weed or you
have some form of mental illness, possibly triggered or exaggerated by your
use of drugs.
Super cool, great video Mark (by the way my name is Mark too). Amazing how
those toads just blend in, now that is some serious camouflage.
Hi there am not really good with my english but i will try to explain my
self the best i can..i wanted to start growing my own fruits and veggies
but i live in an apartment and i want to grow them in milk jugs please tell
me what do i need and what soil to get please its my first time i need your
advice thank you.
Thanks to all of the wonderful people that share how to videos in Youtube,
I am experimenting with aquaponics. Thank you for sharing your videos and
or comments. GROW…. Greens
I’m starting my first vegetable garden in the spring because of you! So a
big THANK YOU for taking the time to teach us!
Sharing this on Facebook
Yep.. hawaii living.. gotta live simple cuz it can be very expensive
I used my horses manure this year in my garden,and everything grew awesome.
This is such an exciting experiment, I am really looking forward to see how
it turns out. Got any other ideas of plants that could work in a
:):):) Isn’t he a ripper:)
Hey Troy,
Totally thought I was you at the McDonalds in Rose City this afternoon. Had
to look twice LOL
This is a long episode, but if you time to check it out I think the
information is interesting. I love learning about "non-chemical" ways of
gardening. Thanks +Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens
hiw can you guys not fine this funny XD i was dying of laughter the whole
Nice selection of plants there Mark..
Am always amazed at what pops up where in the patch…
Cheers mate
ED to add, Pesky toad.. You get many in the beds ?
I think the question about soda bottle was about the safety of the plastic.
Is the plastic carcinogenic? Some plastic soda bottles have been banned
for that reason.
There’s no crying in Urban Gardening!!
This video should be spread world-wide!!!!
I can get compost from my local earth center for $1 a 5 gallon bucket,
which is about .5 cubic feet. I set up my own composter out of a trashcan,
super easy. Also have plans to make up a homemade tumbling one next week.
It is quite easy to make and cheaper than buying compost or a commercial
composter. Recommend everyone try it if they have the space.
Instead of using the "s" word! Thanks! Don’t mean to be prude. Just want to
be able to watch these without having to censor. Thanks’
What did you just put it in gear, no emergency brake. Good One.
Yes, for sure, we had a green tree frog turn up one night during a LOT OF
RAIN, I relocated him. I was sorry after watching the u-tube video about
Elvis the Frog. It’s worth watching, it’ll put a smile on your face, you
may already have a smile, in that case it’ll put an even bigger smile on
your face:):) anyway, keep smiling, I’ll catch ya later, bye:)
Have to check out cold frames and grow some onions in the cold weather.Some
videos on YT on making one.Maybe a scarecrow might help keep the hawk
away.Hang some old cds on fishing line to move in the breeze or plastic
owl.If your into mustard pickle chow, another thing to use up your onions
on and can be bottled.Radishes are nice snack or on a salad.You`ll have a
nice crop if the weather is helpful.
More Josh.
Oh geez, sorry to be a pain. But could you also include your beliefs or
attitudes toward organic cage free chicken eggs, wholesome butter and
cheese products. I love dairy but I am becoming leary of what to choose.
thanks for any input.
Jake looks a bit like jesse pinkman
I would like to see how you ave hung the pots off the water tank please
Dude you crack me up lol.. Great vids man!.. Keep em coming!
I’m 37 in tampa fl, I’m a female, with no kids and a small dog. I have
found your videos so interesting and your jokes are cute but corny, 🙂 I
was raised on the indian river lagoon on the east coast of fl and I had a
garden as a child and I’m reliving all the wonderful memories of fresh oj
and grapefriut every morning. I’m begining my new ambition to make a
healthy natrual living in a fast paced, convience food lifestyle. You have
helped me so much and just want to thank you from my heart, namaste
I enjoy your field trips so thanks for sharing them, they help me be a
better gardener, especially giving me some new ideas and shape the future
of my personal gardens.
Leonardite, azomite, bone meal, worm casings, sand and weed-free compost —
these are a few of the organic soil additives I examine in this episode as
I attempt organic gardening. While I’ve been gardening for 18 years, the
organic world is new to me. This year I’m doing both organic and inorganic
gardening and comparing my results. Check out the first four videos.
All good, you’ll be fighting them away with tomato stakes soon lol 😉
Money greedy, two face, sell-out, low life scum Congress, they all know our
foods are poisoned & they don’t do anything & they don’t give a crap, they
are not my Congress anymore. American Congress also are, people of
Corporate Zionist-Jews. They all are Zionist-Jews. They all work for
ruthless Zionist-corporates. I am suppose to trust Zionist-Jews? Hell no, I
will not trust ruthless-Godless-soulless Congress-Jews! Zionist-Jews have
enslaved our humanity, animals & our earth. Christians need to read their
own Bible, just to see who have enslaved Christians & our humanity. Mr.
Adams, how can we trust the ruthless, soulless, Godless Gog & Magog
Monsanto-Jews, we can’t? We have trusted them & we are poisoned with
Monsanto sickening foods. Damn American Jew Congress know that American
people suffer from health problems & cancer, did they do anything, hell no?
God(Allah) has warned our innocent mankind about ruthless & Godless Gog &
HELP!! Can someone tell me the best pesticide replacement to grow organic
food? Im growing in the u.k and bugs have started to eat my veggies and i
don’t no what to do, PEACE!!
John… I love your videos. And I even love the occasional pot joke now and
then (hey, I went to college!!). But, I have young children who are just
learning words. Would u mind saying "poop"
Hope you caught your car.!
Ah, did you notice the absence of insects when you had basil? Also you
might want to puree the strawberries before you freeze them, as freezing
makes a lot of fruits and veggies mushy and soggy, or rubbery.
I would go through the settings and see if there is image stabilization
setting that can be turned on, I know on my Coolpix S6600 point and shot
camera has it and you can see video of that on my channel (Video of the
windmills around by where your folks live I think). One thing to look for
is a product by Rycote called windjammers, they help filter some of the
wind noise picked up by the microphone. I have some I got on Ebay for $12
and will be doing a review of them soon.
IS THERE any ONE product that puts all that stuff in the soil which u
mention at the beginning of this vid? The Rockefella and Bush families got
together back in 1850’s or 60’s creating FERTILIZER which depleted our soil
of ORGANIC SULFUR WHEREBY we don’t get it from our FOOD, which by 1950’s
gooberment forced commercial farmers to put it on their fields, so by
1970’s diseases like diabetes, heart disease, ADD, ADHD, autoimmune
diseases, became prevalent. ORGANIC SULFUR PROJECT, provides 4 of the most
critical amino acids IT’S A FOOD, not a supplement, IT REBUILDS THE CELLS
Also, I always want to know how to make an omelette for dinner. You know
the type that have fried ham or crispy veggies included or some type of
great cheese that melts beautifully. I always want to know how to make an
omelette and fried a new potato for on the side. Can this been done in a
healthy heart smart way?
This one was amazing :D
Nice big toad you got there! I like what you are doing. Since I just got
started again with a garden I only had 3 kale plants come up from the fall
garden and I’m letting them go to seed. I’ll collect some but will leave
most to seed themselves and see what happens. Great info, thanks for
Forget all of the ingredients to the soil – throw in some rabbit manure,
worms, and pine needles and you’re good to go!
Excuse me but what country are you in John? I myself am i Australia, and i
am in an area that has the poorest soil ever. For 7 years since i moved
here i have been struggling to improve small patches, and just got my lawn
growing from constant mulching.I have tried everything to get the veg
garden going, and finally got a few measly veggies growing, It hardly rains
here,and the town water is highly Alkaline and mineralised it kills after
2 weeks, so I have to add a bit of precious rain tank water once a week to
defuse the minerals. And on top of that the intense heat in summer and the
intense cold in winter kills everything else that survived the water, I am
going to try to make tower veggies growing a go, and see what happens, at
my age anything easier than what i have would benefit me. any suggestions
for this is appreciated.
His eyes are not getting smaller. Shut up!
Great video.. Your wisdom can be applied to anything done in life..
Monsanto is a cancer.
That’s how much it was at Big Lots here in TX. I started composting and I
was thrilled it finally worked. I tried in tires but no good. I ended up
doing in open bins and it worked great. I did stir it and I think that was
what did the trick. In tires you can’t reach the bottom to turn over the
compost. Learned this eventually.
We have miniature horses and I know what they’re eating and we rarely worm
them, so I know when not to collect manure out of the paddocks. Combined
with the pelletized stall bedding, and green sand, it heats up quickly and
composts down pretty nicely. I may have a source for Azomite next year to
add to it. Sweetest watermelons I’ve ever grown this year were fed with
composted horse manure tea.
🙂 best of luck for your experiment 🙂 nice touch in the end :)
Thanks, I’m due to plant more basil next spring, I generally grow enough
over a spring & early summer period to make enough pesto to last us 3
years. Last batch is nearly all gone:):) Thanks for the strawberry tip. I’m
only getting the odd one at this stage so I cut them up to freeze for my
next batch of strawberry jam. I’ll be able to do what you said with frozen
ones. I’ll get going, I’ll ttyl, bye:)
Your garden is looking good. I am curious why no root veggies like carrots
or potatoes?
People say grow the expensive stuff buy the cheap stuff… here we can get
potatoes for $1 – $2 for 10# pretty often so growing them really isn’t
worth it except it is fun and organic. Of course carrots are cheap too, so
naturally they grow easy here and I grow them anyway. But strawberries are
expensive and I have no luck growing them. Bell pepper here are expensive,
especially the red ones so I have planted a lot…we’ll see… last year I
over fertilized and got only two peppers. 🙁
You may already know…your pepper plants can over winter if you build them
a cold frame or put them in pots in your solar porch. You may even get some
peppers in winter but you will definately have nice big plants next spring.
I just learned that this year… I always tore out the plants in the fall,
wrong thing to do apparently. I will be trimming them back and keeping them.
Are you going to plant squash or is your area not good for squash? If there
is one guaranty here it is squash… I planted zuccini, yellow crook neck,
pumpkin, and patty pan squash last week and already have good sized starts.
Yay! Only 45 days to harvest for most so if you do some now you might even
get a second planting.
You make the entire process look so easy. The fish looks fabulous. I will
absolutely try this dish.
I like ponies.
I didn’t realise you grew so much stuff ??! All those beds as well !! That
frog surprised me !! Ha ha !!
The only thing I’m still wondering about is the compost in this. Is it
going to be emptied out from the bottom? If so, will you have to pick out
the worms and put them back into the center tube? And if you’re not
composting food scraps, what’s the point of having the worms? Will the
compost from the center even do anything for the plants? I’m just
I love posting your videos on my facebook page. Go check it out. My
facebook group is called "everything gardens" and I have about 250 members
and we all learn a ton from your videos!
I am looking for walking onions fro our school gardon do you have any that
you cpolu donate to us. My address is pi box 152 yucca AZ. 86438
I have just bought fantastic ammendments for my new raised bed, rock dust,
earthworm casting, coconut fiber, because of YOU JOHN!!! Thank you!!!! By
spring my raised bed should be perfect for my new and better veggies!! LOVE
I know the message of the video is the most important thing here- I get it
, I agree.
But I would like to know what the music is…
I like it too
Hi John, I’m new at this but i have a question, what’s your thoughts on
Worm casting for compost and how would it compared to other compost on the
I started a worm farm a few months ago and they are doing very well… i
use coconut bricks, for bedding, (for my spoiled worms) but I was wondering
what your thoughts on bedding and the value compared to cost.
Looks awesome! I can’t wait to see more pictures.
Hi John — Thanks for mentioning the BOKASHI method of composting. I
actually have a kit on order myself.. Cant wait to see your next video
oh my goodness did your car escape the yard ? :O lol good thing your always
looking about 🙂 your garden is looking good thanks for sharing.
Thanks for this tip, I always forget that until I have to cut back my
Ah Organic strawberries. Must taste like they are on fire. 🙂 Throw a few
in a food processor with a little suger and blend till it turns to a puree,
then mix with home made yogurt or make a homemade swiss roll. 😀 As long as
you don’t mind the eaten leaves its alright I guess, though if you spend
time getting rid of the insects manually, basil might be interesting to
try. Though it might get rid of some of the good guys like ladybirds as
Maybe add parsley and sage to complete the song with rosemary and thyme.
Done like a pro!
Yeah, um, didn’t even make it all the way through this one. Lost interest
5 seconds in, never regained it.
have you tried aquaponics yet
Love the backdrop of peppers!
John! Make a bloopers video!
Most kale lives through summer, but lettuce will go to seed in summer and
so will radish and arugula and mustards, amongst some other things, like
broccoli, but most kales can take the summer time really well as long as
they dont go bone dry (mulching the soil helps)
The video that was shutdown by YouTube is now back. Please re-share.
i do! i do! all the food scraps!
This is so amazing!!! Nice work my friend!!!!
Good cow manure is pure gold and very natural. Wood forests are acidic and
aren’t good environments for vegetables to grow in so the constant
reference to forest ecology isn’t a good one when considering vegetable
growing. Evolution has made some manures "nature’s fertilizer".
lol MY CAR!! lol
Wow you mentioned that your neighbor planted in Feb. We are still in full
winter then. We can’t plant until May.
Bruce in Canada
G’day, thank you. it’s not too bad. The bits that are eaten don’t really
effect the eating quality, I think it may have been the sweet potato leaves
you were referring to.I looked at this video today & was amazed at how some
things have grown. All the sweet potatoes, ginger, snake beans & Qld.
arrowroot are gone. I now have heaps of spuds in, quite a few garlic & my
strawberries are really powering on. It’ll be nice to have some organic
strawberries. anyway, thanks again, I’ll ttyl, bye:o)
The baby chickens are HUGE! So cute how they huddle and hang out together
for nap time. Maybe you could pitch a little pup tent or tarp shelter for
them to shelter under out of the rain and view of the hawk.
Do chickens need ointment or anything for their wounds? I wonder if that
head wound is a tallon mark from that darn hawk?? I rescued a little brown
rabbit from the park once that had deep bloody tallon marks on his sides.
I must try this
I want to shoot both of these people in the face. This is the least funny
series of videos I have ever encountered.
*cough* weed *cough*
hahaha Johnny rotten
Nice video mightygrow. So this organic fertilizer really works #fertilizer
I have to admit that I am a “little” biased, but yes, it does work well. I say that even though I am the manufacturer of the product. 🙂
But don’t take my word for it. Check out the website: and read the testimonials.
Good growing.
Good idea. I think I will get started on that when the snow melts next May.
You are my main inspiration for gardening and replacing my family’s lawn
with gardens, John. I’ve learned more about growing in a year from your
videos then I could have otherwise. You’re epic!! I also refer you to
everyone I know who gardens.
I bet those CEOs never touch GMO foods and if they do they are just
I could not agree more. You will never get a better fruit or veggie then
from your garden and there is no substitute for great home made soil!
Great video , If anyone else wants to grow you own fantastic fresh home
produce quick it’s worth trying – Banfan Incredible Organic Miracle (do a
search on google)? Ive heard some interesting things about it from my mate
– great!
Love you gamer! Your awesome
Yes, that is the case with most poop! I have soooo many trees pop up from
bird droppings too! Anyway, if it is composted properly,seeds should not be
a problem. The best stuff for me is animal manure, yes, composted. :)))
I hope you caught the car before it rolled down the hill
good tip
Jeff, how do you find those snake beans… Are they a bit stringy?
Everything looks fab. My mums got a Kooky friend too. When we were living
in Park Ridge we saw a Kooky grab a baby brown snake and do him in… They
fun to watch hey. Those red shallots, arrowroot and ginger really take the
command seriously… "Be fruitful and multiply" hey… LoL… I heard that
in Sunday school many years back.
Am you from Dudley m8
Gardens and fruit trees are really turning into major enterprise with a lot
of potential with preexisting greenhouse and chickens. Surely the electric
fence and the hawk guard rope strung across help. Yes a lot of work and
time, but a lot of potential for payback, reap what you sew literally. It
all starts with a plan. Good job. You are now a farmer among the many other
things you do.
This is my first year gardening in Wisc., Madison area. I’m from east of
Chicago where the frost free date is earlier. This year spring is so late.
How are you planning for growing transplants this year? I’m building a
cold frame for cold tolerant things but for tomatoes and peppers etc,
should I start them now or wait a few weeks? I have very limited space for
starting indoors otherwise I would plant some every other week in order to
have plants at a good size when the weather does break. Any suggestions?
I´m always looking forward to your videos. I love your healthy dishes…my
kind of cooking! keep them coming :D
For some reason Amir’s hat and crazed look make me think of Johnny Depp in
"The Secret Window."
ahah this guys cool
John are you coming to Los Angeles area soon?
Great idea… the weight issue could be substantially lessened if shear
braces were used… it is a bit dangerous for the structure unless it was
built for weight on the roof… but since it is brick it is it is something
to maybe brace the corners a bit… at least in Earthquake country like
where we live… but I love the idea of urban gardening… very green!
you can find the perfect girl for you… especially someone awesome like
Wow, great idea! Hit ’em where it hurts!
Thats it! I am going to start my compost pile now…. :)
John you should move to oregon and live in the white oak savanna
I am coming over for dinner! :)
It is against the law in California to remove Kelp from beaches.
Mine are not growing that fast but all have germinated , i have 4 runner
beans per corn in … only thing i still have to get in are the pumpkins ,
i did add compost btw ;-)
Great tip! Also the sun & shaded areas can change some as the season change
Beautiful sweet potatoes and your soil looks so loose and dark. Wow! How
many plants are in mountain of snake beans? I just planted some yesterday.
Lovely garden!
That compost looks much better than the stuff I got last year. I bought it
because it was such good quality the year before and then discovered it was
full of bits of hard plastic, plastic bags, sticks and what looked like
pieces of slate. I think I’ll try a bag from my local store and see what I
Looks like you will not go hungry this winter Troy. Nice going.
I think that I better thin out my tomatoes. lol I probably put them in my
raised bed outside since it doesn’t rain like before. Most of my plants
don’t receive sun but yet it still grow good. I had a tomato that didn’t
receive sun but yet it gave lots of tomatoes. Can this be since I live in a
tropical area the heat still gives some sort of sun rays? Great video. My
How about a cous cous or quinoa spicy dish but still clean as poss to give
some variety on veg and fish as I eat that most nights. Thanks Ian. Keep up
the good work. Karen
*what part of this video was the funny part? i must have missed it*
ha ha it’s funny how you would plant dandelions in your state, but in my
state, we pay hundreds of dollars to kill them all.
can you eat dandelion flowers and stems? they have like a milky goo inside,
and i’m leery of it.
You are a real gentleman. Thank you for sharing.
Wish I knew you were in Hamilton. I live 4 blocks from there and would’ve
bought you a beer or 2 or 3…
I’ve been gardening for 5 years, and we’re converting to raised beds and
drip irrigation just because of what I’ve learned from you. My husband is
actually jealous that I pay so much attention to you!! I bought 65 lb of
Azomite just because of YOU!
Mirrored: Operation Monsanto Stock Plunge – Official Video
wow makes me glad I was able to find three types of amendments for ten
bucks a few weeks ago one bag I got two of 🙂 or it would not have been
over nine bucks.
How to grow Coriander green cilantro organic
you know, it’s a good idea to change where you plant things in your yard,
especially if you have a setup like John has where every section is totally
separated, beacsue unless they are evenly depleted you need to figure out
special ratios of compost and rock dust and all that to meet the needs of
each patch of soil. aka pain
Bobbit 🙂
must have been the same hail we had I am in Ettenheim perhaps not far from
Nice tip Donna!
Tour of my container garden and 5 tips for growing peppers and determinate
tomatoes in containers.
Beautiful back yard you have there, Such a lovely garden. I just love this
video… Jeff do you happen to use castings? Do you have a compost pile? A
worm farm? I’ve watched a ton of vids on the benefits of worm castings and
even the worm juice.. Just curious if you have or use anything like that
??? Another wonderful and entertaining video.. like usual 😀
This Years Compost Mix
Since only grow heirloom vegetables the tomatoes stay in the same place
every year. Come fall I carefully bend the plants over and cover with straw
and some compost. Come spring they send up new growth. Makes for stronger
plants as well.
Was remembering listening to my Grandparents talk about planting a
vegetable garden every spring here in California or Montana and how no
matter the weather they were out and working come 8 am every morning, and
then inside come evening. Rain, sun whatever the weather, they were out
making sure the garden was big and well planted.
Unlike some folks these days they did not have a grocery store to run to
nor the money to be buying store bought food even monthly. I have that same
Great video! I will continue to watch your videos!
I don’t drink or consume anything with alcohol in it due to my
religion…What would be a good alternative to the white wine? :P
Always funny
I live in Illionois and not sure what temp it needs to be before i add my
worms to the compost tube. Right now it is about 50 but next week it will
go to 38/40 any idea?
Hey John, what are your views on BT? (If you already answered it could you
link it in the description)
"Right where you need it… on your roof" haha
aren’t u cold in a T-shirt?
awesome idea
For comparison, that bag costs $6 in California (and other places on the
mainland probably).
Thx also check 99Aquaponics website for revolutionary soil free gardening.
Oh, and we pull trucks up on the beach here when we get a bunch of kelp
washing up…more FREE compost!!!
WIFE??!! Did you tell this already? (Did you ask us first if you can get
married? Or even ask us to the wedding?!) Congratulations!!
Good tip. You can also thin your trees out!
Try Coco Coir instead of Peat moss. It’s non-acidic but otherwise have the
same properties.
Jeff, which video of yours is the one you planted your GINGER. I watched
your May 2012 harvest and it blew me away. I would like to watch the
beginning. I love your gardening videos. You are so informative. Smiles,
wow i am confused one minute it’s hot the next cold i guess this is a
couple days of video ? i could of swore you just said it was humid and 85
anyway may suggest giving current video so it’s a little easier to follow.
good to see you use a raincoat , i remember when rain use to be a issue for
you and i would think why not get a raincoat.
good ideas
Seeing you so relaxed and chilled out makes me want to cook, i usually get
flustered and panic about timing and stuff
The Jake and Amir series is so funny.
Is this item guaranteed? How long should it last? Here in southerner
California any thing plastic deteriorates quickly in the sun.
Thanks John, more great info!
That is no lie!
What a beautiful heart you are ♥ I wish all men be like you.
Awesome info 8 ) these scum bags trying to play god & mess with our DNA
need to be dealt with before it’s too late.
I just started my very first compost pile yesterday. For now it’s just a
pile not in a container or anything but i’m trying lol. I was wondering
what can’t go into a compost pile? The reason I ask is because someone
dumped charcoal ash into the pile yesterday. We also found a old log with
funky looking mushrooms growing out of it, not sure if the fungus is good
or not for composting . Thanks in advance for any replies.
hi john can you send me some seeds, i love you videos but were i live they
dont have many seed varieties especially for green veggies.
commercial family farms near my house in MI often spread horse and cow
manures in their fields to reduce the amount of needed chemical
fertilizers. They spread it in the Fall so it has all winter to cool off
and be ready for young plants in the spring.
Hi David, nice to see you all smiling and doing so well, your garden looks
now just as nice as you had in Ireland! If you remember me, I was writing
you the last year was my first experience with soils and gardening. This
year we superseeded any expectations and having already so much of
strawberries, lettuces, kales and some other staff. For the first time we
are really eating (could not allow yourself even a lot of organic foods
from the stores before as it all sprayed and poisont). Thank you so much
for your videos that helped us to make it through!!
Great tip! A lot of people don’t take this into consideration.
can you grow all types of tomatoes in a 5 gal bucket?
Many thanks Jada, great to hear from you,:o) bye,,,,Mj
hi troy,this is a bit off topic of planting the garden but i hope youll
read it . i had just by chance watched a video about grounding electric
fence’s , rocks do not provide a suitable ground and it is my thought that
the weed block you have put down will also be a problem as well . my
thoughts are to remove the rocks , hold the weed block in half then put the
rocks back so the rocks are not as wide so there is a better chance that
smaller animals dont have as much of a chance to be standing on the rocks
and not be grounded there for being able to get though with out getting a
shock , youve put allot of work trying to provide for your self with the
garden and the chickens and dont want it to be all for not , just my
thoughts. wishing you the best drew
Lets plan our plot for spring, summer and even fall. Joey and Holly give
some ideas on how to plan your garden. Planning Your Plot – First Garden,
New Gardener
god I love this channel, I never actually cook any recipes when I watch
them but so far I’ve tried out 3 of yours and wow they are amazing keep up
the good work
Hey John I been a Big Fan Of yours. I have 7 total raised beds from 4x4x12
to 8x16x12 here in NJ my neighbor behind me also has two raised beds. next
time your here in south jersey stop on by. this you can check out my
facebook pictures under josephtucci from Fontana ca. Happy Gardening Bro
Jake struggles not to laugh most sketches and just smirks
I though that Miracle Grow was all natural, or at least obtained it’s
nutrients that way, but I see now they also sell a "Organic" one. Guess I
will have to go non organic for the three months that it runs itself on.
I’m going to make a 1 foot trench in my raised bed to have a mulch garden,
and the worms will have access to each side then. I’m going to collect red
worms outside of the raised bed to get started by putting a shovel into the
ground and vibrating it. The worms come to you while vibrates. I don’t
get the mind set of the people torchering them electrocuting them, putting
soap on them to get them to come out, Why so vicious?
I was thinking about planting some Blue berries until I saw how much work
they are lol. Thanks for the upload Parlusk.
i use your tips for cannabis lol!
Great vid, thank for your time
a green roof will also help keep the roof cooler reducing the amount of
energy it takes to cool down stairs
John as an avid viewer of your videos and a gardener for the past couple
years I must say you are truly inspirational and a positive influence on
this planet. I consider you one of my heroes and your advice and
information is exceptional. You’re an awesome guy and your future kids will
be lucky to have a dad like you. 🙂
Short Monsanto! Make this like Max Keiser’s "Buy Silver, Crash JP Morgan"
campaign….You dollars are votes people, are you voting for your death!?
I often find my home studies differ from scientific studies. For example
the University of Florida says that in lab studies termites can not survive
in mulch and mulch will not infect your house with termites. I see termites
in mulch all the time. I find that plant roots seem to favor the rock dust
and the sweetness of the plants is far more sweeter than not grown in rock
dust. Rock dust is worthless though if you don’t have microbes breaking it
down and making it bio available.
Glacial rock dust is a bit expensive around here because of shipping.
However there are many kitchen counter manufacturers around here. How do
you feel about using the dust that comes out of the saws after cutting
granite slabs?
David, we wish you much success with your ‘sister experiments’,
your garden neighbors in Rheinau ;-)
Yeah, that’s something some folks do not take into consideration. Good tip,
Maybe it’s just the varieties I’ve grown, but, in my experience,
determinites don’t *really* set all their fruit and boom, it’s done. They
do have a bush-like growth habit, but, it seems they have more of a bell
curve of production where you have a few early ones building to a large
flush and then have some stragglers that lasts late into the season.
BTW, Just discovered your channel, and am enjoying it.
G’day Mike, that’s really good to know, good luck with all those things you
take on, it’s really satisfying when you achieve good results, plus you can
learn from any failures. Even the failures are edible, most times:):)
Yeah all right, a Baby Cat appearance. I would think about a sling shot for
the hawk. There are plenty of rocks.
Lets plan our plot for spring, summer and even fall. Joey and Holly give
some ideas on how to plan your garden. Planning Your Plot – First Garden,
New Gardener
Loved the chef’s touch. Another amazing simple healthy meal!
I’m so happy that you came to my neck of the woods! I hope you come back so
I can hear you speak and meet you! I’m such a BIG fan.
best last episode right here:
after the episode fade out of a dream sequince to jake standing over amir
in an insane asilum. amir is in a straight jacket drooling and rambling as
jake walks out with a tear in his eye says the doctors feel confidant the
electro shock (what ever the actual procedure is called) will help. jake
shuts the door to amirs padded room and you see in the distance a sign
saying psych ward. its the only way any of these shows could possibly
explain amir its all been delusions in amirs head or revers it and make
jake the patient
You know the way you increase the number of worms is to break them in half
(they are male and female in one) they become another worm very quickly.
Worm growers do this…Personally I just can’t do it (in laws once raised
worms, I just like the good old fashion wait and let nature take it’s
Great information, but sound and audio quality made me skip ahead. Any
chance you could redo?
I am proud to have met you at Raw Food meet-ups, and FINALLY took the time
to see these u-tubes yours. You are a generous good person to help so many
people. I
*Test Sharing My A Video Of Mine*
Been having issues for months with Google blocking the sharing of my own YT
videos… :-/ Let’s hope it works now! 🙂
Your videos always make my day!
John, i love your videos and have watched them all. But I cant get to grips
with this rock dust, It is almost unobtainable here in the UK because there
is no demand. My grandfather grew prize vegetables years ago and all he
used was manure maybe lime etc. So why do we all suddenly need rock dust?
John! Noooooo!!! I just finished 5 ginormous compost piles of horse
manure/leaf/saw dust last week for my 1/2 acre plot.
David,remember achocha,and handbrake, and every thing else is happy days.
ha ha. all the best.
great tip.
Hi Gary ,Would you give us examples of your liquid fertilizers and their
Please thanks Russell
Hi Paul, thanks mate, Wilma’s at work, I worked on the honey till late, &
my son’s expecting something to eat, I was tired but I still managed to
muster up something to eat, there was pan-fried fish & sweet spuds,,, snake
beans with shallots, ginger, turmeric with sea salt & eggplant.,nothing
fancy:):) then some of my hot sweet chili sauce to bring it altogether.
I’ll ttyl, bye
Mr Troy Reid, More then a DYfarmer LOL.
I would tittle you "Man of Many things" but, it has been spoken for. LOL.
At my rate Good to see you doing so Well. Plus you could even give some to
needy families. Plus food can be a tithe unto the Lord as Well.
Hey Haste. I have a question for you.. I love your clean cooking, but I
have concerns about how to find a roasting/baking pan that is also clean.
What would you recommend? Something with a nontoxic coating that won’t wear
off too easily, and with a base metal that also isn’t too bad for us.
New Jersey IS NOT the Northeast. Folks from the northeast mostly HATE New
Jersey, which is the worst of the Mid-Atlantic States, if not all of the
Jersey short didn’t help. But FYI the Northeast starts at New Yorks
Southern Border.
New England starts at Connecticut and RI’s southern border.
I really hope that was just crushed up oreos or something and not real
fertiliser XD
I love it haha!
I’m going to have to sell my house to buy all this just to make dirt. I
would suppose this is fine for the serious grower like you, but I am a
small garden grower who just wants "real organic, and vine ripe fresh
food. What is a basic that I would need, cause their is no way I can
afford or need that many bags of additives. I bought rewal good planting
mix and add Miracle grow, today I bought the premixed Miracle grow soil…
what is your take on that?
Published on Sep 17, 2013
Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered with
the links below:
1. John will answer your question in an upcoming episode on his channel:…
2. John will personally call you and do a 10 minute garden coaching session:…
In this episode, John will answer the following questions:
01:34 There are mites in my compost pile, are they ok?
03:15 What are your thoughts on food stamps at the farmers market?
04:42 What about growing food in Northern Arizona?
05:57 Can I bring my pepper plants that are in the ground with me when I
07:07 Should I use a soaker hose or a drip irrigation to water my garden
08:59 What fruits and vegetables would you recommend growing in Hawaii?
11:05 What is the recipe for your dr. bronners and neem oil organic bug
11:50 Is it safe to grow plants or seeds in recycled soda bottles?
12:54 Is there some reason you wouldn’t give me a response to my question?
15:07 When you pick leaves to juice or eat, do you pick the leaf with the
stem and all?
16:15 Can you grow enough fruits and vegetables to fully sustain a family
of 4?
After watching this episode you will learn John’s answers to these
questions and probably alot more about organic gardening as well.
Great tips, Wayne. I can particularly relate to putting plants out too
soon. I do it all the time…just get overly enthusiastic I guess.
Buckets…yep, can never have enough of them. Hubby’s always wanting to
throw them out and I keep telling him they will come in handy. lol. Only a
gardener would understand.
If you didn’t tell the internet that you had pot on your property, nobody
would have ever known. Now you have just potentially jeopardized your
neighbor’s property.
eewh produce traveling 1500 miles on a smoggy highway
wonderful video, happy to share everywhere
wow !! a clear reason we should all at least start using and/or growing
organic fruits and veggies !!
I’ve been using Sea-90 all season, and I’ve noticed that even if I double
or triple the suggested amounts to use, my plants don’t burn. Maybe I
should do a test plant where I abuse the heck out of it to see what it can
take 🙂
Only two weeks later and here is the first update. The first video on this
garden experiment shows how to grow the three sisters or better known as
the milpa system. We have added 3 more, totaling altogether 6 sisters in
this garden experiment. Hope you enjoy it.
I use the water gels that you use in hanging baskets to help with retaining
water works great
Insanely impressive, my friend. Really and truly.
made mI been eating our onion stalks Patrik likes them as Well.
Oh if you have issues with sluggs, Given dose if coffee. they will die for
it . Instant works great.Just dab it on them or bury them in it to garantee
there demise.
do you have any good quinoa recipes?? love the channel keep up the good
This is not the northeast. John please help a gardener out who lives in
norther New Hampshire. What am I to do to be successful? What varieties
can I grow? King of the north is listed for peppers but it is always a
failure. Look at the reviews. The northern varieties always do poorly.
I was just thinking, "Please just be crushed up Oreos…" the entire video.
I love this idea. I just am hesitant about the weight of it if I had to
move to another place.
Published on Sep 17, 2013
Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered with
the links below:
1. John will answer your question in an upcoming episode on his channel:…
2. John will personally call you and do a 10 minute garden coaching session:…
In this episode, John will answer the following questions:
01:34 There are mites in my compost pile, are they ok?
03:15 What are your thoughts on food stamps at the farmers market?
04:42 What about growing food in Northern Arizona?
05:57 Can I bring my pepper plants that are in the ground with me when I
07:07 Should I use a soaker hose or a drip irrigation to water my garden
08:59 What fruits and vegetables would you recommend growing in Hawaii?
11:05 What is the recipe for your dr. bronners and neem oil organic bug
11:50 Is it safe to grow plants or seeds in recycled soda bottles?
12:54 Is there some reason you wouldn’t give me a response to my question?
15:07 When you pick leaves to juice or eat, do you pick the leaf with the
stem and all?
16:15 Can you grow enough fruits and vegetables to fully sustain a family
of 4?
After watching this episode you will learn John’s answers to these
questions and probably alot more about organic gardening as well.
+Wayne Meador Thumbs up man. Good tips. Dave ;-)
Not very nice to give the NSA/government evidence in public on your
neighbor. Better prepare to get some of the overspray from now on. Not
any real purpose to tell everyone else about this.
The Key Word Here is safety, dont overload the building
Here’s the video that was censored from the Organic Spies account
Great video John!
"..funky balls! – I like that name."
Great tip Donna! I have the same issue with trees growing taller each year
on my neighbor’s yard; which is shading our garden.
Great videos! I grow some pepper plants in garden pots and they look kind
of yellowish. I wonder why?
Thanks Jarod, & your welcome mate. Most of what I grow is relatively easy
to grow organically. I’ve learned over the years what to grow & when to
grow & how to avoid most of the pests.cheers,Mj
Hi Troy, I think your chickens are cute kinda funny to watch bird the way
they run. I see your place is really coming together, Did you get the home
up to the city standards so you can stay on the property and not worry
about having to stay somewhere else at night. I just wish you the best
, That is why I asking. Take care and be safe
this video is so good i like this thank u
I just love your channel. You’re such a great teacher Ian.
@Ian Wynne I agree that the yard has too many trees. I mean, don’t get me
wrong… trees are great for natural shade and privacy, but this yard is
pretty dark & shady. I’d definitely try cutting down a good portion of the
trees. Great call.
Why are these so bad?
Published on Sep 17, 2013
Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered with
the links below:
1. John will answer your question in an upcoming episode on his channel:…
2. John will personally call you and do a 10 minute garden coaching session:…
In this episode, John will answer the following questions:
01:34 There are mites in my compost pile, are they ok?
03:15 What are your thoughts on food stamps at the farmers market?
04:42 What about growing food in Northern Arizona?
05:57 Can I bring my pepper plants that are in the ground with me when I
07:07 Should I use a soaker hose or a drip irrigation to water my garden
08:59 What fruits and vegetables would you recommend growing in Hawaii?
11:05 What is the recipe for your dr. bronners and neem oil organic bug
11:50 Is it safe to grow plants or seeds in recycled soda bottles?
12:54 Is there some reason you wouldn’t give me a response to my question?
15:07 When you pick leaves to juice or eat, do you pick the leaf with the
stem and all?
16:15 Can you grow enough fruits and vegetables to fully sustain a family
of 4?
After watching this episode you will learn John’s answers to these
questions and probably alot more about organic gardening as well.
Instead of mixing dirt in buckets, I have long flat containers (about 6"
deep), so I can get a rake in and use it to mix.
We also took one of these containers and drilled holes on the top sides,
strung rope through, made a wood bar for the front and now I can easily
pull my tub full of dirt around even if it is soaked in water…no more
bent over dragging till I die. ;0
You mind if I use your brussels sprout picture for the website?
It’s a shame that it’s illegal to grow such a pretty plant. :(
As always love your videos! Love the field trip videos too.
Will you do an experiment doing a test rock dust/ no rock dust?
Nice to see you experimenting with different things. Keep these
enlightening videos coming! :)
G’day Ann, I had the little buddy sitting on my knee for the second time
this morning taking food from me. He took off as soon as he/she had enough
to eat. Our winters aren’t as cold as Sydney, but still cold enough to use
a fire at night. Sometimes day & night. Depends where the wind’s coming
from. I love that time of year, it doesn’t last long enough. I’ll talk
later, bye:):) Mj
The picture isn’t very clear but those flowers look like bluebells.
After harvesting, do the coriander plants regrow the leaves indefinitely ?
Or we’ll have to regrow them with new seeds? Thanks…
This looks so delicious and your videos are improving every week! Very
informative and entertaining. Would you consider make a video on some
healthy sandwich ideas?
Good advice concerning the neighbor who uses pesticides. Any reasonable &
neighborly neighbor would most likely agree to that deal. Why not? It’s
free to them and much more healthy.
*That GUY is F*CKED in the HEAD !!! lol :D*
OK I bought one of these and will do my own soil mix – got my worms just
waiting for the weather to warm up – thanks for all you do
Published on Sep 17, 2013
Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered with
the links below:
1. John will answer your question in an upcoming episode on his channel:…
2. John will personally call you and do a 10 minute garden coaching session:…
In this episode, John will answer the following questions:
01:34 There are mites in my compost pile, are they ok?
03:15 What are your thoughts on food stamps at the farmers market?
04:42 What about growing food in Northern Arizona?
05:57 Can I bring my pepper plants that are in the ground with me when I
07:07 Should I use a soaker hose or a drip irrigation to water my garden
08:59 What fruits and vegetables would you recommend growing in Hawaii?
11:05 What is the recipe for your dr. bronners and neem oil organic bug
11:50 Is it safe to grow plants or seeds in recycled soda bottles?
12:54 Is there some reason you wouldn’t give me a response to my question?
15:07 When you pick leaves to juice or eat, do you pick the leaf with the
stem and all?
16:15 Can you grow enough fruits and vegetables to fully sustain a family
of 4?
After watching this episode you will learn John’s answers to these
questions and probably alot more about organic gardening as well.
Gardening is a strange little thing and so unlike anything else I have
learned. Most people have at least 2 seasons (spring and summer) and
there is only a short window of opportunity for "hands on" learning.
Personally, I find most gardening books and plant information boring, I
have to get out there in the garden and "do it". The Square Foot Gardening
book (the only book I refer to) has wonderful charts about what we can
plant before the last frost date and when we can begin the seeds for summer
crops, all of it is timed around the last frost date (which is different
for all of us).
Sometimes I score and sometimes I do not, but it keeps it fun. I just
plant as many things as possible and hope the rabbits don’t eat them, that
I don’t pull it out by accident, the bugs don’t eat it, etc. haha,
sometimes I get to harvest it and enjoy what I have grown. :))
cool thanks for the tip. looking to see it all turns out
"He said he may burn it!!" Don’t burn it ray you may get high, just whack
it with a weed whacker!!!
Nice John. Don’t forget the cooling benefit of having the containers on the
roof absorbing sun energy.
Nice Info
When the seasons over could you do a video on how you take down the dead
tomato plants, and what you do with the soil?? Please and thank you :)
WOW, that’s fantastic Michael, sounds like sweet potatoes will do well
there. I don’t plant any more of them till Spring, in a little while most
of my garden will be full of spuds, as I harvest the sweet spuds, I plant
normal spuds. Then the opposite in the spring, part of that being sweet
corn in the sunnier spots. ok, bye, Mj
Wow you are going to have so much veggies. You definitely should not want
for food this winter. you said you may sell some for extra money Have you
been thinking about where you will sell them from and how you will display
them (tables and tent for shading) I think you will make some extra cash if
you can find a nice place to set up and sell the produce. Also you might
need boxed areas to separate produce. Just something to consider as the
garden grows. As for your strawberry patch use pallet wood cut to dif
sizes. 8 to 12 inch or so. hammer in ground to make a border. I have a
video of how it looks if you want to take a look at it.Helps for keeping
the animals from eating them does not stop them but it does help. and also
keeps them confined to that one area so you can get a nice bed of
strawberries before letting them spread. And it is a fast way to make a
take ppurna this purna that…. and its organic common lady
I was considering to unsubscribe because I eat vegan but..I like your way
of cooking so..still here!
Larry Hall altho’, informative is a "Chatty Cathy."
This whole situation makes sense if the plant is Marijuana
Totally dig your growing container and your vid is very fun and informing!!
Grow on gardening friend!!
Published on Sep 17, 2013
Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered with
the links below:
1. John will answer your question in an upcoming episode on his channel:…
2. John will personally call you and do a 10 minute garden coaching session:…
In this episode, John will answer the following questions:
01:34 There are mites in my compost pile, are they ok?
03:15 What are your thoughts on food stamps at the farmers market?
04:42 What about growing food in Northern Arizona?
05:57 Can I bring my pepper plants that are in the ground with me when I
07:07 Should I use a soaker hose or a drip irrigation to water my garden
08:59 What fruits and vegetables would you recommend growing in Hawaii?
11:05 What is the recipe for your dr. bronners and neem oil organic bug
11:50 Is it safe to grow plants or seeds in recycled soda bottles?
12:54 Is there some reason you wouldn’t give me a response to my question?
15:07 When you pick leaves to juice or eat, do you pick the leaf with the
stem and all?
16:15 Can you grow enough fruits and vegetables to fully sustain a family
of 4?
After watching this episode you will learn John’s answers to these
questions and probably alot more about organic gardening as well.
Hey Wayne – GREAT tips! I like your humbleness in this video – we’ve all
made those mistakes too, but that’s how you learn and refine! I’m all about
using what I have! I like to make it a game to see how little I can spend
on the garden and still make it look beautiful! Things may not be done
exactly "right" according to some standards – but who cares? I’m the one
who has to live with it!
Angela I’ve had no luck the last 2 years compared to my first try 3 years
ago, but the last 2 seasons I’ve been trying to grow I think from a bad
batch off seeds, I’ve just ordered 2 different strains for next year,
sooner or later I’m going to master this
Ray, you have a beautiful piece of property. Thanks for the tour, it is
always nice seeing other parts of our country.
I did mention the weight thing several times in this episode. 60 lbs was my
estimate. but even at 40 lbs a pop, thats some serious weight. That was an
old school brick building so it was probably fine in that instance.
Yup. These tips will help
Dear John, Could you please bring annotation to the video with sources for
Rock Dust? Rock Dust Rocks! 🙂
I am using a lot of containers this year. I am using a lot of 18 gallon
tubs. I got carried away on sweet peppers this year with 15 varieties. I
have around half of these in the dirt and the other half in containers.
Enjoy your videos and find the info very useful.
Thanks Fuj, :):) I had him/her sitting on my knee this morning, taking food
out of my hand. Once he had enough food, he took off :):) Must be a
teenager:) cheers Mj
Smoke form a bon fire?
Well, it is no miracle…but editing mistake!!!
This looks really great love how "clean" you cook meaning using whole
foods, low fat/carb healthy but delicious food…I’ve written many times
asking for a recipe on a really great tuna salad or egg salad…thanks! –
Lori from Boston
woot woot! go new jersey (my home state)!!! you should come back here again
and make a video with the group i volunteer with; we are called mevo
(mahwah environmental volunteers organization). we have a farm to live
program and we get a lot of land donated to us for various farming
projects. i been working with the honey bees all summer!!!! for real make a
video with us! we love your videos!!!
hmmm… delicious horsepoop
Looks like they adapted from those mexican strawberry pots
Published on Sep 17, 2013
Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered with
the links below:
1. John will answer your question in an upcoming episode on his channel:…
2. John will personally call you and do a 10 minute garden coaching session:…
In this episode, John will answer the following questions:
01:34 There are mites in my compost pile, are they ok?
03:15 What are your thoughts on food stamps at the farmers market?
04:42 What about growing food in Northern Arizona?
05:57 Can I bring my pepper plants that are in the ground with me when I
07:07 Should I use a soaker hose or a drip irrigation to water my garden
08:59 What fruits and vegetables would you recommend growing in Hawaii?
11:05 What is the recipe for your dr. bronners and neem oil organic bug
11:50 Is it safe to grow plants or seeds in recycled soda bottles?
12:54 Is there some reason you wouldn’t give me a response to my question?
15:07 When you pick leaves to juice or eat, do you pick the leaf with the
stem and all?
16:15 Can you grow enough fruits and vegetables to fully sustain a family
of 4?
After watching this episode you will learn John’s answers to these
questions and probably alot more about organic gardening as well.
I’m a northern gardener… Michigan. Is it too early to start sweet potato
slips in a jar to plant in May/June?
WONDERFUL information!!! Thank you! I tried growing Brussel Sprouts last
season and nothing….Now I have a better understanding and will try again
this coming Spring.
Ditch weed is just as illegal as *hemp* and *marijuana* which is all the
same thing. Some is cultivated,some is just trash . Not to worry , Ray is
not the (Johnny Reeferseed) of Iowa.
Wow….imagine if 10% of america did this. ..
Thanks for the tips. feel free to checkout some of my gardening vids and
tell me where you think I might be able to improve. Thanks
Have you ever grown your produce in just compost and then in compost and
rock dust and then sent or taken the different produce to a lab to get them
tested to see if it makes a significant difference in the nutrient levels
within them? If not, I think that would be a really cool thing to do to get
some rock solid evidence and to make a super interesting episode! Maybe you
could even contact some labs and see if they would be willing to test them
for free for educational purposes 🙂
Great video!
Your garden is looking great Jeff. You have so much great tropical stuff
growing there that I cannot grow here. I am very jealous lol
Planting my garden in the rain on a cold day at the homestead
you showed methi seeds in your hand but harvesting coriander!!! amazing
delicious! great idea. love your videos!
You’re awesome John!!!
this really nice I’m excited about building one of these.
just a tip 10, 3 min vids keep younger viewers longer
I really like the part about remember to have fun.
Or just bake them at 350°F for 35-45 minutes, if they’ve been hit with a
couple of frosts then they have a caramel type sweet sauce, the more frost
the sweeter they get
shame on you. now share the wealth. lol great video
I used to grow a rooftop garden on top of my houseboat. I had dwarf fruit
trees, blueberries, strawberries, herbs, and switched between summer and
winter vegetable crops as the seasons changed. It was fun! I’m glad to be
back on dry land though.
Gotta love consumption friendly food
hi to everyone. im new to gardening and i want to ask a question. where can
you buy all these fertilizers ?
Thanks for another good video John. I just watched your video about the
accident you had at your brother’s. Hope your arms are doing better.
Great video!
Looks good!!!
could you please throw some light on building good soil?thanks,renu
When I see a brand, all I think of is Chemicals, in this videos they never
say what this growers are made of. Big corporations still think they can
fool us. LOL, most of the time the use of the word Organics is just
How about your favorite salad dressings?
I am from NJ and I remember you saying you were going to be here. Also I
build gardens and garden boxes PM me for pics of work.
I could care less about sustainability.
we aint running out of peak moss anytime soon
When planting perennials and trees in raised beds, how do you keep the soil
level up after each season. Every year the soil sinks down 4-6 inches, and
I don’t want to bury the trunks of the trees. What do you do with the
feijoa trees that are in your raised beds? Do you keep adding more compost
around the trunk of the trees?
Great tips +Wayne Meador !
O yah. Add butter when u saute with the steamed brussels, soy, garlic,
brown sugar. Thanks again for sharing
"Everything mowed I owe." :)
Why not garlic, beets, or onions? I grow them all in very shallow beds.
hanks so much. Great advice! I am new at organic gardening. :)
I wonder if in your drying environment if it wouldn’t be a good idea to lay
out some cardboard? I’ve read that it helps feed and incourage your native
earthworms to aerate the soil. I’d be very interested in your results
positive or negative, past and present. Thanks.
Sadly, most states deem it "illegal" to grow your own foods, especially in
your own front yard.
Great Video Gary. Where do you get those deep saucers?
Jeff…. Amazing like always! Here in South Africa it still hot and my
ginger seems to like it!!! 😀 thanks to you i. Got inspired and made a BIG
veggie garden myself! And it to seems to come along reeeaalll good!!
I made a garden plan but not to scale. Then I adjusted the measurements
and although it gave me a larger grid, it didn’t reposition the planting
beds to the new proportions. Is this a capability of the program, or can
you orient me on how to do it? Thanks!
great video thanks for showing us.
Looks divine!
Love this kitchen. Can you introduce us to you dog sometime?
Hello John, Since you were talking about different containers I have a
question. I was wondering if you have ever used Fabric Grow bags? If you
have, mind sharing your thoughts.
Mixing the soil looks too difficult, why can’t it be as easy as they say on
their video. Now I do not think I cna do this. I was excited before but
not using food scrape, all the different soil, etc
What happened to the 2nd generation garden tower they showed 2 yrs ago but
no one is selling them…a much better model that turns and even looks
nicer?? Oh ya the prices were much lower?
awesome video john!!!!!
5 Spring Gardening Tips via BuzzSumo
What ever you do, don’t transplant them it’s too late now their root system
is huge, you are better off thinning them out at this point, cut them off
don’t pull them out as you’ll screw the one up next to it. One plant
produces a ton of sprouts if done right, I had some once that had over 7lbs
of sprouts on one plant after I cleaned it. Lots of water, lack of water
causes no sprout development or very bitter
Lol that’s too funny you found that. It is a weed in North America 🙂
Another great video! I’ve designed out my garden for next season, mainly
using recycling bin that I got for free at the state recycling plant. If I
took a 5 minute or so video walking you through my plan would you give me
feed back? I’ve learned almost everything I know about gardening from your
videos, so it would mean a lot to me. Thanks — Adam
Add a message to your video
I’ve learned how to protect and conserve my garden.
"I like waxing off more than I like waxing on!" John
: )
Love my azomite, thanks for everything you do John .
One question I heard that growing basil with tomatoes is good and adds
Can you get this on android ??
great video.. thanks for sharing!
Delicious i know had the pleasure of trying it. And wow what a lovely
kitchen !!
Like the mustache..
Customize your message
I water my desert garden more often for less time. (especially important
during the heat of the day). Ensure that each cycle is long enough to get
good penetration if you know what I mean.
In your opinion, do you think this would be good for growing strawberries?
First 🙂
My name is RB & I have a bucket addiction :/ 😉
Best way to learn is through your own & others "misguided attempts at
success" Wayne 😉
Cheers sir..
oh sweet jez,im going to have to remove them and maybe plant in
pots,hahahahahhahahaa wot was i thnking
You didn’t get a house inspector before you buy the house? I thought they
inspect every inch of the property.
I would love to utilize my rooftop but weight is a major concern. What I’d
like to find are plants with a high edible content to dirt ratio. In
another words, one pot of dirt to grow a lot of plants. Lettuce would not
be it but malabar spinach, sugar snap peas, etc. Any other recommendation?
Thank you. Very educational. I appreciate this upload for my own personal
Seems like good info.
It DOES. Check your volume controls.
I have 5 bug zappers.I’m sorry I have to kill all flying insects,even the
bees and ladybugs must be sacrifice to keep the bad flying bugs dead.
Very informational!
IS this a magic garden ? how coriander grow if you seed methi ???
Another fabulous looking plate of food. the excitement is never ending.
I love in the island and use this compost. It is the best compost u can buy
on Oahu is the shizzle! John, didn’t know u were in Hawaii, I feel like I
missed an op to meet u. Oh well, next time. Thanks for making dope vids!
Was very glad to see him in person and hear him through. What a simple and
a smart man. who is full of gardening knowledge and sharing with everyone
interested. Although I was thinking, was it a dream… no no no. it’s dream
come true. Really happy after taking a picture with him. 🙂 btw he
mentioned in one of his vids about this event guys, which was taken after
he broke his arm while fixing his bro’s garage. Anyway the even held @
Ramsey NJ. And he was heading to NJ food festival…
What did it cost to build out that soil, about $1500 bucks?
That being said, I hadn’t considered integrating a compost bin into a grow
bucket. Cool idea.
Yea…. my beans have gotten out of control and I am no where near ready to
put them outside.. the ground is still frozen in some areas…
I think I started them all a little to early but Im not going to lie its
been fun watching them grow and I was excited to get started.
Live and learn
I’ve been cutting back mine about every 8 days, leave 4-5 rows at the top
so the plant can get enough energy from the sun to continue growing, it
takes about 2-3 weeks for the sprouts to start showing, they are a slow
plant about 180 day start to finish, and as you have found out big. They
actually need to be at least 2 feet apart from each other minimum, in rows
4 feet apart, by the end of the season they are about 30" – 36" tall. Frost
makes them sweeter
Cool video Ray, your farm is exploding!!! I’ve been teaching these Colorado
farmers about the Praxxus Method for planting them tomatoes, lol. Take care
Calculate for snow load also!
The range of flowers that attract helpful bugs is a good tip, thanks.
good video
John your titles are catchy but your content is too long winded This is on
all of your postings.Please get to the point and cut it off thankss
When my mom was pregnant with me, she ate dirt (we lived in the country).
Now I know why.
Hi, where are you living? R U from Germany?
Good info, thanks. I started making my own container soil this year.
Whipped it up pretty much as you did except I also used worm castings.
Thanks for the great information. I love to garden and always looking for
ways to improve my harvest. How large should you let your seedlings grow
before transplanting?
this is called magical gardening…. methi seedlings turn suddenly into
dhanya saplings…. wow… HAHAHA
how much would it actually cost to grow organic food in pots? if you’re
living in a condo or a townhouse? is it cheaper, then buying it at the
Looks absolutely delicious , thanks for all the great recipes, I have been
trying to start eating clean and seeing recipes like this really helps stay
on track without getting bored.
Because you’re in Hawaii, is most of the material palm tree based? That
means you’ve almost got coco coir. We use it around here in S.Texas and it
just beats all other compost material out there. As usual your videos are
John, seriously, we need you in maine too. dont just shoot from the hip!
let us know where you are so we can expand your trip and cover a wider
audience. I have a plant that is tasty, green and hot but i dont know what
it is and even if i planted it…but i have been eating it. If you were
here, i could ask you what it is. thanks a bunch!
I love your vlogs, they are real…you know what I mean, I really don’t
enjoy watching people being all fake. They are always so fun and you show
clearly how much you enjoy being a mom and wife!!! Your haul videos are
awesome too, you always get the best deals!!! I was looking at some of your
old videos where you talked about your facebook page but I can’t find it,
not sure if you took it off or changed it. Good luck, have a beautiful
summer with your little family.
Awe nice video!!! I just finished our seed starting greenhouse today.. Just
intime for chilling snow! So excited!!!
Just build your own! Get a 55 gallon Blue drum ( from Emergency
Essentualasor other store or Craigs;ist), if you have a saw or other tools
and some P Vc pipe and tubing easy! Just got be handy!! just like 1 of
those strawberry pots on steroids!!
Wow, that’s a lot of great advice. Thanks Wayne.
can i keep cutting the big leaves back as i aint got the room,i planted
them in a raised planter,i didnt no they would grow so big,only a novice
I knew I loved the look of that land!
Seriously though, loads of people grew hemp as a patriotic ‘duty’ to help
produce fabric during wartimes so I suspect there are many older pieces of
farmland with similar ‘bonus’ crops.
I love how lush and green your land is, keep these videos coming!
You’re spoiling us John!
beer for slugs and snails to get drunk on then drown, that’s funny
Tilpas din meddelelse
John, not that I don’t like your videos, but you just over complicate every
thing ! In my world, I just take soil from country side from someone
willing and dump it. That does it. Soil/nature has its way to fix itself.
Nature did not intend messing with it.
hey jon just got a new house and a backyard what can i do to bring the soil
back to life piss ash and azomite? haha
I just came across your YouTube channel and have spent the last few days
viewing EVERY video posted. Quite a "marathon" but I think I’ve caught up!
An abundance of information that I can’t wait to put into practice. Our
growing season is short and extreme … – 40°C to 40°C ( – 40°F to 100°F )
but I think I’m up for the challenge. Thanks for sharing your wealth of
Cheers, from Canada.
great video!! really helpful as im doing peppers in containers. also trying
the reusable grocery bags as i been seeing a lot of videos saying how this
is possible. any opinions or tips u can give on those bags? thanks again
for the great videos!
How to get the most from your garden plans this year…
How to Plan a Vegetable Garden: Design Your Best Garden Layout
Are you planting fenugreek or coriander seeds?
I tried the "shotgun" approach a few years ago… I planted EVERYTHING that
I could get my hands on. I found that I can grow kale, collards, peas,
okra, corn, tomatoes, and herbs very well in my yard. Luckily I love all
of those! ;)
Ohhh this looks good.
I looked them up and it doesn’t look like it’s free. It does look cheaper
tho so I might go there when I’m ready for some soil.
If you are ever around Scranton Pennsylvania you are always welcome at my
she did a wonderful job she going be a smart little girl!
My problem is I want to do it all. Greenhouse is on my list. Great job!!!
I love this! Great for a small space!
Really good tips my friend. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing the tower in
My friend my climate is much farther north than you, I don’t know what your
temperatures are like or is it possible to grow year round where you are? I
suggest stopping in at a local nursery or garden store and ask some
questions from the locals to get an idea and then hit YT again looking for
tricks and ideas once you know the kinds of veggies that will grow the best
in your area.
Thats hemp!! Feed it to your chickens…so rich in vit’s it crazy good for
Drip irrigation is good but sub-irrigation is much better. These planters
could easily be made into sub-irrigated planters (SIPs) offering increased
production and water conservation. There would be no environmentally
unsound runoff or threat of water leaks in the roof. Drain hole containers
are clearly wasteful. Both water and oxygen are essential for vigorous
plant growth. SIPs provide both a water and oxygen reservoir. Drip
irrigated planters do not. Inside Urban Green
I found this post very educational! This video presented various ways on
how to control pest which is very useful to all kinds of gardeners. Through
this video, I’ve learned how to protect and conserve my garden. You will
never regret on watching this! One thing for sure is that I will truly
recommend this video!
Do you want to build a snow man
While I agree with increasing the nutrition in the food we grow, I can’t
agree with doing it in unsustainable ways. The best produce I have ever
eaten was from my grandfather’s organic garden, where he constantly mulched
with organic matter from his property, and constantly added his organic and
nutrient-rich compost to the soil. Not once in his entire life did he ever
use rock dust, and I have never tasted better produce. Rock dust may add
nutrition, but I don’t think it’s necessary.
David i hope you did not pay that french translator if so you should be
by the way love your video’s as usual keep up the good work
You look like one of the twins from Breaking Bad.
Gary, informative video and thanks for the tips. Great stuff 🙂
Please do a video on fertilizing tomato, potato, pepper and other
Looking forward to the next one.
Is this software available for Amman, Jordan?
I woukd love to be in your give away. This is my first year gardening and
you have alot of great advice!
Wow. you plant fenugreek and get coriander.
Great video , If anyone else wants to grow you own delicious fresh fruit
and veg simply it’s worth considering – Banfan Incredible Organic Miracle
(do a google search)? Ive heard some amazing things about it from my m8 –
Pan seared cod fillet with roasted Mediterranean vegetables is live on
Great video. Thanks for sharing.
Hi John. I always enjoy your videos. I have a question about watering. I
live in Rosamond, CA (high desert). Is it better to water a vegetable
garden more frequent for less amount of time or less frequent for longer
time? I know they always talk about less frequent with longer watering time
for deeper root development but my plants don’t seem as healthy when doing
it that way and bugs attack more.
Love it thanks!
She is too cute!!
The feeling is echo’d my friend! I actually enjoy fall and winter gardening
more than that of summer gardening since I moved into the greenhouse!
Wow, that’s awesome. I am going to get a few of these tower. Thanks John.
I would call them mistakes I would say experiments that went bad, because
if we called them mistakes around here I would be in trouble I’m always
trying different thing believe it or not most work well some times.
Today was a super blessed day wasn’t it Yahweh Rules!
hHi friends My Goal is 200 subscribers by the end of the month.
Please visit My Face Book Fan Page and Like
I live in North Carolina, what types of veggies should I attempt to grow?
Thanks for sharing. Sure it will be legal to grow in Iowa in a few years.
Like it is in Colorado.
Hello, thanks for new video!
Many tips good to practice, and sure will help. Good video, thanks for
sharing.Killing ants has to be done (sorry), they are getting inside the
house and around anywhere in the kitchen. While my balcony plants when
there is ants – sure aphids as well. Spray for ants..and sure …..
Hi, john love your videos, you’re my inspiration to grow my own food.
I’d like to ask whether azomite and montmollinolite is the same stuff or
cause here in thailand I can find montmollinolite , pumice and pumice
added to my garden
David do you have any big plans for this season? Another Giant pumpkin or
Excellent video – well worth watching and following news from Oscar.
Can you clone a determinate tomato, and what would happen if you did …
would it still die back at the same time as its parent plant, or would it
continue to grow like a baby plant of the parent’s type?
Wow, what a helpful tool! We will probably be using that when it is time
for us to get our garden ready. God bless! :)
Can I be in the giveaway
You can buy an engraver for really cheap to write the plant tags on metal
strips from the cans you suggest. I notice that I always think I am going
to remember what I did, and two days later I cannot recall so now I record
everything in each bed in my computer with the plant and transplant dates.
My North Central FL greens garden is booming from all the rain we had, plus
the azomite, organic fert and worm castings, thanx to you John, you are the
best, so generous and personable and helpful!
Are you still on Oahu? I’d love to meet up if possible!
Rain Gutter Grow System – up on the deck, now that would be BEAUTIFUL !
Lots of great plants but a bit too messy.
Aww she did a great job. she is too cute.
Breath taking. Really beautiful. Great job. The next step on how to make
onion plants
+Wayne Meador I know your pain! I always get going so fast I end up with
huge plants way to early… hence my Sunday Episode ;)
We’ll see this fall how they turn out now that I’m doing it right
O_o Um… wow! Growing wild out there, who would have thought?
but, remember: boiling water wreaks havoc on bacteria and worms, too, so it
depends on your tolerance and your holistic approach. Not a judgment, just
an expanded view. Happy Gardening! Love my GrowVeg program!!!!!
You don’t have any concerns about the chlorine in the city water killing
off the beneficial bacteria that you worked so hard to place in there?
Just curious… I’m thinking about setting out a 50 gallon drum and filling
it with city water, uncovered, for 24 hours. Then all the chlorine would
evaporate out over night… But I am curious about your take on this.
just say no to gmo
great video very informative ;)
I’m listening with headphones and the birds sounded like they were right
outside my window.
A well planned vegetable garden is a productive vegetable garden. In this
video we go through the 5 key questions that you need to ask when planning
the best layout for your garden for the coming year.
Looks like a good selection. If i didn’t already have the seeds of those
varieties i’d apply. By green stripped squash do you mean green striped
cushaw or green striped hopi?
– Lean how Spray and Green helps you save water AND have a greener lawn.
bring on more vids…….salaams
I like how they did the bricks around it.
You don’t ever seem to stumble on your words (from practice making all
those videos, huh?) that’s very good! Cute muscovy duck! I saw about 6
turkeys in someone’s front yard today while I was running. Hahaha, wow,
that guy has every garden item you can think of (near the end of the
video)! Oooh, that book at 31:40 looks pretty interesting!!! Oh, I have
that book by Rosalind Creasy. It’s good! Gnomes are scary! Don’t those
things come alive at night?! yikes, lol
Nice mustage you got there 😀 see 2:00 min
Yea I would never use news paper or any paper with ink on it.
But how can the fruit ripen if you bag them like that?
She is so cute…..
Heres a Highlight Reel Plus I Am Growing All Winter Long :)
One word, "Buckets" That is so true, I have only 2 buckets and I used them
for ladders 🙁 ,stools, trash, mixing, and storage. Buckets for gardening
is a must. It is now on my check list for this year.
Great brussels sprouts!
its hemp, its indigenous to the whole northern area by you. they grew hemp
for yrs during ww2 an now it grows everywhere out there. i dont believe its
illegal if it grows on its own meaning you didnt plant it. you need to look
into the history an the laws about wild hemp
He must be rich?
I think that it gets real hot and maybe I have to wet them everyday while
the heat is on. We have had as high as 102 degrees. I can’t put hot water
because it’s a canister. I started to kill them by hand. Thanks because I
forgot that ants likes dry areas. thanks for your help really appreciate it
lol, I like waxing off too. Do you use any guano’s in these beds?
Great video, sharing.
always good to save seed
Hi Gary,
Another great video. Do you think a 15" container is to large for growing 1
pepper plant?
A well planned vegetable garden is a productive vegetable garden. In this
video we go through the 5 key questions that you need to ask when planning
the best layout for your garden for the coming year.
Why is it that Tornado’s and Ex-Coctail Waitresses always end up in trailer
I just had a yard of compost and yard of mulch delivered from my local
supplier. Not much more than a mile down the street. It’s the first time
I’ve bought from them, but the product looked (and smelled) good and it was
a reasonable price. Can’t wait to see the results.
The Golden Turnip. One of our early permaculturists died recently. Two days
before I went to the area he developed in Plainfield, VT where I saw some
35 year old chestnut trees. Nicco Rubin of East Hill Farm would be the man
to give you a tour there. In Columbia County NY Hawthorne Valley is a great
biodynamic farm well worth visiting. Well I could go on. Enjoy your tour of
the NE.
He certainly shares info on all of what has been planted with good ideas on
how to maintain what you have grown……he doesn’t however go into how
deep or far apart each plant should be..etc…his suggestions are more
advanced for those very familiar with growing veggies/fruits/beans//etc…
She is just beautiful !!! So intelligent !!! Good job mom!!
Heres a Highlight Reel Plus I Am Growing All Winter Long :)
great tips Wayne. you could add three zeros after the mistakes u have made
for me i make thousands, well i find thousands of ways that don’t work
anyway, everyday’s a learning day my friend :)
It’s actually not a tip but how it’s actually done, if you Google search
images for Brussels Sprouts you will see photos of fields of them done,
they look like a Palm tree crossed with a Christmas tree
Dam I can’t believe you showed that, the cops will probably pay you a visit
How does he have a girlfriend? Odd.
Ants like dry conditions, so keeping the strawberry bed moist may help, and
blasting with water from a hose can dislodge ants and send them scurrying
off temporarily – this probably won’t get rid of them completely though.
Surrounding the plants with diatomaceous earth may help to deter them. If
you’re feeling particularly sadistic you can pour boiling water down the
ants’ nest to kill them.
hey can u mix those in the ground like in the backyard
need to know asap
are you familiar with tricarboxylic acids organic acids for aux supplement
to the plants? If so your thoughts please.
Great information, thanks.
Good planning can make all the difference to the amount and quality of food
produced by your vegetable garden.
In this video we present 5 questions that are at the heart of good garden
planning and show how to draw up the plans you require. We then demonstrate
how the Garden Planner reduces the need for research and guess-work, so
that in a very short space of time you can create a personalised plan for
your most successful garden ever:
How to Plan a Vegetable Garden: Design Your Best Garden Layout
If you love growing your own food, why not try our online Garden Planner
which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…
Thank you for featuring this beautiful Florida vegetable garden. I’m 3
years into experimenting with my own organic garden in West Central FL. I
am always disappointed when some say you can’t grow a good vegetable garden
in Florida so thanks for the proof otherwise!
do you have any info on SST’s? Sprout seed teas.,.
Great video John!
So much better to use a yard for growing useful plants instead of a lawn
which is only useful if you have a herd of some good animal to graze on
it. It may take me a few more seasons, but I am going to do it.
Got very interested in that Wild Lettuce you showed. Need to do a search on
the net to find out more about it. Would have been cool to grow it.
Best wishes,
thanks for the tips
Wunderbar !
Great tip there. I will have to give that a go with mine. Thanks for
Oh cool ray, you left annoying neighbors and settled in pot land ! It is a
shame to destroy plants but hey, what can you do ?
not only are they driving out family businesses but this causes the price
of food to go up because of the limited amount of food produced. thus
making food more expensive to those who can’t afford it
5:55 Is that the guy that played the main character in Burn Notice?!! Looks
a lot like him.
I have a problem with these black ants in my strawberries. It’s been
killing my strawberry plants. I’ve been taking them out by hand it has
helped a little. Is there anything else that I can do? Would appreciate
your opinion. Thanks it’ a great video.
I am growing a purple potato this year and can’t wait to try it. Thanks
for showing us to hill the taters, mine will be tall enough to hill very
soon. :))
Keep us posted on the John and Bob’s materials, please!? Not ordering this
year (and you’re right on Boogie EWC)!
thank you, have a nice Sunday LG Frank
Tour of my container garden and 5 tips for growing peppers and determinate
tomatoes in containers.
This is a wonderful application. I used the garden planner last year and
look forward to planning my new 2014 garden.
the more mistakes you make the faster u learn!
John has a Hitler stash at 2:40
I use pelleted Chicken Manure to keep rabbits and squirrels away. Works for
I like this system called Permaculture, also somebody suggested to make
holes on the pots all over to air the roots of the plants so they don’t
cripples the roots inside the containers and the water jus run out of the
container without moisture the roots because are to dense and no soil.
Yes bro Thats awesome! Great video period 🙂 you are for sure rolling Ben!
Awesome tips, and just for those who want to start gardening, cucumbers and
tomatoes give you the biggest yield because you can pick the vegetable as
it ripens and the plant will produce more. Have fun.
SUB ➃ SUB and ADVERTISE YOURSELF on my channel & my videos!
– I also automatically allow ALL video responses on all of my
vids, so you can promote your videos! – Let’s help each other!
Watch my videos, rate them, favorite them, just let me know and I’ll
return the favors! (Sometimes I get busy here, but I always try to help
people who help me!)
Terry, actually you are suppose to let the frost hit them many times, the
more frost hits the sweeter they get. The first year I didn’t do this and
got some sprouts, last year I found out about this process in late Aug or
early Sept so they didn’t develop like they should of. This year I should
get a whole bunch since I’m doing it early, they should be done around mid
to end of Oct, they need the cool weather to grow right. They should really
look like Palm Trees when you’re done in the fall
It’s strange to see something that grows naturally to be considered
illegal. Very strange day indeed!
In the middle ages, in Europe, the serfs were not allowed to hunt, because
all game belonged to someone. They also had to give a percentage of crops
they grew to the landowners, so the only uncontrolled food source they had
was the ocean. Having said that, don’t eat fish from the Pacific.
Dat booty tho………damn
Want to stop your plants being destroyed by pests such as slugs, aphids or
cabbage worm? In this video, we demonstrate natural pest control techniques
which can help you to reduce harmful pests and stop them from damaging your
fruit and vegetables. We explain which methods work best for different
types of pests, as well as how to use natural predators and barriers for
future protection:
Natural Pest Control for Healthy Plants in your Vegetable Garden
Good luck on the blue potatoes. I tried them last year. My coworker gave me
a few. They were small but I didn’t wait until the plant died off so really
that was my fault. They were good though. A bit firmer potato than some
others I’ve had. Really beautiful though! Thanks for the reminder on
hilling up. Time to do that to mine. Nice video. The picture is so clear.
I like waxing off too
Good planning can make all the difference to the amount and quality of food
produced by your vegetable garden.
In this video we present 5 questions that are at the heart of good garden
planning and show how to draw up the plans you require. We then demonstrate
how the Garden Planner reduces the need for research and guess-work, so
that in a very short space of time you can create a personalised plan for
your most successful garden ever:
How to Plan a Vegetable Garden: Design Your Best Garden Layout
If you love growing your own food, why not try our online Garden Planner
which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…
A community garden would be a fun idea for a mobile home situation.
Bringing people together to grow things would help people get along better.
Living in such close quarters can be stressful at times. A garden for
everyone would really relieve some of that stress.
I meant my soil is very sandy.
You went to New Jersey since its the garden state.
Use red worms, a bee hive, caterpillars (butterflies) and lady bugs…get
those cross-pollinators in there!!!! More mulch to retain moisture. Get
more land. Be fully off-grid and totally self-sustainable. Get out of the
suburb (too much risk).
Hey Wayne, one of my coworkers was telling me about the jiffy peat plugs
growers. You know the plugs that expand in water. You then put your seed
into them. I got a small jiffy green house planter for my patients at work.
It has 10 spots with ten plugs. I got it because it was clean for the
environment I work in. I planted new pumpkin seeds in there 4 germinated
and are growing. The remainder got moldy and did nothing. Do you have any
experience with these peat plugs planters? If so have you had this problem
with them? I’m trying to figure out if it is the jiffy plugs or maybe bad
seeds that I just bought.
Wow very sexy outfit
No actually, once the Cauliflower is ready for the elastic bands I’ll do a
video on it, you need to stop the sun from hitting the head or they grow
and turn black
Oh i would love to see the police come and take them out thatd be so much
fun to watch haha :)
Ezekiel 34:2 "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel;
prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Woe to you
shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds
take care of the flock?
Ezekiel 34:3 You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and
slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock.
Ezekiel 34:4 You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound
up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the
lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally.
This dude is a shmuck, is ugly, and looks like something dragged in off the
street. This girl could do a lot better. I think I’ll block this channel
just so I won’t get this crap in my suggestions widget again. How utterly
Great how-to! We’ll be planting potatoes this weekend. Can’t wait!
You Talk To Much About Nothing John.
That is a great garden, thanks for the tour.
Here in australia where I live my sand is alkaline and black sand. The
composting facility up the road is $40 per cubic meter, which is made from
the towns people green waste bin picked up once a month.. It has rubbish,
large sticks and it stinks. It is horrible. Have to make my own.
Is this a re-upload? Seems like this was on already…
Six minutes into this & still no real information! Just to listening
patiently, hoping for content.Nope, "trees" etc.
Great vid..thanks for the tips!
should you do this with cauliflowers as well
If you compost those plants wont like the substance inside the plant and
into the soil and into the food you eat? I dont know that might not even be
possible was just wondering :)
Why is alex jones a propaganda machine for Republicans?
No tits
Thanks for sharing the tip. I don’t know if purple potatoes grow in my zone
8-9. I normally only grow red and white.
I was only able to hill my potatoes once this year but i did cover them
with some hay. We will see if that makes a difference on yield. I was also
about a month late because i lost my first crop due to soggy ground and
rains in Feb.
To anyone that digs trenches for planting potatoes. If you live in an area
which could receive to much rain, don’t dig your trenches below grade or
you will just have a pool of mud and rotten potato seeds.
I leaned my lesson and now draw up a row and then plant the seeds at or
slightly above grade (usually a 2-3" deep furrow). then i take and cover
the potatoes, as they grow, with the dirt i had from creating the furrow
and also pull dirt up from in between the rows.
Sea water is salty and polluted. Kelp is good but I am starting to question
where products are coming from because of Fukushima.
I can’t stand when someone tells me that I cannot plant certain things or
build raised beds.
All I can say is that brother you are making me sweet here in my bedroom
from watching you sweat half to death. Lol. I see a trip to Alaska for my
wife and I
that is way north jersey. Once I get a house and have a huge garden I will
be inviting John to come hang out!
I love what he has done with his place. It is like an Oasis in the middle
of Suburbia. Better than lawn any day.
Great stuff my brother!
June I’am glad your family is over there visiting with you’ll… I hope you
guys have a good visit…
Great channel. I live just east of Toronto and I have tried growing sprouts
twice doing exactly what you are doing. Both times it failed. Not sure if
it was the variety I planted or what but they never developed before the
frost hit.. Anxious to see if it works for you..Take care. Terry
Lol, that little pot plants got you nervous? Ya know there’s practically
whole little fields of the damn things Along Wyoming and here in
Colorado…although the ones in Colorado might have a little more help
spreading then most. =3
How long could you and your family survive with the food you have on hand
right now?
1 Week, 1 Month, 3 Months or longer?
Now what would you do if you couldn’t buy any food anywhere for any amount
of money?
5 Bucks says she cheats on him when he’s gone!
Great video! Very helpful! A little too much product placement for me
I really like the colour of those Potatoes, I got to get some of those
soon! "Wow"
Nice informative video, thanks Misilla!
Happy Gardening
Marty ware
Peat Moss is acidic.
I dump everything in a pile and mix with a shovel then shovel up and amend
the soil one time with the mixture. A concrete mixer works great and you
can pour what you need into a bucket.
Why aren’t you using woodchips for water retention?
I have never lived in a mobile home; it is very unlikely I ever will. So
why is this such a wonderful and inspiring video for me? John is a real
missionary for real food and organic gardening and his message is a clear
one: come on everybody! No matter where you live you too can do this. Great
video. And to the guy whose garden this is in South Florida I say: hats off
to you. This is an impressive garden.
John! you are always such a inspiration to us! Raw Living For Life!
Hi John, thanks for coming to the East Coast! I’m up here in Central Maine
and this feels pretty close to "home"! 🙂
This was good, Thanks John
good video!!! Also that tower you made you might want to paint everything
cause you will get algae build up fast…
It’s the love dance.
Looks like it could be just industrial hemp. There would have been fields
of of these plants post 50’s grown for its fibre (among other things) for
use in the textile industry. Not really any physcoactive properties to it
so it’s a sham it’s gets lumped together with marijuana. Cool find.
Okay, I understand Alex & his gang are trying to promote the "info war" but
it’s becoming a little too sensationalized now these days. The very real
things he discusses are NOT for entertainment purposes but should be an
attempt to wake people up. I think if this is viewed as a show & ONLY that,
it then causes more complacency then not knowing what’s going on at all.
Love how they post their home address below and then show video of how he’s
not home when he’s out doing his band thing…hmmm. But we live in lala
land so I’m sure nothing will happen. Maybe you guys can make a video of
where you hide your spare house key. Maybe it would be a good idea to get
a P.O. Box instead after you move. Faith in mankind is nice but posting
your physical address is crazy.
That’s awesome 🙂
I’m growing my Potatoes with my beans too…. it’s my first time growing
potatoes let’s see what happens
This demonstration has a great point! This video could really add another
information about organic fertilizer. It is good to know that the value of
microbes could also be very useful too.
Great video, thanks for posting. Feel motivated again now
John, your vid shows the limit of OMRI Cert., . While the compost at this
company is in compliance with OMRI standards, thier source product remains
questionable. Any homeowner could have sprayed thier lawn or plants with
2,d4, Diazinon, etc. The same limit applys to any commercialy produced
organic fert- with 85% of the worlds cotton being GMO, what are the odds of
getting organic cottonseed meal? The same applies to blood & bone meal-were
the cattle raised organicly? probably not, so it remains Our responsibility
to grow our food as organicly as possible. Everyone needs to understand the
limitations of any certifcation program.
What!!!!!!!!…. ahhhh… ICE CEAM BANANA!!???? ahhhh yay!!!! you are not
my favorite channel on youtube.
Yes it’s a strange day INDEED!
I’ve watched so many economics videos and I’ve learned some stuff but I
still felt pretty confused about economics. I watched “Easy Economics” by
Brian Nelmes, and now I just get it. He made it so simple to understand
and offered a solution that actually made sense to me. Seriously guys
everyone needs to understand the things in that video.
2:33-2:40 What is the name of that song?
Great ideas about growing herbs indoors, you can then transplant them
outside in your #Durango Landscaping
Great how to! I should be planting my potatoes in a few days !
Do you have lots of worms in your soil John?
Great video! Perfect timing too because my mom is thinking about moving
into a mobile home park and I wondered if she can have a garden. We just
need to find one with sunny yard. Thanks John!
My town also provides a limited amount of free mulch / forest product
compost every year. First come, first serve. I think its a wonderful thing!
this vid is both inspiring and sad for me…..:( I live in Montana, limited
on what we can grow…..just had -40 degrees last month…..ugh. I love
gardening tho!!
Look at the food prices, the onerous levels of taxation and regulation put
on farmers and ranchers and the land grabs by the BLM – this is Agenda 21 –
UN regulated starvation of humanity through steady erosion of the food
Jenny has great hamstrings!
thank you for this video and the rest. slowly making my way through all of
Enjoyed the visit with you today…hilling potatoes…I had forgotten all
about hilling them. Haven’t had a garden since we moved to a sub-division
about 7 years ago. I do miss it & will hopefully try to grow some things in
our small shady yard at some point. When I grew up hilling potatoes was one
on my jobs when the time came. Fun to see your children & the chicks! Have
a great weekend.
Free Fertilizer at Freefertilizer,INC it organic just Google
your welcome.
i invest many hundreds of dollars in my garden every year. lol
very cool, i wonder what it would take to convince a town/city to do this
So inspiring!
Don’t take this the wrong way, but wow, they made the thumbnail for this
the map they showed. (10:14) (It’s funny because of the videos title)
Are they married?
Thank you for showing us how to hill. So it is o.k. to cover the bottom
leaves as you hill?
I am saddened by the fact that I live in the farm belt, and the products
you are showing are NOT available to me by the local Farm Co-Op. Even
Walmart here doesn’t carry organic products unless it’s from a company like
Miracle-Gro (which I don’t trust to be truly chemical free). I have to
MAIL-ORDER everything which greatly ups the cost because of the
shipping/handling. sigh.
Love this!
awesome! Beautiful organic compost – great that they make the mulch
available to residents for free. I love the smell of compost as well!
Thanks for taking us on a tour even tho you were on vaca!
Thanks for the upload man. this was an awesome video
Wife and I built two large raised beds and we are going to try to raise
plants from seeds by covering our beds with a plastic dome. Not sure how it
will go but we are excited. We started a worm farm last fall so we are
The fisherman should set up a market, and local people should shop there!
They could have local farmers as well, and crafts, all local stuff
Bring Local back!
Thumbnail of the day goes to…
Blue potatoes are my favorite. I often have trouble finding them though, so
I don’t grow them every year. You’re lucky to have them!
Love it! Thanks John, for all the great info and all that you do!
Starting to sound like great results cannot be had without buying
"products"… ugh…
I was really trying to avoid that ~
How many cubic yards in those super totes?
Thanks for the video, very inspirational!
I am just excited to see our temps warm up.. really cold this winter.. as
far as growing I want to move my garden area and start a new one.. I hope
it happens..:) enjoy our nice weather..
If you can get out of America do it NOW! Before you will be no longer
allowed to fly.
I love that Travis had only been in Jessie’s company few hours and started
to talk like him ‘yo’ ‘for real’ aha cutie 😛 p.s i hope their friend wasnt
drunk driving :’)
Thank-you for that..Awesome video as always!
Remember, not all potatoes will respond to hilling methods, due to how the
tubers develop. Only specific varieties, namely the indeterminates.
Everyone should just mulch with straw, deciduous tree leaves, or wood chips
instead of buying humus and carbon. Mulching with these things is very
effective in encouraging fungi and long term humus and carbon in the soil.
I also recommend using gaia green rock dust, ive seen prices as low as $18
for 50lbs. Compost is cheap if buy the normal stuff, you dont gotta buy the
expensive one. Tilling and turning of soil is damaging to the entire soil
food web.
I ended up harvesting my compost early, sifting it thru a 3/4 inch grate so
its not as fine as I wanted… But I did it all and planted my Chard,
Broccoli, carrots, Cilantro, snow Peas and Watermelon… Wish me luck !
you growing a mustache???
i wish i knew about the give away along time ago :(
Awesome garden!
I’m planning a greater variety of Sweet peppers this year.
Harvest Chives And Parsley
Christopher Wong of Young Urban Farmers teaches how to harvest chives and
parsley. These are 2 very popular herbs grown in gardens. Use Chris’ tips
to make sure you get the most of your garden herbs.
For more planting and gardening tutorials from Christopher Wong visit the
Home section of
#garden #herbs #harvest
I would NEVER let them touch my kids. i dont understand and will never
understand these parents that put their kids thru this.
was ed drink driving??
Love this, thanks! :O)
I used plastic bins to grow my potatoes. I place a bit of soil and compost
in the bottom and plant the potatoes in there and then pile in more soil
and compost as the potatoes grows up until the bin is full.
I guess he hasn’t gotten his aloe pups in the mail yet.
I would absolutely love to have a composting facility near me.
I need seeds aswell I’m planning a large garden this year for me and the
I like how John remains humble and shows his guests respect by not talking
over them and listening attentively. It’s a little thing, but it shows
Sitting by the window tapping….. wishing for warmer weather….. so I can
go out to play!! warmer warmer warmer….. (kind of like the Mervyn’s lady
with open open open) :-)
David knight you and sakari Jackson do an amazing job keeping info wars
alive .. Keep u the great work !
Matter of fact if I continue to hear alex jones immature ignorant comments
I will be canceling my prison planet memberships the people know exactly
what’s I’m talking about gn I’m so annoyed By alex jones the people Are
starting to see right through him ..
That was NOT a tiny spider!
And hopefully, Jessie’s friend(the driver) was just acting foolish, because
if he was drunk that’s bad.
Ha! I am growing the blue potatoes as well! They are pretty cool little
Exactly John! Learn as you grow.. That is what I have been doing since last
May when I started watching your videos … I’m near Fort Myers Florida, so
I love these videos !!! Thanks again for uploading
yes I’m on Kauai and finally made it to the compost place. Was able to get
1 1/2 trashcans filled for 10 bucks. I also got a leaf blower/mulcher and
have been putting the mulched leaves on plants.
I wish I could have gone to the Heirloom Expo! I live far away. Maybe next
year. I need to find a place to garden this year. No place yet. But I got
to have my garden :)
Quite a bit in that small of a space. He’s got some excellent creative
gardening skills.
Beautiful plant, we discovered it by accident last year in a mixed wild
flower seed pack. I now have a special place in my gardens each year for
this because of how much the bees loved it last year. Currently we have
around 40 plants growing almost ready for summer.
Im going to grow 20+ varieties of cherry type or smaller tomatoes. That
includes the new fad indigo tomatoes. We will see how black they truly are.
Every year it is exciting to clear the beds and sort of paint/sculpt the
garden with plantings. I just like watching it grow.
Go Dave !
DAMN! Wanna bang Jenny someday. Hand to say it. lol
Great video Misilla, can’t wait till the purple potatoes grow, good luck
and happy growing! :)
that’s a gorgeous front yard IMO.
One step further, just buy a Mobile Home Park like this guy and share with
the residents. 🙂
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope you enjoyed your visit to Hawaii.
Come back again soon!
Hey John, between getting a new job and such I haven’t been digging into my
e-mail until recently. I’ll get my envelopes out as quickly as I can.
Thanks for all the amazing videos.
Published on Dec 3, 2013
John goes on a field trip to visit sDr. Bob Randall’ Permaculture Food
Forest in Suburban Houston, Texas. In this .28 acre lot bob grows over 150
varieties of fruit trees, a raised bed vegetable garden and more. In this
episode you will learn how he is growing many different types of plants
using permaculture principles. During this episode John will give a tour of
the property and share many of the different types of plants growing at
this suburban food forest. John will also interview Dr. Randall and ask him
some questions about permaculture and some new ways to get you to think
about your organic home garden. After watching this episode you will be
sure to learn some new ways and techniques that you can use to have a more
successful garden in the future.
To learn more about Dr. Bob Randall, visit:
Thank you for posting this video. Our house is on the NorCal coast, 300
feet from the ocean. Phacelia looks like it will be a great addition to our
informal garden.
Just looked at the forecast for next week… one night has a low of minus
1F and the next a low of minus 8F so that makes me feel like spring is
forever away 🙁 Aside from the unusual temps, I would like to try growing
corn again (will use BT this time) and have another go at outdoor celery. I
definitely want to try low tunnels for the cabbage.
More exaggerating
Nice the chicks are getting so big, I got mine and they are great, 🙂 Sorry
I have not posted any vids about them, I’ve barely had any time to watch
videos let alone make any, LOL My potatoes are not growing at all, I think
there is something wrong with the whole lot of them but I found some
volunteers from last year, Great video, :)
Good job!
when gardener on the phone said "you cant grow that here in Florida!" i
would have simply and nicely said " then why do they sell the seeds for it
here in Florida?" lol
How about some video of the grinder … those things are cool. I wish
someone would make a small version of that for home use so I could grind up
my own compost.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I got my seeds today! I am so excited I can not wait to grow them. I was
wishing I grew them this last year but never bought them… Next year
because of you I will have them. Thanks again :D
Those fruit trees are planted way too close together. He may have some
success, but not as much as if he planted them further apart so they don’t
shade each other.
Thanks but we prefer you showing some free tips first. It important to most
of us how your growing.
I think my grow room as its new and winter and what I can start for the
But it would be nice to have worms too I am working on it.
Dave ;-)
It’s simple! Stop flying! What so hard to understand.
Best prank ever: Put Travis and Jeana in a room with bugs and lock them
Beautiful video
Lovely and inspiring.
Mix vinegar and salt and spray those bees to get rid of them.
A nice tour of a garden maintained by a guy with a great attitude. For
plant ID tags I use modelers enamel paint on a rock.
whats the stuff under ur nose lol?
hi john, enjoy all your vids, thanks, look forward to my vegetable seeds
from you,can’t wait
I’m a young adult (23) studying horticulture where I live in New Zealand,
and I’m learning heaps from this channel. Organic gardening for the win! I
hope one day to do companion planting like this on a commercial scale.
Well, I’m dreaming of tomatoes. Ray is sending me some of his Beefsteak
seeds. He’s sending a few other plants, but off the top of my head, I
can’t remember what they are. As far as worms, the compost is where I go
to get mine for fishing.
Why does every person on youtube just put bugs back outside? I would have
just smashed it with a shoe lol
How much stuff are you supposed to put over the potato plants?
Love the story and the fight you two gave!!!! Bless you!!!
meant take breaks
just watching 10 sec but i love that shirt!
Yeah!! just an fyi, Shanghai boy choi grows really well right now in South
Florida. I’ve recently (through John’s influence, of course) gotten all my
seeds at Baker’s Creek, they really are doing us a service in maintaining
I really like your videos, keep growing.
I’m excited for spring because I’ve decided to install new raised beds and
to completely redesign my front and back yard. It’s going to be a challenge
but I’m ready for a change. Happy New Year Kim and Camera Guy!!!!! All the
best to two of my absolutely favorite youtubers!!!!
This world is going to be so much peaceful when you cave people go extinct.
Drunk tavis is drunk….
Hi friends! Here’s a short video on what to do next after planting
potatoes. Have a great day!
Very inspiring!
Like the table!.going to be a nice warm weekend.enjoy the weather Troy.
John it is absolutely great that you share the successes in hard to grow
locations! That is one of my goals is to show on the opposite end of the
spectrum that you can grow quite well and a wide variety of fruits and
Yes! i’m a Winner, Envelopes in the Mail. Thanks John.
Musa "blue Java" (aka Ice Cream Banana) is hardy to 26F, I’ve read. I’ve
got a couple of babies(ice cream banan plants) in a north Dallas suburb, so
I do hope that 10F is accurate.
I will be moving from a nice size yard with eastern exposure in the
suburbs, to an 8 ft balcony with southern exposure in the city. I’m so
excited even though I’m losing space. I want to see how my new garden will
flourish in full sun. I can’t wait. -Nicole in Fl
Wait, how many days behind are we? I’m confused.
Hi friends! Here’s a short video on what to do next after planting
potatoes. Have a great day!
good job
Why not mow half of the chicken run and let the other half grow to see what
the birds prefer?
Yea!!! I won! LOL
Sorry about your injury, hope you get better REALLY soon!
Happy New Year Kim! I am excited about the sweet peppers that I am planting
this year. I have two varieties already started for six weeks and I just
planted seeds for four more varieties two days ago. I am going to raise
these in the house. I will plant some later again in March that I plant in
soil and containers. I am also excited by plant watermelon and some midget
cantaloupe.. All of these are varieties that can grow in short grow season
that I have. Last but not least, I have three varieties of eggplant. I have
been growing lettuce and Swiss chard in the house this winter. I should be
able to start harvesting both next week.
Jenny has a new outfit for gardening 🙂 While I spend a drunken night in
Hi friends! Here’s a short video on what to do next after planting
potatoes. Have a great day!
Hey, Drummond! <3
So cool to hear about something awesome happening in your corner.
Awesome idea, beautifully done!
Now you’ll have to get some screen for your porch to keep the bugs out!
looks great Troy! This year I planted all my vine plants like cucumbers and
melons on a home made trills I made from fence post and rope to keep them
off the ground and it doesn’t take up near the room, I live in town with a
very small yard but my goal this year was to put out as much veggies as I
can in a small space.
Thanks can"t wait for my seeds,HOORAY!
I plan to add 50 raised beds and opening my garden up to those in need.
This way they will have a place to get fresh produce free of charge.
Hi friends! Here’s a short video on what to do next after planting
potatoes. Have a great day!
Just found your video. Bravo for you for standing up for front yard
gardening! Yours is a beautiful garden. Much envy
Carpenter bees bore holes = fungus and rot in your wood….kill them.
Thank you so very much, John, for choosing me to be one of the winners.
Ive put my envelopes and choices in the mail tonight to be picked up
Monday! So very excited to be able to win Baker Creek seeds and Im going
over there to order a few more! WHOO HOOO!
I have learnt a lot from everyone. As beginner I am just looking forward to
having a functional garden that I can eat from. I am getting all sorts of
ideas from you guys. I’m not even sure what I want to grow when spring
comes. I have planted some garlic and maybe I will have lots of greens and
sweet corn.
Hi friends! Here’s a short video on what to do next after planting
potatoes. Have a great day!
Wonderful Garden.
Looking good Troy. now the coop on the highest setting. Really good job…
Whoo Hoo! I got my top 3 picked out. Thank you John!!!!!!! 🙂
Also, will there be a YouTube channel designated to this project?
Long time until spring hit here 😉 Still sowing watermelon & cucumber seeds
here.. Will be great to see what everyone plants once spring rolls around
up North..
The last thing the elite want is the regular folk growing their own food,
becoming educated and freeing themselves from the diseased grip of the
industrialized food system.
be aware
Hi Troy…those bees are carpenter bees. We have them here in MD. They make
holes in the wood of your house and they will get right up in your face if
they think you are bothering them. We’ve never been stung by them. They are
more a nusiance, I thimk.
SNAP! I got an email from you today saying I am one of the winners of the
seed give away!! Before the day was done I completed the required tasks.
Now I wait. Just want to say THANK YOU!!!!! Next season I will have a
pretty cool story of how I attained a certain plant that my friends and
family are enjoying the fruit of.
Yes!!! This is it! I love this…it’s catching on. This is what my Youtube
channel is about. I am from the sister Island of The Commonwealth Of
Dominica! I recommend you all make a facebook page also!
I am excited for so much this coming year. Mostly it is going to be making
a grid method instead of a row method at the cottage. I realized how much
space I wasted just making lanes to walk, and I thought. How silly is this!
I am going to be planting in 5 foot X 5 foot blocks with a little 1 foot
walk path in between. Maximum capacity planting! it will be totally
Wonderful video and terrific story-from start to finish. Thank you!
Isn’t the fence setup so you can mow a lap around the outside of it from
time to time? An easy way to keep everything in check except the trees.
thanks can’t wait for my seeds
We have a lot of gophers,moles and ants which make it hard to plant fields
or a garden i have to put some old galvanized tin under my raise beds.
Gardening is a lot of good excise
I *GUARANTEE* that worm castings and worm tea are good for your garden!!!
What am I excited about? I’m excited about having my hoop house ready for
spring planting! Cheryl and I are building a commercial grade hoop house
(polytunnel). We’re nearly finished! Watch the Itsy Farm channel this year
because we will be posting the gory details of the construction, including
ALL the travails of two *old* farts trying to do work that twenty
somethings should be doing! The *Itsy Farm Hoop House Saga* ! Maybe others
can learn from our mistakes. (Maybe they’ll learn to hire a darn contractor
to do it!!)
Posted new video: Understanding the Organic Garden
How wonderful your garden looks and that the city had some sense! I, too,
have my garden in the front because of better sun exposure. Good luck with
this year’s garden and enjoy the fruits of your labors and your land.
Those are carpenter bees. They burrow holes into your wood. The males
hover around on patrol while the females are in there hole making babies.
Be interesting to see if the oil works. I have to use some wasp and hornet
killer and it still take a few hits to kill them sometimes.
wow john thank you, thank you
I like the raise beds, think it the only way to go for a small garden,
unless commercial garden and have farm equipment to do fields, beside you
don’t have to bend over as much and can set on the sides.less weeding
I’m with you Kim! I’m very excited about this new season and definitely
cannot wait to get started. I’ve been perusing the seed catalogues and
stores online. I think I might try some new plants on my balcony garden and
thinking about some new tomato varieties for the community garden. Worms
bins are really fun! And it is nice to think about getting free worm
casting! Happy new year to you and your family!
Drummondville’s Front Yard Vegetable Garden –
It was about 120 in my living room today with the sun beating on the side
and no air it was also 94% humidity so the sweat did no good, can’t wait
for the 100 plus day’s in the next few week’s. I miss the North East ;-(
John from is doing a Heirloom seed give away, check
his youtube channel out for great organic gardening techniques! #aquaponics
"all ive seen you do is stick the sticks in the ground"
and your point is?
I’m letting my seeds that dropped last year (heheh, it’s official now) grow
up how they want and fostering the ones who like to grow, hopefully it’s
the greens I love to eat best.
I try not to get too excited, cause if I do I get barned out (you know if
you live in a barn and it’s great, but then live there to long never going
out and get so sick of it? Like that) I just try to maintain a mildly happy
glow about the whole thing, sustainable gardening.
Hopefully in talkin about being excited so much you don’t get a jealous
type along who’ll claim that the whole excited thing was their idea, but
they’re happy they could inspire you, and kinda claim your vid. It’s rare,
but has been known to happen 🙂
I’m playin, but I do love your vids, while trying not to get too excited,
but it’s difficult. I am already thinking of spring, what amount of bs I’ll
spread around (no, not bull, but bunny stuff)
I need to get more into kale is what I need, the kale I planted seemed to
get choked out by other greens. I like putting in the nitro for greens,
then I can add other stuff early spring so it will be ready for the warm
Thanks for the great vid 🙂 didn’t mean for this to get so long
Oh my goodness, the poppy pods are so pretty. They have a lovely Asian
architecture about them. The dried pods on their stems, would look gorgeous
in a vase tied with a natural or organic ribbon, such as 1/2 inch burlap,
or something similar. Thanks for sharing, Vivian!
you can’t compare tomatoes to peppers. tomatoes certainly have million more
benefits than peppers. besides that you can’t eat peppers all day long.
Your garden is beautiful — you have inspired me to start going in my front
yard. Like you we do not get enough sun. Merci pour le partage.
Cheers Patrick
An idea for the porch would be to take some screening materials and hang it
from the top and temperately anchor to the bottom, once it gets colder
unhook the bottom and roll it up and zip tie to hold it up. This will help
against mosquitoes that are most likely as bad as they are where I am in
Michigan, I have already killed a ton today.
I am sorry John, please take care as the body can move well and we can work
well if no pain or broken parts of the body.
Organics dark side is Blood meal and Bone Meal fertilizers in my opinion
(Bone meal is a mixture of finely and coarsely ground animal bones and
slaughter-house waste products).So basically your feeding your plants
Factory farmed gmo fed, possibly diseased animals left over blood/ body
parts. Yummy. Not really all the organic one can argue.
*AWESOME Video **+CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY**!*
*I’m excited to learn and start growing with hydroponics and aquaponics.*
I’m also excited to grow some of the seeds that I’ve swapped for using the
resources that I outline in this video (How To Get Heirloom Seeds (a couple
of options)).
I don’t know if I’ll be settled into a new place soon enough to have an
all-out garden but as soon as I am, I want to vermipost as well! I hope it
works out for you. Are you making your own worm bins or buying some?
*Great Winter Gardening Video!* :-)
I also love the looks of seed heads of many flowers/herbs and have saved
seeds from them before. I usually put them in paper envelopes and they seem
to stay well. Thanks for showing your progress and I love the flower
pictures you post.
YAY! you should be called the happy gardener!
Lawns are stupid
Still think you should consider building a pole barn around your motor home
instead of building anothe small home. The motor home has everything you
need already done. Why reinvent the wheel? In a SHTF situation, you would
be further ahead.
Someone clarify for me – Should the envelope be mailed as soon as I sign
up, or later when the directions are sent? I got an email but only a
confirmation that I signed up.
Can you use the weekly feed on gardens with soil. My raised beds already
have the soil in it. This is the first time that I heard of this
sawdust/sand method.
forgot to mention…the comfrey "tea" smells a LOT ! , so put it somewhere
away from the house :D
Kim oddly enough I have a response video for this just waiting on something
in the mail 🙂
Collecting seeds from the late spring garden. Some words as well on the
blog today!
I love the expression and enthusiasm you put into your videos : )
Lawns are stupid
What did I do wrong????
I put the sweet potato in a little bit of water, its been about 4 days
now… It is starting to get mold on it…. Any suggestions???
find some goats to take down out side fence
post a video of making your recipe with the cilantro…and how you sprout
buckwheat?…very interested to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you do about pests? I tried to crow crucifers here in the Houston
area once and they were covered in cabbage loopers. Do you spray something?
This stuff is awesome
I grow 12 different kinds of tomatoes an 18 different kinds of peppers from
sweet to ultra hot an 4 different kinds of water melons….. just saying
that makes me want to start planting out doors but I have to start them in
doors….In till March I always draw out my plans so I know what is going
where in the raised beds an it’s fun for the kids
I like your energy
They were so fortunate to not have to take down their garden. We have
people in, Orlando, who grew beautiful vegetable gardens in their front
yards, too, but were forced to tear them up and plant a lawn. Terrible.
Why don’t you start a bee hive? It will draw the bees to the hive and away
from your home.
I joined the email list to claim my free seed packet but I don’t think it
worked. It didn’t even ask for my address. Where is the free seed packet?
The results you’ve highlighted are remarkable. I purchased the Mittleider
library and have been going through the course material. Have you tried the
Mittleider gardening method using soil based beds? That’s the route I’m
going this year. Great video!
Amen on the wine Kim 🙂 honestly I’ll just be happy when my beer mug quits
freezing to my hand 🙂 I’m trying some peppers I’ve never grown before
(scorpions) and they are supposed to be pretty hot so I’m looking forward
to that and I’m looking forward to what everyone is doing 🙂
4:20 love it! I just started getting into gardening,and I have about 6-7
pepper plants and only 2 types of tomato,peppers win! sadly though the
tomato plant is starting to produce,waiting impatiently on my peppers
That is so Awesome!!
Thank you.
Well, it was 33c when I came in from the outside (4pm). So, it has warmed
up. I have found a house I like so am working on getting that. So
hopefully in a couple months I’ll start making a on grid home to off grid.
It’s perfect and like what my long lost missing wife and I talked about.
Just wanted it on 10 acres and not 6. Be bless in the name of Adonai Troy
and Shabbat Shalom.
I use at least three feet between beds. When plants mature in beds they
will really restrict your movement in isles.
My sister helped me build raised beds last winter and this was a fun season
of growing and learning.
The results you’ve highlighted are remarkable. I purchased the Mittleider
library and have been going through the course material. Have you tried the
Mittleider gardening method using soil based beds? That’s the route I’m
going this year. Great video!
Sounds crazy to be excited about worm composting? What do you mean? I
thought that was perfectly normal! :D
I can my own sauce, so tomatoes win. Great video, thanks for sharing.
Is your garden in the front or the back?
Work when it’s cooler. Here people get up at 5 or 6 am as it is getting
light, work until noon, or until it is too hot. Then lunch and a siesta,
take a proper sleep. Get up around 6 pm ready to work in the garden again
for a couple of hours or more. I try to keep to this regime, it is good
when it is too hot.
Sorry for the ignorance but I have heard peat based compost is bad because
harvesting it is destroying ancient environmental spaces that take 1000’s
of years to recover. I have been told not to use peat based compost, so as
you are an organic farmer that cares about the environment, why do you use
peat based compost?
I subscribed to the email list but didn’t see a section to claim the free
seeds or enter my physical address.
You could use this method to support your garden while building a great
soil. I plan to use it in the garden while setting up my aquaponic system.
Good videos, thanks for taking the time.
I’m looking forward to doing many new things during the new growing season.
I plan to really change things up in 2014. Incorporating my veggies and
fruits into my food jungle has already been both a challenge and a whole
lot of fun. As for the worm composting, I know exactly how you feel, Kim. I
was so excited to get my worms. I see a lot of compost tea in our futures.
Tomatoes taste so much better
Change the way you live, while the choice is yours.
Troy, In the beginning of your video those large bees are carpenter bees or
wood borers. You can tell the difference with the large bees by there butt.
If there butt is yellow it is a bumble bee, if there butt is black it is a
carpenter bee. The carpenter bee bores a whole usually in 2×4’s the exact
size of there body and about 11/2 into the wood. This is the way they nest.
What I usually do is look for the wholes the size of a carpenter bee and
fill them with caulk. You have to stay rather persistent with those because
they are persistent. On another note it appears you are coming along rather
well, Good job !
Where did you get the end brackets
Thanks John, Looking forward to your email with address. Have to laugh…I
had a 2nd window open typing out what all you were offering then checking
out rareseeds 🙂 Also laughed at you liking long skinny eggplant just the
way like your girls LOL!
This is a fairly bad representation of organic gardening.
you could make a defense weapon with all that pepper
Beautiful garden and story, keep up the good fight! We all benefit from
your work and courage.. Thank you!
Straight in with a cat shot. Now your learning.
What do you mean by succession planting?
Love this guys Channel
Hmmmmmm. I’ll keep my mouth shut on this one, so as to not cause a war.
I have a serrano pepper plant and a anaheim pepper plant and a cherry
I wonder what sad person actually went through the trouble of filing a
complaint about their garden.
Using nature a better way to sustain us!
Why the instructions on the water? Why no cold water? I use the hose, but
frankly my peppers are not doing to well.
I suggest doing a nutrient analysis on the two broccoli heads and report
which has more nutrients. I suspect the smaller one will be packed with
more nutrition. Most studies on nutrition in vegetables prove that smaller
equals more nutrition and larger equals less nutrition. This sounds counter
intuitive because it is. Scientists found when a plant has to struggle for
nutrition in the soil it actually causes the resulting vegetable to be
smaller and more nutritious.
Cannot wait to try it out!!
Man if your not stoned I would be shocked, but yet you probble don’t spend
allot of time being high since there is way too much work to do in your
garden and be stoned too. Not going to happen, unless something in your
life has changed your garden growing…
Hi! Just wanted to ask what the name of the track at the beginning of the
video is, cheers!!
So all I need is that compost? Do I need to mow the sand under the compost
This man promotes an unsustainable method of agriculture, his words should
be taken with a grain of salt or ignored all together
smoky type peppers are actualy chipotle and it is a way to prepair peppers
not a cultivar of peppers
Love the garden! And how awesome to keep the fight up so all could enjoy
what you have now!!
thanx for sharing your experiences, it empowers us people
i wish you a good, fullfilling life!
And when your plant dies in one of your 12" squares, cry over it and make
it "the weeping square" haha :P
Possible Hydroponic Crop: Organic Vegetables
Important Plant Nutrition for Organic Vegetable Gardens
Dude nice, you got a german T-shirt.
Beautiful front garden and great story!
My heap would be in the area where my dog urinates. Is that considered
Love the video. And thank you for responding to my question regarding the
cheese video!
so this isnt about plant nutrition, its about selling someones crap. Listen
dude – here we have brocolli, cabbage tomatoes a nd etc., gron in compost,
horse shilt compost tea and its blows your SCAMleitner pics away. so enough
of hte crap. Post videos that are educational NOT trying to sell people SHlT
Chew Habanero Pepper and then eat pussy……your chick will burn and
melt………*so do NOT try it!*
wow you said 60 degrees so i looked up Fahrenheit and its 140. That’s
hot!!! didnt think it could get that hot
I love the end braces for the box. Very nice instructional video.
Check out our Flattened Chicken! These birds are ready for the grill – and
just in time for the Spring weather!
I use a product called Bountea which i find is one of the best fertilizers
around. check out the website. Also you will get that broccoli head at
least six times larger than the one in this video guaranteed. bountea dot
i can tell he’s high 1:27 into the video, and i haven’t read any comments
David, this is not word for word. I took your general statements and
condensed some into sentences that still express what you are saying. I
hope this is good enough for your translations. 🙂
Now I just wanted to show you how a compost area might look like. We have
some leaf mulch here, now i spent much of the morning separating 3
different kinds of materials. There was a big pile ontop of that old
compost pile there, we have a lot of these old branches, leaf mulch. What
I’ve also done is shredded bigger branches and this pile here is green
stuff, plenty of flies with vegetable, it will be mixed with brown stuff.
Smaller branches, older compost pile here, lovely black stuff here with
little branches which is important because too much carbon content in soil
will rob nitrogen from soil. Softer branches are okay, bigger branches are
not okay. Before we talk about how we make the compost heap, we talk about
this heap I made two months ago. I made a video on it. We see black stuff
in it, its half decomposed, twigs need to be broken, there is worms, worms
are great. The compost has cooled down and some nasturtium flowers growing
How to make it: use brown carbon materials bark, mulch, paper, cardboard
leaves twigs, then comes water, fungi and bacteria make use of it. Then
branches are the brown and also allow air pockets to come into compost. Air
is important for fungi to break down the heap, green material we use
vegetable peelings, cow manures, then add soil for worms so worms can have
it to break down compost material. Eventually we go back to browns, water,
then greens, every now and then we use an inoculant, which is fungi found
in the forest. Worm castings or adding sweet compost is very good for and
innoculum. Another thing is, different materials in the garden, weeds, food
scraps, leaves, branches, if you can make sure you have a certain amount of
carbon and nitrogen (25:1) if you have these quantities in the right
amount, the decomposition process will do very well. Easiest way to think
of it is a sandwich, brown on the outside and thin layer of green inside.
Also recommend, with higher compost, make levels of brown and green, add
soil in-between, up to a meter or 2 meters, turn it once a day. It will
heat up a lot and adding water will cool it down. I was using a thermostat
to make sure its not above 60C, but u can leave it there for a day and if
its hot to the touch you should turn it and water it, if its not hot then
its okay. You can use this compost for compost tea if you care for it
enough. Bring in microbes from a wormery or an old compost heap that smells
sweet to ensure bacteria. Throw in fungi to innoculate every now and then.
Quickly here, this is hyphen, (fungi decomposing this compost). Hope that
answered a lot of question in regards to making your own compost, This is
different from a wormery that’s a low, 30cm high heap, we feed it by adding
nitrogen and carbon materials and worms as well. Now if you have any
questions drop a comment on Youtube, Facebook or private message me, thanks
for watching.
Your’e a pretty cool guy Brandon don’t ever let anyone ever tell you
different! Happy gardening! ;)
It sounds like it’s similar to using azomite (rockdust) along with epsom
salts in very loose soil. I use a few of these nutrients, along with only
manure & compost, and I’m able to get pretty similar results in my gardens.
Wonderful tour! Your plants are healthy and beautiful! So convenient to
have the herbs on your deck…Does the galangal ginger need full sun? I
planted regular ginger in pots. Thanks for sharing :)
Lol. "Ají dulce" means "sweet pepper". :)
thumbs up for the spontaneous nasturtium!
did you like the garden fabric barrier? are you doing it again this year?
we don’t if we should use fabric or wet newspaper/leaves/mulch…
Never. This is true in any gardening situation as long as you are giving
the plants all the nutrients they need. The soil is there to support the
plant, provide aeration and drainage, control temperature and hold
nutrients. Any soil will do that. The sawdust and sand mixture is really
good because it is light so roots grow without a struggle and it is
disease, bug and weed free.
I like your container garden, Donna! Looks great. 🙂
All the best,
Pepper freak!
I am also not much of a fan of the sprinklers. I tried using them last
year. Not only do they water unnecessary areas they create a problems with
fungus and wash away pollen. All the waste water is just watering the
weeds. I switched to soaker hoses this year (not a huge fan of them either)
but they seem to water only what is needed.
Can I use 19-19-19 instead of 15-15-15, I found this one state over… My
blue state does not trust me.
How do you handle ants?
Your container garden is rocking Donna! :)
How appropriate that your wearing a VW shirt while talking about 4:20…I
knew you were a hippie!
It would be awesome if you could a video possibly on beneficial insect
hotel or how to keep beneficial insects around?
I use straw, wood chips, cardboard, and plastic for weed control. But then
again I have 4 extremly large gardens. I like to use recycled plastic from
the local farms. its black on the bottom and white on top. The white helps
reflect some of the sunlight back onto the bottom of the plants and the
black really kills the weeds and holds in heat. You are so lucky that you
can plant outside, I am almost full up in my greenhouse and it was 15
degrees outside last night. NY sux
Beet greens are still very useful! I like growing beets because they are a
2 for 1 vegetable. Delicious sweet beets and tender nutritious beet greens
all in one space. Adding minerals to the plants not only makes the plants
healthier but also more healthy to eat since those minerals get transfered
into the eater. Again, a win-win!
Lovely update Donna
hahaha ur a stonner.. lol anyway im from a tropical country n thinkin
about starting a veg or herb garden can u please give me 3-5 easy plants to
start my lil garden with n tips.. thanks :)
thanks for the video!Gardening is the best medicine for the soul….
Oh my goodness, I’m so ridiculous fishing for those hulls… lol
John, found your NZ Spinach video today. Great work, I loved the video! I
live in MA, I wish I could grow it as a perennial like you are able to. I
will order some seeds right now… I will try that smoothie this year. Keep
up the good work!
That looked like an awesome nursery. Wish we had one like that. Hope the
fabric works for you. I’ve used it before and it works great but I prefer
wood chips because they keep in the moisture and eventually break down and
turn into incredible soil. Looks like you have a nice variety of veggies
planned for this year. I’m looking forward to seeing it grow.
I’m seeking understanding. I guess I’ve missed something along the way
here. How is it sustainable if you do not possess the capabilities to make
or create more of it yourself? (the solution of nutrients, sawdust, sand,
etc.) I just drew my own conclusion from the movie that if Paul, in
earnest, was trying to replicate the Garden of Eden, or even the success of
the woods adjacent to his property, that naturally their would be animals
fertilizing it. Thanks LDSP.
I see that you have terracotta pots but some look like plastic pots. Have
you noticed that one is any better than the other? I have several of those
orange plastic pots and I am putting plants in them for my daughter to grow
on her patio.
Very exciting. Peppers grow better here in Texas than tomatoes anyhow. I
will still grow tomatoes but cherry tomatoes way easier and better in
salads for me… Peppers are healthy and add wonderful color even in
containers 🙂 ! Thanks for the video!! Jalapeno peppers are awesome
filled w cream cheese and wrapped in bacon-then grilled…not as healthy
this way but from time to time awesome appetiser! Cheers :)!
Hi there! I am getting as much info on compost for starting my own in my
tiny garden. But what I don’t understand is: Can I start the pile at any
point of the month? And being the pile out in the open, if it rained a lot,
wouldn’t it get too wet? Doesn’t it need coverage? btw wonderful videos!
Thanks, Izzy
I’ve been raw vegan for 6+ years and I’ve never thought of using all
sunflower greens in a salad like this! Thanks so much for sharing!
Debbie in WA *Ü*
Almost 900 videos!
As I till the garden the tiller naturally makes rows and I sometime then go
back and pull up a little more soil on the rows.
The beets were not covered. If you have seen my other Mittleider videos
you’ll see I don’t have the pvc setup for the cover so I never got them
covered. On the other hand you might notice that my wife’s beets are
covered and have been the whole time. They also get full sun all day while
mine don’t. You are correct it isn’t a fair comparison. My wife had two
very big advantages. Raised beds to warm faster. Another reason to use them
instead of BTE.
Beautiful container garden! Everything looks so healthy.
Our favorite number… LOL
Thanks for your comment again David. It really didn’t seem right to me from
the beginning. I started a new garden and compostpile this year. The new
pile wasn’t heating up as I expected it would do, so that’s why I started
some research on the topic. But I’ll definetly stick to the same conclusion
to keep my pile and garden the natural way instead of the MacDonalds-way 🙂
Besides… who wants to spill beer anyway?? :p
I forgot to mention, for those wanting New Zealand seeds who live overseas,
try checking out King Seeds or for more rarer/heirloom varieties try Koanga
Really Nice! Can you do a video on how to make rows! I have the "Vegetable
Bible" but don’t know how to make the large row hills.
Excellent Video. You and the wife have become an inspiration. I’m sold!!!